ST0501-AG110726MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., CFM, Director of Engineering & Public Works FROM: George S. Marshall, P.E., CFM, Civil Engineer DATE: July 26, 2011 REF: Discussion concerning potential construction issues on Deforest Road. The Engineering Department has been in communication with the Lakes of Coppell HOA in regards to the reconstruction of Deforest Road and the future of the wood fence screening the south side of the road. The Lakes of Coppell HOA Board made the following offer on June 16 2011: "The Board of Directors for Lakes of Coppell met last night and would like to make an offer to you. The Board is willing to accept $250, 000 from the City of Coppell for construction of a new brick screening wall in place of the current wood fence which the Association will contract to be built to spec and pay the remaining expenses. " In discussions with the board, the Engineering Department has stated that if during the course of construction a portion of the existing wood fence needs to be removed then it will be removed and salvaged or replaced to as good or better condition. Since Deforest Road is not a primary image zone, the initial developer of Raintree Village requested a variance to the zoning ordinance which requires a masonry screening wall along Deforest Road. In 1996 the Lakes of Coppell HOA acquired several easements from the City to construct and maintain the wood fence within the public right of way and along the south side of Deforest Road. During the design process of Deforest Road, there was citizen consensus in support of constructing sidewalks on both sides of the road and trying to save as many trees as possible. The new roadway will consist of 28' wide paving (typical residential street) with 5' sidewalks on both sides against the curb. The new centerline of the roadway has been shifted south by approximately 10' to save as much of the existing landscaping and trees on the north side of the road. Due to the elevation differences between Deforest Road and the alleys to the south, the plans call for 2 types of retaining walls; one to support the alley (Retaining Wall with Integral Sidewalk, Section A -A) and the other to support the roadway (TxDOT Style Retaining Wall, Section B -B). These walls range from lft to Eft tall and run the majority of the length of Deforest. Section A -A: The face of the retaining wall with integral sidewalk will be visible as you drive down Deforest Road and its construction will not be in conflict with the existing wood fence. There is approximately 1650' of this type of retaining wall. Section B -B: The face of the TxDOT style retaining wall will not be visible as you drive down Deforest Road and will require a pedestrian and vehicular railing along the length of the wall due to the drop off adjacent to the sidewalk. This wall has a large footing which will potentially be in conflict with the existing wood fence. There is approximately 1050' of footing potentially in conflict with the existing wood fence. The challenge with building a brick screening wall along the south side of Deforest Road is that the screening wall would need to be placed directly on top of the retaining wall and directly next to the sidewalk. The proposed retaining wall would need to be redesigned to support the different type of loading on top of the wall. The Engineering Department has developed a rough estimate of additional cost for the addition of a brick screening wall and removing any items that might be deemed unnecessary from the plans. The approximate estimate is $566,000. This includes the cost of design & construction of the screening wall and additional cost of engineering & construction of the retaining wall. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. T H E C I T Y - d F COPP �- tea_ 0 July 27, 2010 Lakes of Coppell Home Owners Association HOA President via Alison Decarlucci CMA Management 1800 Preston Park Blvd, Suite 240 Plano, TX 75043 RE: Deforest Road, Project #ST 05 -01 Screening Wall Request 162 = C9I:A9=1l , Thank you for allowing Michael Garza and myself to attend your HOA Board meeting on April 21 ". You requested at the meeting that the City consider participating in the construction cost of a brick screening wall to replace the existing wooden fence. The City of Coppell has reviewed the HOA's request for a masonry screening wall along the south side of Deforest Road. The preliminary cost estimate for a brick screening wall would add approximately $550,000 to the current estimated cost of the initial project. Please see the attached memo and backup information for the estimating formula used. All documentation that the City has reviewed indicates that the construction and maintenance of the screening wall is a HOA responsibility. However, if the HOA has the means to fund the design and construction of the screening wall, we could ask our consulting firm to add it into the project plans before they are 100% complete. Time is of the essence as it is anticipated that construction will begin in the fourth quarter of this year. Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions. Sincerely,. George S. arsh , E. Office Phone: (972) 304 -3562 Fax: (472) 304 -3570 gmarshall @.coppelltx.gov A FAMILY COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME 255 PARKWAY * P.O. BOX 9476 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 9721482 0022 * WWW.COPPELLTX.GOV T H 9- C t r s- 0 R COFF 4*41 MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Director of Engineering/Public Works FROM: George S. Marshall, P.E., Civil Engineer DATE: May 10, 2010 REF: ST05 -01 Deforest Road Lakes of Coppell HOA Screening wall request On April 21, 2010, Michael Garza and I attended the Lakes of Coppell HOA board meeting. The HOA board requested that the City look into the possibility of participating in constructing a new brick screening wall to replace the original wood fence. The existing wood fence is within the public right of way; however, the HOA is required to maintain this fence (except for several locations where there is a property owner directly adjacent). The current design plans for Deforest Road do not include any upgrade to the existing wood fence. Due to grade changes from the north side to the south side of the road, the engineer has included two types of retaining walls: Type I — wall adjacent to sidewalk rising to meet existing grades; and Type lI — wall adjacent to sidewalk falling to meet existing grade, with a pedestrian handrail mounted on the top of the wall. The average distance from the backside of the wall to the existing wood fence is approximately 2 feet. In the Type II situation there would be a small space between the retaining wall and the wood fence where trash and debris could gather. The estimated length of the screening wall is 2877 linear feet. Of the 2877 LF, 165 LF does not include a retaining wall, 1572 LF includes Type I retaining wall, and 1140 LF includes Type 11 retaining wall. If the City did try to install a screening wall, much of the wall would be on top of retaining walls, thus causing the need to re- design the retaining walls to support the screening wall. Recently the City bid a screening wall, City Bid No. Q- 0510 -02 Woodridge Masonry Screening Wall. After reviewing the bids, we have estimated a screening wall cost of $175 per linear foot, plus another $15 /LF for the design of the screening wall. Though these numbers were not in the bid, we have estimated the additional engineering design of the retaining wall to handle the screening wall to be $5/LF and the additional cost for the additional retaining wall of $4OILF. The City could remove the following from the current Plans for Deforest Road: 1) Pedestrian Handrail $601LF; and 2) Wood Fence Replacement $301LF. The estimated Grand Total cost for the U :1Ferockc"RO]ECTSLSTREE*PACF[VE PROIECTS\ST45 -01 Defomt RdOefurcm Rd Scrtcning wall Memo - 5 -S& lil.doc masonry screening wall is $668,670 minus $102,600 = $566,070. Please see the attached for further detail. U: Tcrockce,PROJ ECTS%STREM)ACTIVE PROJECM\ST05-01 Deffirem Rd\Mfomt Rd Screening will Memo- 5- 10- 1 OAoc ST05 -01 Deforest Road Estimate of Probable Cost - Screenwall Costs Associated with adding Screenwall to Deforest Road on South Side Screnwall on Retaining wall Station Begin Station End Length Cost per LF Type 1 68 749 672 $235 $157,920 Typ 11 799 1285 495 $235 $116,325 Type 1 1375 1465 90 $235 $21,150 Type 11 1495 2050 555 $235 $130,425 Type 1 2165' 2550 385 $235 $99,475 Type 1 2649 2985 345 $235 $81,975 Type 1 2985 3155 170 $235 $39,959' Total 2712 $235 $637,320 Station Begin Station End - Length Cost per LF Screenwall on dirt 740ii 790 50 $190 $9,590 2059 2165 115 $190 $21,850 Total' 165 $190 $31,350 Grand Total 2877 $232 $655,670 $ILF LF Cost Screenwall $175 2877 $593,475 Design of Screenwall $15 2877 $43,155 Additional Engineering Design of retaining wall to handle Screenwall $5 2712 $13,560 Extra cost for additional needs for retaining wall $49 2712 $108,489 _ Total $668,679 Items to be removed from plans due to screenwall $fLF LF Cost Pedestrian handrail -$60 1140 -$68 „400 Wood Fence replacement* -$30' 1140 - $34,200 Total - $102,600 Grand Total $566,0701 * Note: Wood fence replacement is only where the footing of the retaining wall is the same elevation as the existing wood fence. This also coincides with where we have placed the pedestrian handrail. See Type 11. s _ _� —� No Pedestrian Rail 1N=- Pedestrian Rail Note: utilized bid prices from City bid fro. Q- 0510 -02 Woodridge Masonry Screening Wall Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Lakes of Coppell Deforest Road Project From: "Alison Decarlucci" <aldecarlucci @cmamanagement.com> To: "George Marshall" < gmarshall @coppelltx.gov> Date: 6/16/20113:27 PM Subject: Lakes of Coppell Deforest Road Project CC: <PTS90 @aol.com >, "Ken Griffin" <KGRIFFIN @coppelltx.gov> Hi George, The Board of Directors for Lakes of Coppell met last night and would like to make an offer to you. The Board is willing to accept $250,000 from the City of Coppell for construction of a new brick screening wall in place of the current wood fence which the Association will contract to be built to spec and pay the remaining expenses. I look forward to hearing back from you so we all can proceed with the road and wall projects. Thanks, Alison DeCarlucci Association Manager RTI /Community Management Associates, Inc., "CMA" TYinner of the American Business Ethics Award and Greater Dallas Business Ethics Award 1800 Preston Park Blvd. Suite #240 Plano, TX 75093 Phone: (972) 943 -2852 Fax: (214) 778 -0550 aldecarlucci %rncmamanagement.com Customer Service: www.cmamaiiagement.com PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL This electronic message and any attachments thereto is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone or email and delete the message. file://C:AUsers \gmarshall \AppData\Local \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DFA20FBCity_of CoppellTo... 