WA9402A-ES 011009~~ WATER EASEMENT ~oUNTY OF DALLAS § § KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: STATE OF TEXAS § ~ 5829 ~ ~~ 10/30/41 2915751 (49.00 That the City of Dallas, a Texas municipal corporation, (hereinafter°l~Iled "Grantor' whether one or more natural persons or legal entities) of the County of Dallas, State of Texas consideration of the sum of FIFTY NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN 827. DOLLARS to the undersigned in hand paid by the City of Irving, 825 W. Irving Boulevard, Irving, Texas, 75060, a Texas municipal corporation (hereinafter called "Grantee"), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledgdd and confessed, and the further benefits to be derived by the remaining property as a result of projected public improvements, has granted, sold and conveyed and does hereby grant, sell and convey unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for the purpose of laying, constructing, maintaining, repairing and replacing a water main or mains in, under, through, across and along all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference for all purposes, and herein referred to as the "Easement Area". Grantee is acquiring this property for the purpose of laying, constructing, maintaining, repairing and replacing a water main or mains and appurtenances, according to such plans and specifications as will, in Grantee's opinion, best serve the public purpose. The payment of the purchase price shall be considered full and adequate compensation for the easement rights herein granted. Grantee shall have all other rights and benefits necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use of the rights herein granted, including, but without limiting the same to, the right of ingress and egress over and across the Easement Area for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, inspecting or repairing said water main or mains and appurtenances. Grantee shall have the right to remove and keep removed from the Easement Area any and all structures, fences, trees, shrubs, growths or other obstructions which may endanger or interfere with the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair or operation of the said water main or mains. (Grantor, its successors or assigns, shall not place or store any material upon, or cover, bury, pave over or otherwise obstruct any cleanout, valve, meter or manhole located within the herein described Easement Area.) Grantor, its successors or assigns, shall not be permitted to plant trees or shrubs of any kind within the boundaries of the herein described permanent easement. All expenses in the construction and maintenance of said main or mains and appurtenances shall be borne by Grantee. In the construction of said main or mains and appurtenances, should Grantee find it necessary to remove any improvements now on the Easement Area, all of those expenses shall also be borne by Grantee. Upon completion of construction, all surplus excavation, debris, trash or litter resulting from construction shall be cleaned up and hauled away, and the Easement Area, including any fences disturbed, shall be restored to its original contour and condition. Nothing in this easement shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any connection charge or charges imposed by ordinance or Charter of the City of Dallas. