ST0501-CS100126ST05 -01 DEFOREST ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Meeting 1/26/10 1) Drainage — a. What might be an acceptable storm event flow within the existing system to go to council for a variance? The existing system can't handle the 10 year storm as designed. b. Road elevation low point at east end is 451.45 TC while the 100 year WS of Denton Creek ia152 raise road. N c... $4w( S l/,sp c. Options: i. Remove ex 36" & replace with 48 ", 465 LF. ii. Parallel 36" w/ discharge to Denton Creek iii. Leave 36" and overflow north through 900 Deforest Road. iv. Possibly raise road above 453 TC and remove 36" to end of Asphalt /"7_ �L replace with 48 ". (less removal and damage /reconstruction of walls & �'�" pvmt) - 6eoSwct �o loou 4 6 , Pt-;y & 44. P,, 4sf 16-- w0 -tac &1Cft C �- d. What is the City's stance on additional services for GSWW? 2) Right of Way — /— a. Are there any anticipated issues from property owners? i. If so, what can we do to be proactive? b. Noticed that there were previous public meetings with property owners. i. Will we need to plan on other public meetings? When? 1016 3) Utility coordination — a. Overhead Electric — R 60vw 'er i. Property owners would like to see the electric go underground. 1. What is the City's position on this? 2. Has anyone contacted the power company on cost? Do we need to wait till utility coordination meeting? b. Dan has mentioned that if there are places along the sidewalk/ retaining walls that need to bump out for transformer or other pedestals then he can incorporate that into his sidewalk design. /�'�� 2: �/t�' /•�+�j Ce.�. -j.� 4) Budget a. How close are we to estimated cost? i. Have we gone over what is planned or are we still ok? 1. Additional sidewalk on south side of road? 2. Retaining walls? 3. Drainage?