ST0501-CS071204 (2) (3/4/2010) Keith Marvin - FW: DeforestPage 1 From: "Quinn Spann" <qspann@gswwengineers.com> To: <kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 12/4/2007 3:16 PM Subject: FW: Deforest I guess that I will be getting to know Mr. Todd Harris very well in the near future!!!! Quinn G. Spann, Jr., P.E. Associate / Sr. Project Manager GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 972-620-1255 Ext 225 972-620-8028 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Todd Harris [mailto:Todd@Tartansales.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:10 AM To: Keith Marvin Cc: ram.s.iyer@chase.com; DiWanna Baskins; Ken Griffin; Rhonda Adloo; Quinn Spann; Tanya McDonald; Lowell Johnson Subject: RE: Deforest Keith, I think some residents have removed flags due to frustration with continuous projects from various engineering companies. Before someone paints on someone's yard, sticks flags into them and then parks on our green space, we would like a simple "head's up." In fairness, the initial response was in July with a note that they hope to have something by the end of the year. It is the end of the year, people are marking things up, yet a simple email was never sent. No notices placed on doors before someone paints or sticks flags in someone's yard? Can the engineers that ruined the drainage in our green space please fix it? Our HOA bore the burden of a broken drainage pipe already. This pipe would have never broken void of heavy trucks parked on the green space. We have fixed this green space multiple times due to continued contruction people thinking our lawn is their parking lot. There are currently ruts from their trucks being parked that now prohibit the water to flow to the drain. I am sure anyone from the entire area sees this standing water on Deforest Road between Prestwick and MacArthur. Please advise who will be fixing this and re-seeding for oru grass? Thank you, Todd J. Harris 214-638-1685 x2750 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attached files, may contain privileged and confidential information for the sole use of the intended recipients(s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to (3/4/2010) Keith Marvin - FW: DeforestPage 2 receive information for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail. -----Original Message----- From: Keith Marvin [mailto:kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 9:56 AM To: Todd Harris Cc: ram.s.iyer@chase.com; DiWanna Baskins; Ken Griffin; Rhonda Adloo; Quinn Spann; Tanya McDonald; Lowell Johnson Subject: RE: Deforest Mr. Harris, Ken Griffin wrote the following response concerning citizen input: Mr. Harris Keith Marvin, Project Engineer, will respond to you later with greater detail. He is visiting the site to observe the items mentioned in your email. This response is to address your concern that the citizens have not had an opportunity to review the project. As mentioned in my 7/30/2007 email, "We can not even schedule public meetings until we have a conceptual or preliminary design to present to the citizens. Any citizen input will be at public meetings we will have later on this year." The preliminary work taking place at this time is to gather information to actually prepare the conceptual and preliminary plans. It was anticipated in July that we would have plans by the end of this year. At this time, we do not have any plans to present to the citizens at a Public Meeting. Once we have plans we will schedule a Public Meeting with the citizens. Meetings are scheduled by sending letters to affected property owners and HOA"S, a notice in the local paper and information on our web site. DiWanna Baskins and I will be managing the design and construction of this project. I visited the project site this morning to personally observe the conditions. I did see many flags that are placed by franchise utility companies to mark their underground facilities, several paint marks, and 14 locations where our surveyor has placed stakes to mark control points. All of these stakes, marks, and flags are being used to collect the necessary field data to begin the design process. I have been told that the surveyor is about 50% complete with his work. A portion of his work takes place in the field, with the remaining time spent in the office compiling the information gathered. I have asked the surveyor to remove the flags when they have completed the field portion of their work. The city has contracted with GSWW, Inc. to design the improvements to Deforest Road. They have told me they expect to submit preliminary plans sometime in February of 2008. Once we have had a chance to see what they come up with we will schedule a public meeting to receive input from all stakeholders on the project. Ken has covered how that meeting will be advertized. (3/4/2010) Keith Marvin - FW: DeforestPage 3 We understand that the residents of this area have a great deal of interest in this project. We want to assure you that you will have an opportunity to comment on the design. DiWanna or I are available to discuss this project at any time during the process. Feel free to email or call 972-304-3679. Keith Keith Marvin, P.E. Project Engineer (972) 304-3681 >>> "Todd Harris" <Todd@Tartansales.com> 12/3/2007 4:43 PM >>> Ken, The citizens are a bit concerned that lines are being drawn on yards, flags are being put into the ground, trucks are running up on our landscaped areas, etc. Nobody has sent anything out to us to date regarding citizen time to review this project, as initially promised. We watch Coppell Clips regularly and also try to review the city web site. Can you please update us on when the citizen input would start? Can you update us on where to file complaints for continued ruining of our landscaping in our HOA? We have had sprinklers busted and the trucks have, once again, messed up the flow of drainage near MacArthur. Can the trucks for these contractors PLEASE park on Prestwick or other street and not drive onto our grass, especially when wet? Please advise as many questions are being asked of the HOA's. Thank you, Todd J. Harris 214-638-1685 x2750 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail, including any attached files, may contain privileged and confidential information for the sole use of the intended recipients(s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive information for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail. ________________________________ From: Ken Griffin [mailto:kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 3:21 PM (3/4/2010) Keith Marvin - FW: DeforestPage 4 To: Todd Harris Cc: Keith Marvin; Rhonda Adloo Subject: Re: Deforest Mr. Harris I spoke with my staff engineer that is handling this project and he said it will actually be on the August 28th Council meeting. That meeting will be just to award the design contract. No decisions have been made concerning the design at this time. The only action Council will take is to get the consultant on board and start the process. We can not even schedule public meetings until we have a conceptual or preliminary design to present to the citizens. Any citizen input will be at public meetings we will have later on this year. I will pass along the items that you mentioned to the consultant so they will be aware from the beginning that several items will need special attention. The public meetings that we schedule will provide group discussion and one on one discussion opportunities to identify all issues. After the initial meeting, the consultant will address issues and a followup meeting will be held with the citizens to go over changes to the plans. Once we have a good set of preliminary plans, we typically present those to Council to gain approval to move to the final design phase. Hopefully, this has addressed some of your concerns. Ken Griffin, P. E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 972-304-3686 kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us >>> "Todd Harris" <Todd@Tartansales.com> 7/30/2007 10:30 AM >>> Ken, Thanks for the time this morning. After our discussion, I quickly emailed some residents along Deforest both in our neighborhood and some of the others behind us. Many questions popped up on the design for the road, timing on final design approval, etc. Is this 14th meeting with City Council for approval of a design and what resident input can be put into that design? What is the impact on the landscape space, trees, and retaining walls? Drainage issues / concerns. (3/4/2010) Keith Marvin - FW: DeforestPage 5 Overall, people are happy that the street project is underway, but they are really hoping that we don't completely lose the country road look and just end up becoming an urban sprawl look and standard street. Please let us know, as hopefully we can funnel the correct information and planning timelines to the residents and HOA's. Thanks, Todd Harris 214-638-1685 x2750