Asbury Manor-CS071101(12/17/2009) Ken Griffin -Fwd: Asbury Manor Meeting From: Clay Phillips To: Gary Sieb; Greg Jones; John Elias; Ken Griffin Date: 11/1/20071:15 PM Subject: Fwd: Asbury Manor Meeting Info from Asbury Manor HOA. clay »> <kbury99@aol.com> 11/1/200712:13 PM »> clay - I have contacted the HOA Board members regarding a possible meeting. Our schedules/commitments are all over the board, so I don't think I can get a consensus. Given the fact that there are others involved, as well, like various homeowners and The Mansions representatives, Ibelieve you will just have to call the meeting, and let the chips fall as they may on who can attend. I would suggest late afternoon (early enough to have some sunlight, however) and think next Monday -Wednesday looks best for Board members. Starting the week of November 12th, I won't be available anything more than that Wednesday, and the following week is Thanksgiving week, so who knows? Let us know. We are anxious to get moving on this. You will should know that two homeowners, acting upon the "heads up" we gave them about the city's decision, have already acted to address the landscaping out there. That is both bad and good, as one did a beautiful job and has his section (the larger of the two) looking the way it was intended, while the other has butchered the Buford Holly plants so that I doubt they will survive (and look terrible, maybe even worse, than they did). I think the city stepping in is needed for any kind of consitency in how this is to be handled going forward. We are still eager to hear answers to the outstanding questions on the south side easement ownership issue, the landscaping at right angles to the easement down by end of Westminster Way, dredging, etc., so please keep us posted on events/decisions. Thanks again. Larry Kingsbury Page 1 Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - http://mail.aol.com