7/11/2011 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Fwd: RE: Deforest Lakes of Coppell HOA mtg From: Ken Griffin To: George Marshall Date: 5/12/2011 11:03 AM Subject: Fwd: RE: Deforest Lakes of Coppell HOA mtg FYI >>> David Dodd <ddodd @njdhs.com> 5/12/2011 10:49 AM >>> I have reviewed the easements and documents you sent me. The HOA has an easement in our Right of Way. The HOA does not have exclusive use of the area. We still have the Right of Way and can construct the road without approval from the HOA. From: Ken Griffin [mailto:kgriffin @coppelltx.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 20114:48 PM To: David Dodd Subject: Fwd: Deforest Lakes of Coppell HOA mtg David This is information concerning a wall maintenance easement from the city of Coppell to the Lakes of Coppell HOA in the 90's. we are trying to proceed with the construction of Deforest and the HOA stated that their attorney stated that we couldn't encroach on the wall easement, that's in our right of way, without the HOA approval. Of course, they will give that approval if we build them a new brick wall. What I need is an opinion on our rights as it pertains to the wall maintenance easement. Thanks Ken Griffin, P. E., CFM Director of Engineering & Public Works 972 -304 -3686 kariffin2 coppelltx. Qov file: / /C:A Users \gmarshall \AppData\ Local \Temp \XPgrpwise \4DCBBE78City_of CoppellT... 7/19/2011 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: duly 23 1996 ITEM CAPTION: a�') Consider approval of granting an easement for fence installation to the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association along DeForest Road and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 0 VED `' U CIL SUBMnTED BY: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. TITLE ACM /City Engineer INITIALS STAFF COMMENTS: For some time now, the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association has been in discussion with the City of Coppell about the construction of a screening fence along Raintree Village and the Villages of Coppell subdivisions adjacent to DeForest Road. Because of the location of the alley in those subdivisions and the grade change along portions of the subdivisions, it is necessary for this fence to encroach upon City right -of -way. Therefore, the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association has requested a 5 foot easement from the City in which to construct the proposed screening fence. Attached are the easements along with the letter from the Homeowners Association detailing the type of screening and the fact that the Homeowners Association will mow and maintain the easement area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval X Denial EXPLANATION: Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. BUDGET AMT.$ FINANCIAL COMMENTS:�� FINANCIAL REVIEW AMT. EST.$ +/- BUD:$ CITY MANAGER Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 Document Name 2.eng REVIEW: T HE EKES OF COPPELL July 12, 1996 Mr. Ken Griffin, City Engineer City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75063 Re: DeForest Road Fence Easement Dear Mr. Griffin: Please allow this letter to confirm the Lakes of Coppell Owner's Associations obligations and requirements for the proposed Deforest Road fencing. The Owner's Association will be responsible for the site preparation to accommodate the construction of the fence. We do not expect the City of Coppell to do this work. Maintenance of the areas inside this fence, including the land between the existing alleys and fencing, will become the responsibility of the Owner's Association as soon as the fence is constructed. Routine maintenance and repair of the fence will also be the responsibility of the Owner's Association. Repairs or replacement of this fencing that could occur from the City 's improvements or maintenance of DeForest Road would be the City of Coppell's responsibility. Maintenance of the streetside area will continue to be the responsibility of the City and/or the Villages of Coppell Homeowners Association. As soon as we receive the acceptance of the proposed easements, the Owner's Association will proceed with bidding this project. It is our intention to complete at least the first phase from MacArthur Boulevard to Lake Forest Drive this year. Sincerely, LAKES OF COPPELL OWNERS ASSOCIATION Heritage Square I •4835 LBJ, Suite 600, LB 50 • Dallas, Texas 75244 • (214) 934 -0400 June 12, 1996 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 THE �KES ri OF COPPELL Re: Deforest Road Wall Maintenance Easement Dear Mr. Witt: D3� 11N 1 4 19')6 CITY MANAGER _ CITY OF CnPPFI Enclosed for your review and the City's execution are the easements for the fencing that will be located along DeForest Road. It is our understanding that the easements will complete the review and approval process. We will proceed with bidding the first phase of this project as soon as the easements are returned to us for recording. