ST0501-CS090428Page 1 of 1 Keith Marvin - Drainage Memo From: "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot @burnip.com> To: DiWanna Baskins <dbaskins @ci.coppell.tx.us >, "kmarvin @ci.coppell.tx.us" <kmarvin @ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 4/28/2009 11:54 AM Subject: Drainage Memo Attachments: Drainage Memo and Exhibits.pdf Keith /Diwanna Here is the drainage memo that you requested. I have not included any costs or time for permitting or map revisions. Please call with comments after you have had a chance to review, thanks. Lowell D. DeGroot, P. E. Senior Project Manager GSWW, A Division of Burgess & Niple, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 972.620.1255 Ext. 216 Note: These electronic documents are provided by Burgess & Niple (B &N) as a convenience to our clients. The official document is available as a manually signed, initialed, or sealed hard copy. If there is a discrepancy between electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies shall prevail. It is our professional opinion that this electronic information provides information current as of the date of its release. Any use of this information is at the sole risk and liability of the user. The user is responsible for updating information to reflect any changes in the information following the preparation date of this transmittal. The delivery of this information in electronic format is for the benefit of the owner for whom the services have been performed. Nothing in the transfer should be construed to provide any right to third parties to rely on the information provided, or that the use of this information implies the review and approval of Burgess & Niple. file: HC: \Documents and Settings \radloo \Local Settings\ Temp \XPgrpwise \49F6EE67City_of... 3/4/2010 ■■ Engineers ■ Planners ■■ SWW Adivision of BURGESS & NIPLE TO: Mr. Keith Marvin, P.E. — City of Coppell Engineering Ms. DiWanna Baskins — City of Coppell Engineering FROM: Lowell D. DeGroot, P.E. DATE: April 28, 2009 SUBJECT: Drainage improvements east side of project MEMORANDUM Keith / DiWanna: Since the inception of this project we have had an issue with respect to the hydraulic grade line of the proposed drainage system on the eastern end of the project. The existing system that was constructed with the development of DeForest Court and Windsor Estates was designed for longer times of concentration and split flow situations where water flowed off the roadway and abutting properties into ditches. By constructing a new concrete curbed street with sidewalks on both sides, we now have increased our runoff and decreased our time of concentration for the system. Both the added runoff and decreased concentration time increase the hydraulic grade line to be out of the pavement surface. We have identified two options to allow for drainage of the storm water that would decrease the hydraulic gradient for the system. With both options I have included a probable construction cost and associated engineering fee for the design. The two options are as follows: 1) A parallel 36" storm sewer pipe along the existing 36" storm sewer that would essentially start at Allen road and eventually pipe into Denton Creek. (See Exhibit 1) 2) Divert a portion of the flow from the system along the western edge of the Nettie Long Addition (Watts property) to a pond in the back of the Watts property. (See Exhibit 2) As you are aware, the original scope for the design of Deforest Road did not include engineering services to analyze or design a storm sewer system for the eastern end of the project. During the contract negotiations, drainage analysis and design was removed from the contract by the City with the assumption that the piping system that was installed with the Deforest Court and Windsor Estates developments could adequately handle the flows. Currently we have put an additional 200 hours in the analysis and design of the existing storm sewer system and proposed system to compensate for the additional runoff and decreased time of concentration of the drainage area. Along with the design of the new system we are asking that GSWW be compensated for the additional hours spent on drainage analysis and design to this point. 11117 Shady Trail ■ Dallas, Texas 75229 w 972.620.1255 GSWW, Division Burgess & Niple, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Fa • D allas, 75229 I 972.620.1255..1255. 