ST0501-CS080513 Page 1 of 1 Keith Marvin - Meeting minutes from yesterday's meeting on Deforest Road Reconstruction From:    "Quinn Spann" <qspann@gswwengineers.com> To:    <kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us>, <DBASKINS@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date:    5/13/2008 9:01 AM Subject: Meeting minutes from yesterday's meeting on Deforest Road     Reconstruction Attachments:    Meeting minutes-5-12-08.doc   Keith and DiWanna,   Here are my meeting minutes from yesterday's meeting on Deforest Road Reconstruction. They are not meant to be “exhaustive” but a short synopsis of the meeting.  Please review and comment.     Quinn G. Spann, Jr., P.E. Associate / Sr. Project Manager GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 972-620-1255 Ext 225 972-620-8028 Fax   file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48295902City_of...3/4/2010 MEMORANDUM TO: Keith Marvin, P.E. –City of Coppell FROM: Quinn G. Spann, Jr., P.E. DATE: May 12, 2008 SUBJECT: Deforest Road Reconstruction-Meeting minutes Attendees: Keith Marvin, P.E. DiWanna Baskin Mike Garza, E.I.T. Dan DeGroot, P.E. Quinn Spann, P.E. These minutes are just a brief synopsis of out discussion on the referenced project. 1. Revise the right-turn-lane transition so that it starts after Prestwick. 2. Turn on the existing roadway elevation on the profile 3. Match the existing driveway radius. Minimum radius is 5’, max is 10’. 4. Add drive at Estrada property 5. Try to raise the proposed roadway so that it is above the hydraulic grade line or at least the same elevation as the current roadway. 6. We will use the starting hydraulic grade line as show on the plans at MacAuthor on the west end of the project. We will use the starting hydraulic grade line as shown in the Halff Deforest Court plans on the east end of the project. 7. Keith talked to Dennis, Halff consultants, about their plans. Dennis said that the inlet on the south side of Deforest, east of Allen was not in the original study and was a field change. This water used to go down a separate ditch to Denton Creek. Keith gave GSWW a copy of the drainage report that was designed by Halff. Keith was informed by Dennis that the drop in the hydraulic grade line between the development of Windsor Court and Deforest Court was due to modeling coincidental flows of the Denton Creek. Dennis told Keith that the water in this area would already be piped to the creek before Denton Creek crested. 8. GSWW was directed to use a 30 minute time of concentration for runoff calculations on the east storm system to match what Halff used. 9. GSWW will review shifting the roadway centerline slightly to the south to get a 5-foot side walk on the north side. 10. GSWW will show a minimum of three feet of grassy are on the south side of Deforest prior to beginning a sloped transition to the existing ground. We will review slope options to reduce the wall heights. 11. The City will inform GSWW of the final decision of whether to install a signal at Deforest. 12. The City provided some examples for GSWW to review for the neighborhood meeting exhibits that we will prepare.