ST9301-CS060203 (7/26/2010) Ken Griffin - Sandy Lake Road (91-830)/ Belt Line Road (91-829)Page 1 From: "John Mears" <JMears@dallascounty.org> To: <kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 2/3/2006 10:12 AM Subject: Sandy Lake Road (91-830)/ Belt Line Road (91-829) During audits of previous County projects one item came up on our Sandy Lake/ Belt Line Bond Program projects. A Supplemental City/County Agreement was executed for the City to pay for the design of bike lanes on Sandy Lake. Unfortunately, this was in early 1995, several years before I took over, so I only vaguely recall this and I don't know what was done at the time in the way of City billing and/or payment. Apparently, auditors can find no County record of billing or payment and say we must reconcile this issue. Please let us know what you remember or what your records show. We will forward the information we have to you which might expedite the process. Alberta said you can call her with questions.