ST0501-ES100422 T H E C 1 T Y O F COPPELL -TE I 9 A S 1 $ April 22, 2010 Guadalupe R. Estrada 724 Deforest Road Coppell TX 75019 RE: Deforest Road ST 05 -01 Parcel 1 — Permanent Right -of -Way Offer Letter/Letter of Permission Dear Mr. Estrada: The City of Coppell has received your letter dated March 10, 2010, which makes reference to a "Memorandum of Agreement" (MOA). This letter, once signed by both parties, shall be considered our MOA. The City will work with you on the items requested as follows: 1) The City shall perform the necessary grading work on your property and relocate / replace your existing fence on the new property line. If temporary fencing is required based on the construction timeline it shall be the city via the contractor's responsibility to install such fencing. The proposed fence shall be of like type (48" tall wire fence on wood posts). See attached Photos. 2) The conveyance document for the Permanent Right -of -Way has been modified with language to the effect that the City is not purchasing any oil, gas and mineral rights. (please see attached) 3) The City has prepared a Letter of Permission to allow for the grading work which will expire when the Deforest Road reconstruction project is complete. This timeline is too hard to define to an exact date or number of days as there are too many variables the City can not control. The purpose is to create a gentle slope from the end of the sidewalk down to natural ground. Once grading operations are complete we will not need this easement. Though not typically done, the city will also agree to pay $1,286.10 for allowing the temporary grading. 4) The City will agree to your request of $7.50 per square foot or $5,205.00 for 694 square feet of property. 5) The City will agree to pay $500 per tree within your existing property, 7 trees for a total of $3500. Please note that the two hackberry trees west of your driveway are within the City Right -of -Way. The Total monetary compensation comes to $9,991.10. 255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 T H E •C 1 T Y •O F 2 COPPELL „-„,„ Mvs. ..� q A S , a Your consideration of this matter is appreciated and if you have any questions, please contact George Marshall at 972 - 304 -3562, or me at the number below. Sincerely, Kt.vi Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works Office 972/304 -3686 Guadalupe R. Estrada or Representative Fax 972/304 -7041 E -mail kgriffin @ci.coppell.tx.us _ I I_ /, Ld ! 1 < rr (� Enclosures 255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673