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us immediately. As always, the Owners Association appreciates your continued assistance. Sincerely, LAKES OF COPPELL OWNERS ASSOCIATION By: CMA, its managing agent By: Cary Fitzger, , Pro anager, RPA, CPM Enclosures Heritage Square I • 4835 LBJ, Suite 600, LB 50 • Dallas, Texas 75244 • (214) 934 -0400 From the desk of... Ken Griffin, P.E. Asst. City Manager City Engineer [r.. Lam `f �oPPa' R.Z. G4-4-' w a ,. e � p a - )t w, o w 140A -ft" �.v.'�o l� v. i l ( (� W►O w. . ^ (0 12,t/ v City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 (214)304 -3679 / (Metro 471 -2251) ^.,. 'F`+) �Afl£ dill' A w" G �AA�At ", " `9rf hdr #SrstaEloh�r'vRapvhasY�nA "n,' . BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, f ; <a Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more A THE STATE OF -TEXAS, =d COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3 COUNTY OF DALLAS j IL - 7 4; THAT The City of Coppell COUNTY CLERK'S MEMO 09/12/% 19E743 (13.00 }� = of Dallas County, Texas PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT NOT Dd Deed in c of the sum of co rR �i One Dollar ($1.00) REPRODUCIDLE WHEN RECORDED ' and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by °? Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Assoc.. the free s =: _c and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property,° E owned b , Situated in Count Texas, in the Y Grantor Collin Y, Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 e: WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, t` buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, A employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness my hand this the day of Lakes of Coppell X" Homeowners As _ - . f V C) F a0P Lt- as aforesaid for , A.D. 19 96 BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, f ; <a Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: =d COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard (a 100 foot right -of -way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way), a ' j said point also being the northwest corner of Raintree Village, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; Thence S. 89 0 44'05" E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00 °34 E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road 4 to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89 0 44'05" E., 1234.39 feet being 5.00 feet north of and parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; n THENCE S. 00 °15'55" W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said south line of 00 `u Deforest Road. THENCE N. 89 0 44'05" W., 1234.42 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road CV to the Point of Beginning and containing 6,172 square feet of land. M O And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, t` buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, A employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness my hand this the day of Lakes of Coppell X" Homeowners As _ - . f V C) F a0P Lt- as aforesaid for , A.D. 19 96 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE W TEXAS, l COUNTY OF { ) ci.&O-- J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personaTl appeared. known to me to be the person .. whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he __ exec nsideration therein expressed . , y _ GIVEN Y HdNgA4MIhL OF FFICF„ This da y of _ A.D. 19 J* 16, Im .. ............_._._... .........- ......:............ :: otary Public, in and for the State of Texas. M My Commission Expires ........................... _ ..._....__ ...... . ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared. -_ - __._.- ....__. ._.. .... known to me to be the arson.__ whose name. subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he..__ axe same fRA*Lpt�,��ses and onsideration therein e r ssed. GIVEN 1Y h4�G4Ml�9GL1feBF,zL O OFFICE, This . _ day of , A.D. 19.� z ' July 14, 7989 N a Pu c, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission xpires °- .- .........._. .... .... _.... ... __._..._ CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS j BEFORE ME the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF . - - -- - -- - ----- -- on this day personally appeared- ----------- ---- -- -------------- ------ ---- -----------._..------ - - - I ---- ------- - -- -- --- -- ---- --- -- --- -- -- -- - - ---- ---- - ----- - -- ---- -- ----- - - ---- - -------- .- ..known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said -- --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - --- - ---------- ---... .---------------------------------- - -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -------------__ ------ - -------- -._.-._- --------- a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This . ----- ___.. --------- day of._ ._- _.._- __.------- _--- .__ - -__., A.D. 19 ---- ._. (L.S.) . .._ ...........................• .......................................................... ............................... Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. MyCommission Expires .............................. ......................... ... ......... CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS I,........