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Grantor also hereby grants temporary construction easement as described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof for the purposes of constructing the water main or mains. Said temporary easement shall automatically terminate after twenty-four (24) months or the completion of the project, whichever occurs first. Said temporary easement shall be used, should the contractor find it necessary,, for the storage of men and/or equipment during construction. Grantee shall cause its contractors to obtain general public liability insurance covering personal injury, Water Easement Page 1 Of 2 zct,~2 12 ~ :~ ~ ~ E ~ D-E Deeds and Easements - D-E Account No.: 512-5 - Resolution No.: - Conveyance Type: WATER MAI ,th or property damage occurring upon, in or about the property conveyed herein and name Grantor ,s additional insured under such policy. Grantee shall cause its contractors and agents to agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Grantor harmless from and against any claims (including, without limitation, personal injury and property damage claims), suits, judgments, settlements, or demands, including reasonable attorneys' fees arising from actions or omissions of Grantee, its contractors or agents, in connection with construction of the Dallas Water Supply Line No.3. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators or successors, to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said easement unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully cl in or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this ~ day of ~. A' irley Approved: Dallas Water Utilities BY: ~ ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS 6iu6m~ ita Citg Att to COUNTY OF DALLAS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on i"I f by Ryan S. Evans, Assistant City Manager of the City of Dallas, a Texas municipal corporation, o behalf of the City of Dallas. Notary Public, State of Texas After recording return to: CITY OF IRYING CITY SECRETARY P0. Box 152288 Irving, Tx. 15015-2288 CITY OF DALLAS TEODORO J. BENAVID~,S, City Manager Assi taut City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Madeleine B. Johnson, City Attorney BY: r~~ Assistant City attorney ,:er!`.~ ~~i~+.~ JESSICARIOS . ~~t''~~''' e =f r~oo.,,, ~,~c '~,~,,Lw~~e~y+{~ cow o~,~~ N, ,.N" ~.....:.r.........,.,......r.~......~._.,,...~ Water Easement 2aa1212 05842 Page 2 of 2 D-E Deeds and Easements - D-E Account No.: 512-5 - Resolution No.: - Conveyance Type: WATER MAI H N O N EXIST. 35' ~~V[~,~U ~Y~~_. JOHN C. REVERS SURVEY CITY OF IRVING ~~7oi PE M. WAT R / ABSTRACT N0. 166 MAIN ESMT. VOL. 98123, PG. 5483 / R R 8c S PROPERTIES, INC. " 85i;~s3" W CITY OF DALLAS TRACT 1 s s2'31'ls" w VOL. 89158, PG. 2346 VOL. 82076, PG. 27 97.05' -- -- POINT OF S 0'16'57" W N 52'31'16" E SCALE: 1"=100' ni-nie ie ue ir+ 44.2T ~~ 169.34' EXIST. 25' S 52'31' 16" w CITY OF DALLAS 157.25' EASEMENT / VOL. 72136, PG. 2553 -- !' I.R.F. 35' PERMANENT EASEMENT I (0.107 ACRES I OR 4662 S.F.) ELM FORK RAW WATER INTAKE STRUCTURE EL LEND ~1 - 1 /2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "SJF" CITY 0 F DALLAS VOL. 3336, PG. 243 SURVEY LINE ~ ~~ ~ I.R.F. BEARING FROM I.R.F. TO FENCE CORNERS 89'43'46" E - 4431.56' LIVELY RIVERSIDE PARTNERSHIP VOL. 82102, PG. 2517 ALEX W. PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1147 CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT ~~G~ TRACT N0.1 CITY OF DALLAS DATE: ~' ZS ~ JULY, 2001 2 o f 2 R: w H ~~ a ~~ U C ~ro ~~ 0 U 0 z I~ 0 0 ,a N ~~ ~o z 0 U U .W O ro w .