ST9301-CS080506 Page 1 of 1 Ken Griffin - East Sandy Lake Rd, ST93-01 From:   Scott Latta To:   Keith Marvin Date:   5/6/2008 10:09 AM Subject:   East Sandy Lake Rd, ST93-01 CC:   Ken Griffin   Keith, I reached Bill Pembroke today and spoke to him concerning ST93-01 E. Sandy Lake.  He suspected that there was a requirement in the contract to provide record drawings, but that since so much time has passed he would need to review the contract to see what they committed to provide, and also the to make sure the $$ remaining are adequate.   He did state that he would need contractor and/or inspector mark-ups of the construction plans in order to generate the revised record drawings.  I hope it's not too late.............   Let me know what I can do to help. Scott  file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48202E52City_o...7/27/2010