ST9301-CS060316 (7/27/2010) Ken Griffin - Re: East Sandy LakePage 1 From: Jim Witt To:Ken Griffin Date: 3/16/2006 2:48 PM Subject: Re: East Sandy Lake Its in Tidbits and we will discuss any feedback on Monday. JW >>> Ken Griffin 3/16/2006 11:39:28 AM >>> Jim We have had a request from the contractor (Tieso) to close off the intersection of Riverview with Sandy Lake for about 3 weeks. (Riverview is the street east of Riverchase) Traffic would be routed back to Riverchase to gain access to Sandy Lake. The contractor is concerned about the safety of his trucks running through the intersection while they are trucking fill dirt to the south side of the street. All the fill material is on the east side of the project and will need to be trucked to the west side. Every conflict point that can be eliminated will create a safer operation. Because of the short notice, there would not be time to go to Council, so I thought maybe you could gage Council reaction before we respond to the contractor. If it was only a few days, we would go ahead. However, 3 weeks will cause some inconvenience to residents of the Riverview Subdivision. I would like to discuss this with you Monday morning if possible. Thanks ken g Ken Griffin, P. E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 972-304-3686 kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us