97972.620.8028 Fax ■■ & NIPLE OPINION OF PROBABLE COST OWNER: City of Coppell, Texas Job # 39413 DATE: 4/22/2009 PREPARED BY: LDD PROJECT: DeFOREST ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Cost Estimate for Exhibit #1, Drainage Improvements for East Edge of Project ITEM NO DESCRIPTION OF UNIT UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT PRICE CONSTRUCTION COST EXHIBIT #1 1 TYPE "I" STORM SEWER INLET WITH TWO EXTENSIONS $3,250.00 6 $19,500.00 2 TYPE "I" STORM SEWER INLET WITH ONE EXTENSION $2,750.00 2 $5,500.00 3 CONNECTTO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE $500.00 2 $1,000.00 4 OUTFALL STRUCTURE TO DENTON CREEK $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 5 5' STORM SEWER MANHOLE $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 6 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE 7 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE 8 36" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE $65.00 425 $27,625.00 $8,625.00 $128,500.00 $75.00 115 $100.00 12$5 9 10" SCHEDULE 40 PVC. DRAINAGE PIPE $25.00 25 $625.00 10. SLOTTED DRAIN $50.00 112 $5,600.00 SUBTOTAL $206,975.00 ENGINEERING EXHIBIT #1 HOURLY RATE HOURS TOTAL A. BASIC SERVICES A•1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN (includes prior drainage analysis and design) $.140.00 200 $28,000.00 B -1 PRELIMINARY DESIGN $140.00 160 $22,400.00 C -1 FINAL DESIGN $140.00 40 $5,600.00 E -5 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (plus 10 %) E£ EASEMENT EXHIBITS (MAX 2 AT $600 EACH) $4,815.00 $1,200.00 SUBTOTAL $62,015.00 EXLUSSONS: a. HEC II & Hydraulic Studies b. Detention Pond Analysis c. Environmental Investigation d. Drainage Permitting / Map Revisions In providing opinions of probable construction cost, the client understands that the Consultant has no control over the cost or availability of tabor, equipment or materials, or over market conditions or the Contractor's method of pacing, and that the consultant's opinions of probable construction cost are made on the basis of the consultant's professional judgment. and e enence. The Consultant makes no warranty, express or implied, that the bids or the negotiated cast of the Work will not vary from the consultants opinion of probable construction cost. GSWW, Division Burgess & 2 I Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Fa • D allas, 75229 29 972.620.1255..1255. 97972.620.8028 Fax ■■ & NIPLE OPINION OF PROBABLE COST OWNER: City of Coppell, Texas Job # 39413 DATE: 4/22/2009 PREPARED BY: LDD PROJECT: DeFOREST ROAD RECONSTRUCTION Cost Estimate for Exhibit #2, Drainage Improvements for East Edge of Project ITEM NO DESCRIPTION OF UNIT UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT PRICE CONSTRUCTION COST EXHIBIT #2 1 TYPE "1" STORM SEWER INLET WITH TWO EXTENSIONS $3,250.00 6 $19,500.00 2 TYPE "1" STORM SEWER INLET WITH ONE EXTENSION $2,750.00 2 $5,500.00 3 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE $500.00 2 $1,000.00 4 OLrrFALL STRUCTURE TO EXISTING POND $3,000.00 1 $3,000.00 5 POND OVERFLOW STRUCTURE AND OUTFALL TO DENTON CREEK $5,000.00 1. $5,000.00 5 4' STORM SEWER MANHOLE 6 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE 7 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE $4,000.00 1. $4,000.00 $27;625.00 $65.00 425 $75.00 '130 $9,750.00 8 30" REINFORCED CONCRETE STROM SEWER PIPE $95.00. 570 $54,150.00 9 10" SCHEDULE 40 PVC DRAINAGE PIPE $25.00 25 $625.00 10. SLOTTED DRAIN $50.00 112 $5 ; 600:00 TOTAL $135,750.00 ENGINEERING EXHIBIT #2 HOURLY RATE HOURS TOTAL A. BASIC SERVICES A -1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN (includes prior drainage analysis and design) $140.00 200 $28,000.00 B -1 PRELIMINARY DESIGN $140.00 $140.00 160 40 $22,400.00 $5,600.00 $6,625.00 C -1 FINAL DESIGN E -5 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (plus 10 %) E-6 EASEMENT EXHIBITS (MAX 2 AT $600 EACH) $1,200.00 TOTAL $63,825.00 EXLUSSONS: a. HEC II & Hydraulic Studies to. Detention Pond Analysis c. Environmental Investigation d. Drainage Permitting / Map Revisions In providing opinions of probable construction cost, the client understands that the consultant has no control over the cost or availability of labor, equipment or materials, or over market oondltigns or the Contractor's method of pacing, and that the consultant's opinions of probable construction cast are made on the basis of the consultant's professional judgment and e,penence. The Consultant makes no warranty, express or implied, that the bids or the negotiated onst of the Work will not vary from the Consultant's opinion of probable construction cost. ■tP _ 1 mo4v s °E N o zs so ,aa w o � All - y f: h� f ry i "4...•. ?, 'T� �.� ,.(;' y.... v. ,� t! R r 0-1, 1 Sol C 51 Ise 1 i 7 I PROM 1 - 1 PO if rr � s ,o �,t