__........__....._... .__.--- ......_....._.__......._ _ _ County COUNTY OF .- .._ ............. ................ Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the day of .... ... ....-_............ ..... ............................ ... A. D. 19. , with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the .._.:_: -- ...day of_.... - - - -.- ............ ____ ....... A. D. 19.___. , at.. __. o'clock_ M., and duly recorded this..._ __ _ __..day of ....... ........... ..__ _.- - - -- - .- ....... _._.. ............... A. D. 19_.._...., at.. _._ _ o'clock M., in the . .... ...... _..-. ___ ..._---.._ ................. ...............__._._.........- Records of said County, in Volume.....___ ..... , on pages WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in ....... __ ......... , the day and year last above written. County Clerk _ __.. __..._ ....... .............___ County, Texas. {L. S.) Deputy. C+7 M O I� w zw fA a 0 �i a O W Q 0 JS x O i � b ,x NI 0 O M 7R d W i E U i U d y fA a 0 �i a O W Q 0 JS x O i � b ,x M 7R d O T U d y a C+D V E E " Q W ti 0 v d G U w �' A'o a g N c n o w z v E,2 d G U 'i• o qq p �^ W Q ��� � PO /�(j' OF COHii/ENC /NG w a � o z � � V , 2 .A .p v� "45�- � O p o� c Cl �O G I 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CITY OF COPPELL PATIENCE PILES' SURVEY , ABST. 1 137 0 N M M O cn CO C" . 0 . 0 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS \; 5, 0 p O10 DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. sale 1• -100' Dete 3 -27 -96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 Job No. 95 -066 (214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 .A\ a Z6C0 6L 1.96 FILED 96 SEP 12 AM 10: 50 EARL COUNTY Cl b K DALLAS COUNTY g E m a a Ea� _� >> a =EJ x T 75 — °� ,Sao T �aE tO � • i F, i" r " "'i' i i , v "i'iir' f i f .... i7ii'ii ii'ii i - .. ...; .•.... THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas 790986 THAT The City of Coppell COUNTY CLERK'S MEMO PORTIONS OF THIS 09/12/% 1987$5 $13.00 s of Dallas County, Texas DOCUMENT NOT Deed in consideration of the sum of - •s REPRODUCIBLE:'± WHEN RECORDED ` One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration' Lakes of Coppell Homeowners ?^ in hand paid by pPe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners the free b' . Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following N' <k described property, " owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT OR day of Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Assog BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Raintree Village an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard (a 100 foot right -of -way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way), said point also being the northwest corner of the above said Raintree Village; Thence S. 89'44 E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S. 89'44 E., 1149.42 feet continuing along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 52 in Block "A" of the above said Raintree Village; THENCE S. 00'15 W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89'44 W., 1149.45 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 00'34 E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 6,172 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall r >: in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness M , hand this the I Q, r C/ rV of 0- ceeL4j- as aforesaid for , A.D. 19 96 I r.N N^ s- r:cri CG O) a: r =:> x _. orb s Esc a THE STATE AS, j COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared. known to me to be the person _ whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he.... t e same for the ur oses and consideration therein expres GIV R MSUftTA"D SEA OF OFFICE, This y day of A.D. 19 W =#AN ON DfPM J* 1s, in$ ....................... Nota ry ....................... , _.................... Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ............. .............. . .. ... __.._ ..... ...._._....... ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared __._...... _ __._. known to me to be the person____ whose name _ _ subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _. executed the same for therein xpres d. /- _he... for the purposes and conside AL OF OFFICE, This day of A.D. 19.7 KATHY L. NEAL MY CDWASSION EXPIRES `�... July 14, 110 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Nota PubliXin and for the State of 'Texas. Myo - E ices ...................... ._. __..__.......... CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF­ _ - - - ------ --- --- - -- - on this day personally appeared -. ----------- ---- --- -------------------- ---- °° - -._ .... ------ --- - -- --- -- - ----- -- - - - --- ...._-------- ---- - -- _- - -- -- -- --- - - ------ -- --- -- ---- --- ---- ---- -- - - -- ------ ----- -- - ---- --- -- -- -- - --- ...--- --- ------- --- -- --- -- -- -- known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said ----------- ----- - - ----- - - ---- -- -- ---- -- - --- • - - . -- -------------------- -- -- -- ----- -- I - --- -- - - - --- - - °----------------------------- a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ----------------------- of. _... -------- _ ..... .