~ ro Q w Q WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 0 0 N N 50' Lone Q Of aS Utility Esmt. CJl Vol. 4283, Pg. 210 ~~ v S 26'30'21 " E 33.60' 1/2' IRS _~ Monument (3 o ~Zt~ I g w ~ s m~~ I~Survey Line 50' R.O.\ 180' R.O.W. S 89'43'46" E - 0.31' from an Existing Chain Link Fence Corner WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 LEGEND ®- 1 /2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "SJF" • -IRON R00 FOUND Q -MONUMENT FUND JOHN C. REVERS SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 166 R R & S PROPERTIES, INC. VOL. 82076, PG. 27 cm. ~ ~ _CITY OF DALLAS f~ PERM. ESI VOL. 721: PG. 243 Pc. 2553 VOL. 3336, CITY OF DALLAS GTY of I T. U. ELECTRIC vOL. 89158, PG. 2346 ~ 981 VOL. 274, PG. 188 I Pc. s4s3 LMonument /4 Survey Line (R.O.W.) -T. U. ELECTRIC VOL. 5914 PG. 616 line LIVELY RIVERSIDE PARTNERSHIP VOL. 82102 PG. 2517 SCALE: 1 "=500' t, I CITY OF DALLAS - VOL. 3336, PG. 243 N 89'43'46" W 180' R.O.W. S 52'31 ' 16" w 49.00' ELM FORK RAW 277.68' I.R.F. ~' WATER INTAKE _ STRUCTURE 30' .R.F. 52'31'1 N 89'43'46" W - 3759.07' Surve Line 326.69 S 89'43'46" E- 3754.19' t/2' IRS S 89'43'4" E 30' PERMANENT 677'69 tI.R: LIVELY RIVERSIDE EASEMENT PARTNERSHIP I (2.795 ACRES VOL. 82102, PG. 2522 ~ oR 121,764 s.F.) 30' T.RA. R VoII~t860 5, Pg. 1452 LIVELY RIVERSIDE PARTNERSHIP VOL. 82102, PG. 2517 ALEX W. PERRY SURVEY AB~ifi4L'1 N0. 1147 CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS ,.. ~ PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT ~.. ?~ j~o~ TRACT N0. 2 ' CITY OF DALLAS ,~~~ ~ JULY, 2001 pa e 3 of 3 9 Ha L W H a. H U ro G 0 U 0 z 0 .~, +~ 0 a~ x i N r-I 0 z ,~ 0 i~ w i Q W a~ a~ Q w i L) Y 1l~ ~I 0 m Z s s Monument ~6 T.U. Electric Easement Vol. 5788, Pg. 508 WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 CITY 0 F DALLAS VOL. 92111, PG. 1955 t .. R.O.W. Morker D.P. & L. Easement (No Width) Council -- __ Resolution \ 62-1929 \ \ Conc. Mon. GZ Z ~ \ -o \ '~~ C~ Elm Fork Woter Treatment Plant 77 29 48 W - 56.02 56' 18'06" W - 41.56' (0.531 ACRES OR 23,137 S.F.) ~- N ~7' 48.. W 40" Eost R.O.W. Line -~" lnterstote Hwy. 35E (320' Wide R.O.W.) City of Carrollton \ Orair~age Easement \\ Vol. 92111, Pg. 1955 Monument #5 L6g4 4 ~ N ~8'?0'~2^ -_____ 48 E _ 191,86 NT OF w ` 861,53. g -' -- ~lN/VING En'1'EEN-ti+`oNUM --- ENTg --- T. U. ELECTRIC - VOL. 5914, PG. 616 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF ` DALLAS ~L. 91042, PG. 154 ___, 1001+2 ~ ~ l15 t~ L~ 4 SCALE: '1 "-100' ~i.•k4C1 7~L~~°~ S 29'02'50 .~_ 66.94'- Conc. Mon. ,, N 89'43'03" W _ 38.18'-~ ~ ~~ Z~ ~~ X70 ~ 0 c.n~~\ ~ ~ ~ X Z~ w c.r cr N 26'30'21 49.01' LEGEND ~ - 1 j2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "SJF" ®-CONCRETE MONUMENTS :ITY O F I RVI N G, TEXAS PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT TRACT N0. 3 CITY OF DALLAS JULY, 2001 page 2 of 2 ~ SY ,~!'- EX. 100' R.O.W. 'P.~ \O9 \ cA,P J 0,90 ~~ I 9~ X90 s~, CURVE DATA 2 N N CURIE DATA 3 J.