ST0501-ES100310 March 10, 2010 Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. C/O City of Coppell Director of Engineering/Public Works 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Mr. Griffin: I am in receipt of your offer, dated January 22, 2010, to acquire right -of -way from my property located at 724 Deforest Road in Coppell, Texas. I can appreciate the need to make improvements to the City's transportation system, but at this time we reject your offer and are respectfully submitting a counter offer for this acquisition. There are a few things in addition to the monetary settlement that I am requesting and look forward to seeing these addressed in your next communication in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) along with the conveyance and right -of -way documents. They are as follows: 1. There is an existing fence on my property and I request the City replace a fence on the new property line that is of like kind at the City's expense as a part of the construction project. If I determine the need for temporary fencing until your contractor can construct the new fence I expect the City to honor that request with a fence of material sufficient to meet my needs at the time. This too must be conveyed in the MOA. 2. I want the conveyance document for the Permanent Right -of -Way that is filed in the County Records Department to specifically reflect that I retain any and all oil, gas and mineral rights that I may have related to the property the City is acquiring. 3. I want the City to prepare and submit a conveyance document for my signature reflecting an expiration date or time limit, a legal description and a drawing for the slope easement (I prefer it to be called a Temporary Grading Easement) you are requesting. It should resemble the Permanent Right -of- Way Documents with Exhibits "A" and "B" you have provided to me. I will now present the monetary counter offer in addition to the above considerations I am requesting to settle this acquisition. I believe my property value at point of sale, if I were choosing to sell the property vs your taking my property for public use, would be more than the value your offer sets forth based on the Dallas Central Appraisal District land value. Therefore, I am asking for $7.50 per square foot or $5,205.00 for 694 square feet of our property. In addition, the use of the temporary easement (slope as you refer to it) can be compared to a land lease situation which requires compensation to the landowner. A standard rate for this use is 12% of the fee simple value I am requesting or $0.90 per square foot totaling $1,286.10 for the temporary use of 1,492 square feet of my property to construct your project. I have nine (9) trees that will be removed due to this construction project and I feel this will be a value loss to my property. Therefore, I request compensation in the amount of $500.00 per tree or $4,500.00. The total monetary compensation comes to $10,991.10. I am in support or your project and I feel the above monetary counter offer and other considerations are appropriate compensation for my land you wish to acquire. I look forward to receiving your response with adequate time provided to review all the documents before you expect their execution. (?' "4--/)(1) Sincerely,, , f Guadalupe R. Estrada