ST9904-CS 931209 MEMORANDUM To: Frank Trando, Interim City Manager From: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., City Engineer RE: Proposed Toll Road status for S.H. 121 Date: December 9, 1993 I have reviewed the packet of information provided to me concerning the study of S.H. 121 as a potential toll road. I have also discussed this with Robert Pope. Robert W. Pope and Associates coordinates the monthly S. H. 121 meetings. Based on my conversation with Mr. Pope and on reviewing the information, at this point it is premature for the City to take a position one way or the other on toll roads as no criteria has even been established by the Regional Transportation Council through the Council of Governments for classification of roads as toll roads. Mr. Pope did state that in preliminary conversations one of the major issues will be that a toll road should be a new location, not a location already designated or quite possibly where right-of-way has been previously dedicated by property owners. My recommendation again is to take a wait and see approach and scrutinize the criteria once it is presented by the Regional Transportation Council. I will be happy to discuss this with you at your convenience. file/kgriffin/sh121.mm