~ N --- _ ' 'i ~- S 492307" E - 111.65' REX E. GOOD ~~ TO CITY OF DALLAS D~• VOL. 3303, PG. 249 1 6;{~ ~-1~J( DATED: MARCH 26, 1950 i // II v / ~ `- S 40:35'58" W - 91.96' N 49'30 48" W - 75.81 ' CURIE DATA 1 ~ = 10'45 21 " R = 2915.30' T = 274.44' L = 547.28' CB = N 23'08'14" W CD = 546.47' CURVE 0,4TA 2 ~ = OT17'10" R = 2915.30' T = 185.61' L = 370.73' C.B.= N ,32'15'49" W C.D. = 370.48' ~ „ poi I 0 ~~~ PERMANENT EASEMENT (0.8203 ACRES OR 35731 S F.J CITY OF DALLAS FINAL PLAT OF ELM FORK WATER TREATMENT PLANT VOL. 91042, PG. 164 WESTON PER ABSTRACT N 24'04'00" E ~ ~' " 178.69' u; rv ~~/2" I.R.F. % 1 \ T.X.U. ELECTRIC VOL. 5914, PG. 616 0 200 40' R.O.W. SCALE 1N FEET N. R.O.W. SANOY LAKE RD.~ 1 CURIE DATA 3 ~ = 06'17'53" R = 2945.30' T = 162.04' L =32.3.75' C8 = S 32'19:.3,.3" E CD = 32J.59' PO/NT OF .~~ «~ ~~~ j S 1737'06" W - 41.35' '•,i°~ 2349 :, `\ BEGINN/NG o POINTS "`~ 7 27 f t'~ ~ ~ • (IRF)IRON RODS FOUNO/MONUMENTS ~CURI/E DATA 1 N 17.51'53" w - 71 a.74' CITY 0 F I RVi N G, TEXAS POINT OF COMMENCING PERMANENT WATER MAIN EASEMENT N 17'51'53" W - 26.73 TRACT N0. 4 N as•42'os" w-1,4o9.3s' CITY OF DALLAS 12" I.R F. N. R.O.W. WH/TLOCK~NE ~ 1 /2" I'R'F' JULY, 2001 /2" I.R~F. Page 3 of 3 w 3 a _ ~ H U 0 0 z 0 .~ 0 a~ N ,~ 0 2 C a 0 U U w i i +, ro W ro b a~ 0 w q WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 a ti +i~~ ~ 50' Lone ~ ar as GG Utility Esmt. Cf~ Vol. 4283, Pg. 210 :.n S 26'30'21 ° E ~ \ 67.21' j I ~ /2". IA I n v T r T z Y n JOHN C. REVERS SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 166 R R & S PROPERTIES, INC. VOL. 82076, PG. 27 CITY OF DALLAS ~-~ VOL. 3336, PG. 243 T. U. ELECTRIC Survey Line VOL. 274, PG. 188 I 100' Esmt. 60' TEMP. CONST. ESM'T. (5.499 AC. 50' R.O.\ OR 239,558 S.F.) I 180' R.O.W. 180' R.O.W. IJ RO'di'dR" W - X71 '1 ~ LMonument ~4 Survey Line (R.O.W.) T. U. ELECTRIC VOL. 5914 PG. 616 PO/NT OF `survey Line BEG/NN/NG P,4RT ~ LIVELY RIVERSIDE S 26'58'57" E - 33.75' PARTNERSHIP from an Existing VOL. 82102 PG. 2517 Choin Link Fence Corner WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 LEGEND ®- 1 /2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "SJF" • -IRON ROD FOUND SCALE: 1 "=500' ~. -MONUMENT FOUND ELM FORK RAW WATER INTAKE STRUCTURE CITY OF DALLAS clrr of onl VOL. 89158, PG. 2346 PERM. ESMI VOL. 72136 CITY OF DALLAS PG. 2553 VOL. 3336, PG. 243 N 52'31'16" E N 89'43'46" W 277.68' 98.00' S 52'31'16" W \ 179.68' ~ S 52'31'16" W _ VOL. 981; PG. 5483 89'43'46" - 49.00' J 52'31'1" Une326.69 E7 I.R.F. S 89'43'46" E - 3759.07' 1/2' I LIVELY RIVERSIDE s s9.43'4s" E PARTNERSHIP I 49.00' VOL. 82102, PG. 2522 rN 30' CITY OF IR1 PERMANENT WAl 30' T.RA MAIN EASEMENT \ Utility Esmt. Vol. 86015, Pg. 1452 OR .3,800 S.F.) LIVELY RIVERSIDE PARTNERSHIP VOL. 82102, PG. 2517 ALEX W. PERRY SURVEY ABSTRAClNO. 1147 CITY OF I RVI NG, TEXAS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TRACT N0. 2A ~1i.3~a ~ CITY OF DALLAS ~t~l JULY, 2001 page 3 of 3 H Rai W H a U C iro a~ 0 U i 0 z 0 .~, +~ I~ I~ a i N ;, 0 z +~ s~ ,o U U W Q N ro W ;b G ro a~ m 0 w 0 S T.U. Electric Monument #6 Easement Vol. 5788, Pg POINT OF ~` BEGINN/NG WESTON PERRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 1151 40' 508 CITY OF DALLAS VOL. 92111, PG. 1955 ~ , S 56'18'06" W 40' TEMPORARY .. 96'98' CONST.EASEMEN' o R.O.W. ...~........... (0.732 ACRES ... .. . -N \Marker .:_: .. ...•,~.~....