ST0501-CS100204 (2) Page 1 of 2 George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Deforest Road From:Matt Steer     To:Garza, Michael;  Marshall, George     Date:2/4/2010 4:51 PM     Subject:   Re: Fwd: Deforest Road   George, I'll send it on, unless Mike has edits? Thanks for your help! Matt     Please note my email address has changed to msteer@coppelltx.gov.  Please update your records.   Matthew Steer, AICP City Planner City of Coppell Phone: 972-304-3559 Fax: 972-304-7092 www.coppelltx.gov   >>> George Marshall 2/4/2010 4:48 PM >>> Mike & Matt, please feel free to forward this on, or edit it as you see fit. I am happy to give you an update.  The Deforest Road Reconstruction project design phase has been moving at a slow pace over the last few months due to some drainage design issues.  However, we are excited to say that we have come to a solution and we are moving forward! We will be giving the design engineer our review comments from their last submittal early next week. There will not be any major changes to the plans. The design will incorporate a 28' wide concrete pavement section with a sidewalk on both on the north and south sides of the roadway along with a traffic signal at MacArthur. We expect the design to be complete by the end of the 2nd quarter. The process to acquire additional pieces of ROW has been started. Prior to construction of the road we will need to have the franchise (power, gas, cable, telephone) utilities relocated. We anticipate construction to begin the 4th quarter of this year. Thank You, George Marshall, PE George Marshall, P.E. City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Michael Garza 2/4/2010 3:30 PM >>> George, Can you help me out? >>> On 2/4/2010 at 2:55 PM, in message <4B6ADEFC.41B6.00FB.0@coppelltx.gov>, Matt Steer <MSTEER@coppelltx.gov> wrote: file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B6AFAFCCity...2/15/2010 Page 2 of 2 Mike, Can you help me out? Matt Please note my email address has changed to msteer@coppelltx.gov.  Please update your records. Matthew Steer, AICP City Planner City of Coppell Phone: 972-304-3559 Fax: 972-304-7092 www.coppelltx.gov ( http://www.coppelltx.gov/ ) >>> "Kelly" <kelly@dirtstriker.com> 2/4/2010 1:42 PM >>> Hi Matt, I live in Windsor Estates and many of us are very curious to find out the status of repaving Deforest Road and putting in a sidewalk.  It seems years have gone by with nothing progressing.  dead bodies are gonna start piling up in the side ditches. At Christmas we went to Houston to visit my husband's family - somehow you know our cousins Eric and Sylvia Crowder - can't remember the story.but small world, huh?  Eric's mom and my husband's dad are siblings.  Sylvia said you were looking to upgrade in Coppell - our house is for saleJ Can you let me know what is going on with Deforest so I can share the gossip with the neighbors? Thanks! Kelly Revis 926 Deforest Road Kelly@dirtstriker.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B6AFAFCCity...2/15/2010