WA9402A-AG 941027REQUEST FOR FILING AGENDA ITEM W Specify: AGENDA DATE REQUESTED March 25, 1997 ❑ Work Session ® Regular Date Submitted To OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER and OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY March 13, 1997 AGENDA ITEM REQUESTED Resolution - Awarding Contract to Bar Constructors Inc. in the Amount of $1,092 3 2 00 for the Dallas Water Supply Line No 3 Section 3 A, Phase I CONTRACT REQUIRED: YES® NO❑ IF YES, PREPARED BY: ❑ City Attorney ❑ Vendor ❑ NCLC ® Other Engineering_ DATE SUBMITTED TO OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY FOR REVIEW: REVIE«ED BY (Name of Attornev): PREVIOUS ACTION RELATING TO THIS ITEM: RESOLUTION NO. ORDINANCE NO FUNDING REQUIRED $1,110,000.00 AMOUNT BUDGETED Charge To Account No. Amount 11- 00- 97- 32- 12 -09 -06 $ 1110,000.00 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT/I'RANSFER REQUIRED: YES® NO[] (If YES, include adjustmenwansfer request in memo pertaining to agenda item) FINAL DISTRIBUTION OF RESOLUTION /ORDI'N'ANCE SHOULD BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: {show names and addresses) CITY MANAGER, CITY SECRETARY: CIT`r' ATTORNEY: FINANCE PUBLIC WORKS NEIL CROSSWI=. ENGINEERING ANALYST (For Special Handling Of Resolution/Ordinan c ,Contact Office Of City Secretary) Director, Recommending Department REVIEWED & COMMENTS ATTACHED Director, Community Development Director, Traffic & Transportation Director, Public Works Submit One Copy To City Manager And One Copy To City Attorney ON 0 �1t)! of Irving TO FROM DATE OFFICE MEMO Douglass Bales. Assistant City Manager Jack Angel, Public Works Director March i 3. 1997 ��n�rrm�nr ,,t Public Works SUBJECT: Resolution - Awarding Contract to Bar Constructors, Inc. in the Amount of $1,092,532.00 for the Dallas Water Supply Line No. 3, Section 3A, Phase I DISC USSION On Friday, February 14, 1997 at 10:00 A.M., bids were opened for Dallas Water Supply Line No. 3, Section 3A, Phase I. The apparent low bidder was Bar Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $1,092,532.00. The following is a tabulation of the bids received: 1. Bar Constructors, Inc. $1,092,532.00 140 Calendar Days 2, J. Louis Construction, Inc. $1,149,849.00 140 Calendar Days 3 Garney Companies, Inc. $1,147,032.00 120 Calendar Days 4 Atkins Bros. Equipment Co., Inc. $1,214 430.50 140 Calendar Days = Mario Sinacola & Sons $1.233,552.50 200 Calendar Days 0 Linder -Stahl Construction Co. 51,245,412.00 140 Calendar Days Pate Bros. Construction Co. 51 ,277,378.95 140 Calendar Days S. C. Evans tZonsTruction Co 51,315,635.00 120 Calendar Days 9. Johnson Bros. Construction Co $1,471,370.00 140 Calendar Days 10. M -Co. Construction, Inc. $1,504,874.00 140 Calendar Days Engineer's Estimate S1, 160,000.00 140 Calendar Days REcommENDATTON T O AWARD It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Bar Constructors, Inc., P. O. Box 10, Lancaster, Texas 75146 on the basis of their lowest and best bid in the amount of $1,092,532.00. An additional 517,468.00 is needed for testing, bringing the total to $1,110,000.00. '(). hog 11 -228 ,( )1, _2288 �0 .i � � ',V ir' ;n_ Bl��:_ .. '����� - ;06U - 31 -361 1 F.0 ' y _ 1 -2 9- Rccccicd l'aper mEMO - Douglass Bales. Assistant City Manager Resoiution - Awarding Contract to Bar Constructors. Inc. for the Dallas Water SupplN� Line No. ; -)A -1 %Larch 13. 1997 Page 2 RECQMM10- FUNDINP FUND AM OUNT 11- 00- 97- 32- 12 -09 -06 $1,110,000.00 (Dallas Water Supply Line No. 3, Section 3A, Phase I) FUNDS REQ UIRED $1,110,000.00 ........ BUDE'lE'DJUSTMEIITITTtNSFER Transfer $1,110,000.00 from Account No. 11- 00- 94- 32- 12 -09 -01 (Dallas Water Supply No. 3, Phase 3) to Account No. 11- 00- 97- 32- 12 -09 -06 (Dallas water Supply No. 3, Section 3A, Phase I). Bob Chapm4 Deputy Public Works Dir. cm pc: Douglass Bales, Assistant City Manager Cathy Duncan, Finance Director Lance A. Smith, Budget Analyst Don Rorschach, City Attorney Bobby Haas, Purchasing Director Bob Chapman, Deputy Public Works Director Dave M. Mullins, Engineering Manager Larry Frassinelli, Engineering Supervisor Rodney Smithey, Engineering Inspections Supervisor Neil Crosswhite, Engineering Analyst Wilburn Hinkle, Asst. Public Works Dir. /Streets File