ST0004(2006)-EM060116 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Freeport Parkway Reconstruction Project ST-00-04 "2006" Item No.QuantityUnitDescriptionUnit PriceTotal Price 11LSMobilization & Demobilization$50,000.00$50,000.00 240000SFRemove and Replace 8" Concrete Paving$8.00$320,000.00 32180LFConstruct Monolithic Concrete Curb$12.00$26,160.00 42017SFRemove Brick Pavers and Construct Stamped Concrete Band$30.00$60,510.00 54EAAdjust Water Valve Box or Manhole Cover to Grade$500.00$2,000.00 610000LFRemove, Clean and Reseal Pavement Joints$10.00$100,000.00 71LSFurnish, Install, Maintain & Remove Traffic Control Devices$20,000.00$20,000.00 81LSFurnish, Install, Maintain & Remove Erosion Control Devices$5,000.00$5,000.00 Sub-Total$583,670.00 Contingencies (10%)$58,367.00 Grand Total$642,037.00 12/2/20102:07 PM1 of 1Project # SS 02-01