------------- A.D. 19_..._. (L.S.) . ................. ............................ ....................... ............._........_........ ......... Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires .................................... ............................... CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, t COUNTY OF . _ ._ ......................... ... TEXAS .......... ... County .._ _..._...... ....__......_...._.......__._.. , Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the .- .. __..._ . day of .............................. A. D. 19. with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the ............ .......day of.... ........... ..___...___ . ..... , A. D. 19 -_. , at.._ __. o'clock _ M., and duly recorded this__ ........ day of... _._.. ............. - __. ....... A. D. 19__.._- , at - ...._ o'clock M., in the ... . ....... ........ ... ._._ _ . ...................................... ......... ........ ......Records of said County, in Volume ............. _ , on pages.._ WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in ..... -.._., the day and year last above written. C ounty Clerk__._-._ .................. ..... ........... ....__ County, Texas. (L. S.) By. _ _ -­ ................. ................ ........- .............._.....__ ._ , Deputy. n N u f , U V1 z W 1 N C" 7 >II o b ati N 't1 0 d M s o w 0 �x o a �. E y, NT �L T 0 z C a C" �i d F fa a iC: y C d 00 q a U U o O W fYi W a a P4 E a 0 a O Q W '4 i x W b v V � D+ I q 0 M: t N C" 7 >II o b ati N 't1 0 d M s o w 0 �x o a �. E y, NT �L T 0 z C a C" V , 2 'A A Z- 0 GI 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CITY OF COPPELL PATIENCE PILES SURVEY , ABST. 1137 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 f 214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 7524E 0 --w " 1 3, t` N m Cn C=) rn cc rn Scale Dole 3 InhNo 95-066 1110 �N a FILID 95 SEP 12 AM 10: 50 RL EU!.L 0''K COUNTY C!.ERK 0ALLASCOUNTY 82EE0 6LI96 Ah t ¢Eq� b JJ °EN g c a -- oa • U 4-6 ji L U = nn _ c f3 sEy � W Crl pp XX4 � =o�W g'E U � yy°1¢-t Emd oaN_."i ac wi•�4 r) ' r i i `i " r •• i • .0..... ' •... `•i; r r ..•.. r u u i ii`i° i. Iry : i ?ri it v r i'1 v u v iI'ii "d 'S ^,"�Ard^^.���dA�'"�,AD,A • A ®. aAAAAA�'.", �l A�?�aCK^ D^^ , a` 4AAAaA°! nnn��' �n���° d, �.a ��nn+ hi!l rn at'iu vRu�Ma�1a� ^wA THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas COUNTY CLERK'S MEMO 1 790907 PORTIONS OF THIS 09/12/% 196746 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell 00CUMENr NOT ;a Deed of Dallas County, One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Teceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association M these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following l =o- described property, }; owned by Grantor Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the •: �a Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 w to WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT <a BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the south line of Deforest <p Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) with the easement line of Lake Forest l Drive (a 50 foot right - Of -way), said point also being the northwest corner of Lot 1 in Block " E " of Raintree Village, an addition to the `. City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; Thence S. 89'44'05" E., 15.00 feet ;r@ along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00'15'55" E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of E Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89'44'05" E., 1175.00 feet, being 5.00 feet north of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; :. THENCE S. 00'15'55" W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said ^ A south line of Deforest Road; THENCE N. 89'44'05" W., 1175.00 feet along the said south line of ' Deforest Road to the Point of Beginning and containing 5,875 square feet of land. =a And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, << buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. H For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall REPRODUCIBLE Texas WHEN RECORDED in rnncirierntinn of the cnm of_ " "� in, along, upon and a:a his or its agents, ka P" across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, ^M employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or _a any part thereof. V TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. °^ d Witness my hand this the day of Lakes of Coppell ^� <� v� �jA 4012 Homeowners As r G- l r v or 01) ApE L-L .v:c.� .v•eva :o:v:o :v:v.v.e:ve�ve:v s:v .a voo• �v�1. 6..W:v vvas: I, :1.:vgr.vv..v:v..a:a.c:.�.e1:�: as aforesaid for , A.D. 19 96 179 03329 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared. _. _.. ...__TC. / I _--- -I f0_6 rO .- known to me to be the person ... whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that h e, ., I a xecuted the same for the purposes and consideration therein expre !l�11Ar)R�' OF OFFICE, This ° y -d G ay of A.D. 19 . 9," LM WAU AMY COMMON f1fiINES ..:.. .................. ' � 15, 1994 Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commiss E ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared_ __......_ ............. ... ......._.__ ...__.___ _. known to me to be the person..