ST0501-ES100512T H E C I T Y O F COPPELL September 27, 2010 Guadalupe R. Estrada 724 Deforest Road Coppell TX 75019 RE: ST 05 -01 Deforest Road Project Parcel 1 Dear Sir The City of Coppell filed the completed Deforest Road right -of -way document with Dallas County and the final document is included with this letter for your records. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the project. Sincerely, George S. Marshall, P.E. Engineering Department Office: 972 - 304 -3562 Fax: 972 - 304 -3570 E -mail: gmarshall a�coppelltx. ,ov Enclosures: Right - of - way document Exhibit A & B A FAMILY COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME 255 PARKWAY * P.O. BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * WWW.COPPELLTX.GOV 11 010 �i�i�dii #�i���i!�Jid ZO DED 24 11S ' SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED CITY OF COPPELL PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF DALLAS § THAT, Guadalupe Estrada, known herein as GRANTOR, in consideration of the sum of Ten and No /100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid by the City of Coppell, Texas, a municipal corporation of Dallas County, Texas, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, and convey to said City (GRANTEE), it successors and assigns, a permanent right -of -way and the right to construct, reconstruct and perpetually maintain a public street and /or drainage facilities and utilities, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and with the right and privilege at any and all times, to enter said permanent right -of -way, or any part thereof, as is necessary to the proper use of any other right granted herein, and for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing and maintaining said public street and /or drainage facilities and utilities, and for making connections therewith, in, upon and across said permanent right -of -way. SAVE AND EXCEPT, the subsurface mineral estate, including all oil, gas and other minerals, in and under the Property, or that may be produced therefrom. This conveyance is being made by Grantor and accepted by Grantee subject only to encumbrances and claims of record, but only to the extent that such encumbrances and claims of record are valid, existing, and, in fact, affect the Land. Except for the special warranty of title made in this Deed, Grantor makes no other representations, warranties, or covenants herein and hereby expressly disclaims all implied representations, warranties, and covenants, whether arising by operation of law, by statute, or otherwise. Said parcel being described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Land, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto and in anywise belonging including all of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to adjacent streets, alleys and rights -of -way, subject to the encumbrances and claims of record, SAVE AND EXCEPT, the subsurface mineral estate, including all oil, gas and other minerals, in and under the Property, or that may be produced therefrom, unto Grantees, its successors and assigns forever; and Grantor does hereby bind itself, its heirs, successors and assigns to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the Land unto Grantee, its successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise. EXECUTED this 9th day of MAI , 2010. I � GRA�ftOR STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS A This instrument was acknowledged before me on the f� +h day of M A , 2010, by Q W)A w pr E S TR A D A MARIA G. RUIZ Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires w� er� ,r March 20, 2012 maa My Commission Expires: Waq U J , zl� STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instrument was Notary Public, StAte of hAkIA kql Type / Print Name of Notary acknowledged before me on the 2010, by day of Notary Public, State of Texas EXHIBIT "A" PERMANENT RIGHT -OF -WAY Being a 0.016 of an acre tract of land in the W. A. Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1791, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that 2.988 acre tract described in a deed to Guadalupe R. Estrada and recorded in Volume 96239, Page 1244, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. Said 0.016 of an acre tract of land is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8" capped iron set in the easterly line of said 2.988 acre tract and at the southwest corner of Lot 23, Block 1, St. Andrews Estates, an addition to the City of Coppell as shown on the plat recorded in Volume 2004150, Page 78, Plat Records, Dallas County, Texas. Said point is in the northerly right -of -way line of DeForest Road as shown on said plat of St. Andrews Estates; Thence S 00 degrees 52 minutes 53 seconds E with the easterly line of said 2.988 acre tract, 6.22 feet to the southeast corner of said 2.988 acre tract and being in the northerly right -of -way line of DeForest Road per the description of said 2.988 acre tract; Thence S 89 degrees 44 minutes 36 seconds W with the southerly line of said 2.988 acre tract and the northerly right -of -way line of DeForest Road per the description of said 2.988 acre tract, 142.83 feet to the southwest corner of said 2.988 acre tract; Thence N 01 degrees 15 minutes 46 seconds W with the westerly line of said 2.988 acre tract, 3.50 feet to a 5/8" capped iron set at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block B, Prestwick, an addition to the City of Coppell as shown on the plat recorded in Volume 2001208, Page 937, said plat records. Said point is in the northerly right -of -way line of DeForest Road as shown on said plat of Prestwick; Thence N 88 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds E, 142.85 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.016 of an acre or 694 square feet. 0 OF T� v GtSTz9 cS� E MiLLER'c•••�J 24�� <� 900E O� S S,P Q` .. � SUR 4 v LOT I, BLOCK B GUADALUPE R. ESTRADA I LOT 23, BLOCK I PRESTWICK I VOLUME 96239, PAGE 1244 I ST. ANDREWS ESTATES VOLUME 2001208, PAGE 937 I 2.988 ACRES I VOLUME 2004150, PAGE 78 PERMANENT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE 5/8' CAPPED IRON SET NO 1* 15' 46' W �- 3. 50' DEFOREST ROAD PERMANENT RIGHT- OF-WAY 0.016 OF AN ACRE 694 SQUARE FEET POINT OF BEGINNING 5/8' CAPPED IRON SET SOO 52' 53' E 6.22' 15' ALLEY i `\ LOT 13 � LOT 14 i LOT 15 i LOT 16 LOT 17 I LOT 18 I LOT 19 I I I I I BLOCK A, RAINTREE VILLAGE VOLUME 86132, PAGE 2311 NOTES: I. ALL RECORDING INFORMATION PER DALLAS COUNTY PLAT AND DEED RECORDS. 2. BASIS OF BEARING IS GRID NORTH PER CITY OF COPPELL MONUMENTS AND THEIR PUBLISHED DATA. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND ON APRIL 1, 2009. STEVE MILLER R. P. I S. 4224 p ,- ..... STEVE MILLER 422 ............. .. . ... .... I " = 50 , EXHIBIT "B" PERMANENT RIGHT -OF -WAY W. A. TR I MBLE SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1791 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AfIL L ER SURVEY /Na INC. 430 MID - CITIES BOULEVARD, HURST, TEXAS T6054 PHONE: METRO (817) 577 -1052 FAX: METRO (817) 577 -09T2 DRA1M1 SY: $ M. DATE: 3 -30-09 JOB NO. :07065 PLOT FILE: 07065D SEVISED: N88 39' 07' E 142. 85' S89 44' 36'W 142.83' Filed and Recorded official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS 09/2712010 10:24:23 AM $28.00 JE n O C/ r 201000247191