~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~... .OR 31868 S.F.) N O/ East R.O.W. Line Interstate Hwy. 35E (320' Wide R.O.W.) City of Corroflton ~\ Drainage Easement Vol. 92111, Pg. 1955 ~V Easement N 56' 18'06" ~ ~ ~•~• '• ~ '~ •~ ~ ~ ~ PERMANENT WATER (No Width) S 77'29'48" E 41.56' ~ Council CIt Resolution -- _ ~' 62-1929 Ui \ C G1U c. 2 ~Z -~ 3 ` qT_ m \\ \~ i Elm Fork 'r Woter Treatment Plant ~ ~--~ _ CTS Z~ ~. tz1~ ~~\ X ~ "O _~~ MNN EASEMENT .. S 7 ........ ..... ........ ~ ~ Monument #5 ~ N 89'43'03" W ' 9'48" E .~.~ ~. ..~.~:. ~ .~..~.~..~.~...... 15.00„ y E7WfEN MONUMENTS -'`'---_ ___- S 27'58'23" E ~ T. U. ELECTRIC ~---~ one Mop.-'--- ~, ~~ -~ 1 94.93 ~ .. . ~ . ~ ....:.:.::.~.~............~ .~.~.~.-.~.~..~.~... . N 77'29'48" • W -- ____ _--__ .............~~ N 1. 1 56.02' N 78'20'12" W _ 861.5,3;--________ e o~ -___ 115.92' ~~ VOL. 5914, PG. 616 Conc. Mon CITY OF `` ~ DALLAS VOL. 91042, PG. 154 SCALE: 1 "=1 LEGEND ®- 1 /2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "SJF" ®-CONCRETE MONUMENTS C~3~\ cr 26'30'21" H 45.16' S 89'43'03" 38.18' CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS ~MPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TRACT N0. 3A CITY OF DALLAS ~~ JULY, 2001 page 3 of 3 H W ~H ~~ ~, ,U :~ ~~ i° ;~ 0 z 0 .~, ~, .o x N !z° 0 U U Iw i~ ~n m ro .W C ro -~ a~ 0 w ca t~ REVISED: 07/23/2001 LBC H:\PROJECTS\IRVING\91117\PLATS\DALLAS-B DWG REVIE~`VED BY ,~1,~;; d m a w a w ~~ ~~ ~. r-r d, r~ 0 z 0 N ~i a c rt ~- 0 z 0 i n, 0 c m a X31 ~~ c~ ~-3 C'7 H N 4973'07" W - 111.65' - EX. T.X.U: ELECTRIC EASEMENTS ~ VOL. 5788, PG. 508 & I~ 100' R.O.W. PERMANENT 61~`~ ~`~ ~ EASEMENT , b~0. .~ ~ + 9,p~ co o_ ~6 ~ + !~, ~ ~~r ~' 0 6 CURVE DATA 1 ~ = 10'45 21 " R = 2915.30' T = 274.44' L = 547.28' CB = N 23'08'14 " W CD = 546.47' 'L ~ ~'f' <"J,~O ~~~ X00 (~ S 49:30'48" E - 75.81' ~ ~J ~. '~ \ ~o9O ~l `L.9~. X09 S O :URIE DATA 3 fV °a N fV O C17 ~l CURVE DATA 2 `~~~ POINT OF ~~ BEG/NN/NG ~ :. ~ y1 N 49'30'48 " W - 73.22' :.~. ~~~°,~ ~ REX E. GOOD 0 ~ + TO CITY OF DALLAS ` ~~ ~ : ~ ~~'~~ ~`L~°~0~'~~°p VOL. 3303, PG. 249 ~ ~,~~ Og• DATED: MARCH 26, 1950 ~ 40' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCT/ON EASEMENT N 24'04'00" E 178.69' ; _1 /2" I.R.F. ' _;i/Y~ ~~ ~~ T.X.U. ELECTRIC `~ wi. ov ein VOL. 5914, PG. 616 40' R.O.W. 200 SCALE IN FEET N. R. 0. W. SANDY LAKE RD. CURVE DATA 3 ~ = 00'3657" R = 2915.30' T = 15.67' L = 31.33' C.B. = N 36'1232" W C. D. = 31.33' CURIE DATA 2 ~ = 06'17'53" R = 2945.30' T = 162.04' L = ,323.75' C.B. = N 32'19:33" W C. D. = 323.59' CURIE DATA 4 ~ = 06'04 03" R = 2985.30' T = 158.22' L = 316.14' C.B. = S 3132:39" E C. D. = 315.99' (>. 7598 ACRES OR 76, 657 S F.) CURVE DATA 4 CITY OF DALLAS ~N 1T37b6" E FINAL PLAT OF 41.35' ELM FORK WATER TREATMENT PLANT ~ VOL: -~1-042, PG. 164 fti N 89:37'05" E 241.77' N 40'35 58" E 91.96' ~N 40.3558" E ~~ 303.34' S 173706 W 97.63' WESTON PERRY SU ABSTRACT N0. 11; CURVE DAT~ -~~ .. o POI NHS _ ~--~ ~ • (IRF)IRON RODS FOUND/I~ CURVE DATA 5 ~ = O1 "OS 55 " R = 2915.30' T = 27.95' L = 5590" C.B. = N 28'04'16" W C. D. = 55.90' 7/Z~~~1 f `~~~1/ ,. \ \ ~~CUR~E DATA 1 N 17'51'53" W 718.74' PO/NT OF CITY O F IRVING, TEXAS . COMMENCING I tMF'UKAKY (:UN51 KU(:I IUN N 17.51'53" W - 26.73 TRACT N0. 4A N 89'42'06" W-1,409.36' CITY OF DALLAS 1/2" I.R.`. N. R.O.W. WHITLOCK ~ -ti 1/2' I.R.F. JULY, 2001 EASEMENT 3 of 3