__ _whose name. _ _ _ subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he -.... - executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expr ed. �p� q GIVE EAC OFFICE, This :5�� day of L Y , A.D. 19 -L J CW MY COMMISSION EXPIRES s July 14, 1999 No Fu c, fn and for the State of Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS, i BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF._ -- - ------ -- -- - J on this day personally appeared -.. - ----- ___ --------- -- -- -------- -- - -- ---- -- --- - - ----- ---- -- -- -- ---- ----- -- -- -- - - - -- - --- ----- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- - ----- known to me to be the person and officer � - - - - -- -- - - -- ------- ------ ------- - - - - --- -- ------ ------ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said - -° ---- -- --- -- - --- °- ------- - ----- -- -- -----_------ --- - -_ - ° ---- --------- ---- -------- --- --- - - -- - -- - --- ----------------- - -....----------- ---- ------ -------- -- ---------- - - a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This _- ...- ....-- ..._. -- -.day of ----- - -------- _..._- __-- ..._ -.., A.D. 19.- .. -... ili (L.S.) . _.............................. _...... _...... .................. : L ..................... ............................. Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires .................................... ...... . .. ...................... CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, I, ........- - ..... -_ .. .. .. . ..... . County F COUNTY OF.. _ _ .. ... ._...... ....................... Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the ° a _._.... -_..._ day of.... ..... .... ... ................. .... ............... .._- ....., A. D. 19.. . , with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for y record in my office on the................... day of ... ... --- _ --------- ... .______, A. D. 19 _ , at.- o'clock. M., and duly recorded this.... ..._...__.day of ....... - .. ......... .._... ---._ ..._ ................_.....__.._ A. D. 19.-...._.., at _.... o'clock M., in the Q .. _...- ... .......................... ..._......_..._.._ ----- Records of said County, in Volume ----- , on pages WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in __ ._ _ c .__ _, the day and year last above written. Cr) _._- .__..._..... ... .. -_._... ._ ...................._. ....__.- ce) U County Clerk. _ - ...__< ................. ...... .. County, Texas. (L. S.) By - -- _ ........:..:............_...,:... .......................... - . , Deputy. CT s U CD O" NI N U u z! w m w � T ili y : L a a, F a ° a y d Q Q U U E - U d W d � p+ A ,vs a ti W k o u O m ^ o z W � w o a G a E O W W �r a A w i � a x W b V o b ili : L a a, ° a y d E = U U E - d W � p+ ,vs a ti W k o u m ^ o z w o a G �r a 05 E .! 0 0 0 DO Z A0 / O w T z .m O may A "" o w w.. Z- 0 � O " cS -o s v F O m G cn cn M 0 rn n CO c" 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT 0 CIT Y OF COPPELL PATIENCE PILES SURVEY ABST. 1137 DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS oS� \\ o,e �� Q ,�,P 6 QG APO DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. F J,,bN,,. 1"= 100' [) , 1 , 4-19-96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 95 (214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 i FILED Z£EEO 6LI96 SBXel'kunoO sellea 'N8313 9Nno� , '` ��o �1X COUNTY CL.Lr;t; 9661 Zi d39 DALLAS COUNTY .w Ag uoue 9S SEP 12 AM 10: 50 LAf%L B6 I . :n PR MIS se sexal 'Awno3 sell¢() to spioaei Powe 941 to o8e pue awn!an a4l u! papmaai Alnp sem pue aw Ag uo8ia4 padwels owl pue alep a4l uo POW sem luawnilsu! s!4l Al!Waa Agaia4 SVIIVO 30 A SVX31 10 31V1S Due D!lenui s! aaei io io�oa lu asnejeaapaI lapun glgeaa�oluaun 94l to asn Jo'leluw 'ales a4l slaWsa, /4iad°'d ieal paquasap 4 14M ulW04 u bur Il a ,��,�o ' i , r r r u b 1i ii`i! ta•r'3`ii "ii'ii it'ii`iP8'i+ �• v u v v u rf v v +!'i� tt•S� r •rV - .,.. - , .. •. i ir'i �'I���PI�I�F��Ad1'AA:�:.. .�.AAA4:A9AAAA^� ^A^AA.9A9AAu^ AAA, Af a�A' a" 9�9> P".", waay '.'a3`"�d�tn� �'9�A�AA THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: l COUNTY OF Dallas i 79oc3cb4E3;: CLERK'S MEMO 09/12/% 196747 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell COUNTY OF THIS Deed PORTIONS of Dallas County, Texas Docj,MENT NOT ; in consideration of the sum of y - . "•. Rcc,tonuasLE RECORDED va;itN and other good and valuable consideration w' One Dollar ($1.00) A, in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by ; Association :, these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following 4 described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 B.B.B. 8 S.R.R. 199; WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the B.B.B & S.R.R Survey, Abstract No. 199 and the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. fy:: 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more r: particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right - of - way) with the east line of Allen Road (a 60 foot right -of -way); Thence S. 89'44 E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00'15 E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89'44 E., 267.00 feet, being 5.00 feet north of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00'15'55" W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said south line of Deforest Road; THENCE N. 89'44 W., 267.