ST9301-CS041020 Page 1 of 1 Ken Griffin - Fwd: Rotten Condition of and Safety on Sandy Lake Road - East of MacArthur Blvd. From:    Streets To:    Paula Crocker Date:     10/20/2004 8:27 AM Subject:    Fwd: Rotten Condition of and Safety on Sandy Lake Road - East of MacArthur Blvd. Attachments:    Rotten Condition of and Safety on Sandy Lake Road - East of MacArthur Blvd.   Paula:  Per said to forward this to Engineering.  We think the Kimble Ct. portion is under Rick O'Dell's jurisdiction, but the CIP part which would be Sandy Lake reconstruction, we're not sure who gets that.  He thought you might be able to forward it to the proper person(s).  Also, regarding the last part about the area on Village Pkwy. looking like it belongs in the projects, we're forwarding that to Code Enforcement. Michael file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46ADB1B8City...7/26/2010