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the Point of Beginning and containing 1,335 square feet ? ~' of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. r: For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents,': employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said s premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee as aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness my han � h this the 1-,,, r City o f C 1 0e, 1-L day of A.D. 1996 Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Ass�*iation ft 96179 03333 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF () on this day personally appeared. _..T._.Ly . / D -. - - known to me to be the person _ whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he.. executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed GIVEN O OFFICE, This y t y of A.D. 19 (L.. MY C July is.1 p(MNN � _. July 16. 1006 ............. ..... y ... _ _....... ,fa No ar Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Comm Expires .. ........................... ._ _..... ___.._._........- --- ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared. _..... __..__ .__ ... ....... ....... known to me to be the person__ whose name ____ subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _ _.he ....... executed the same for the purposes and consideration therei ex r ed. lJ GIVEN OFFICE„ Thi day o A.D. 19�p TNY L. NM ( L. ........... .. ). W COMMISSION IXPIRES ..... .... _ ...... .................. ;? 1 ....< •„ July 14 , 1999 Nota Pub ' , in and for the State of ez _. - -- MyCo E ices ........................__ ......... CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGM NT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF._ ___- ----- ------------ ---------- J on this day personally appeared. - -- ---- ----- -- -- ---- --- --------- -- --- ------ --- - ---- - ----- ---- --- - -- - - ---- ------- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- -- ------ ----- -- -- - --- -- -- --- - - - -- ---known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said -- -------------------- _ - -- --- - -- -- -- -- ---- - -- ---- -- --- ------- ---- -- ---- ------ --- --- ------ --- --- - - --- - - - -- - -- -- - -- - ---- ------ --- -- --- -- - ----- ------ -- --- ----- . a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ------------------------ day of ----- - ------- ._....- .---- — --- - ---- A.D. 19 -------- (L.S.) ... .......... ...... .- ....... ..................................._.......... ....._..........- .............. Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ..................... .............. ..........__..... ---- --- ._. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, ___..- ...... .— ... Count COUNTYOF_ .. ...... -......................... Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the . day of _ .._....._........_ .. ..............._.._...........- ., A. D. 19. with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the .................... day of........__._.........____ - . _, A. D. 19. at...._ __o'clock M., and duly recorded this._. ___.....day of .......... ......_. ..__.- ......_- ......... ... .._A. D. 19...._..., at_ . __ o'clock M., in the ._ ............. _.._ - ........... ................ I ......................... ......Records of said County, in Volume.....- .._____ , on pages WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in.. ....... ..... ..._.................. ._.......... ....... , the day and year last above written. .— ..- . ........ ......._ _ County Clerk_.__. .......... ,. .................... ..... _...__ County, Texas. (L. S.) By- . - _.- . ................. .:. ::. - °... ........... _ _.... . _ , Deputy. w w k a �1 ca y b s Cr) a, � ' of E., d „ v 7 Cr) q V V E a o U q m b F 0 0 W W W a 0 W m o �' c n Gx ?A o w z T d G f a0 CJ --,, h h 0 h 0 IT N , O � w 46 45 44 43 42 40 39 BLOC K "A" W J -� BRENTWOOD DRIVE Q VILLAGES OF COPPELL — PHASE II A VOLUME 9 1 1 6, PG. 1 1 65 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CIT Y OF COPPEL L B.B. B. 8 C. R.R. SURVEY ABST. 199 PATIENCE PILES SURVEY , ABST. 1 137 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS tf� C`7 C7 M O Cn CO I v DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sale 1 " -60' Oete -22 -96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 1obNo. 95 - 066 (214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 W h � � h W O a 0 � � h a - DEFOREST ROAD S. 09'44 'off "E. 26 7. 00' 7 T W. Z� 0 60' EXIST. 15' ALLEY h h 0 h 0 IT N , O � w 46 45 44 43 42 40 39 BLOC K "A" W J -� BRENTWOOD DRIVE Q VILLAGES OF COPPELL — PHASE II A VOLUME 9 1 1 6, PG. 1 1 65 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CIT Y OF COPPEL L B.B. B. 8 C. R.R. SURVEY ABST. 199 PATIENCE PILES SURVEY , ABST. 1 137 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS tf� C`7 C7 M O Cn CO I v DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sale 1 " -60' Oete -22 -96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 1obNo. 95 - 066 (214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 01� 9C000 6L 196 F ILED 96 ;Ei= 12 AM 10'- 50 C.Ait',. `�I.!; Lt;f;K COU} i;L[o DALLAS NUNTY D, x 0 � � ' a 0 i0E W tl .S Z= ° U a U u1 I EE ��'�QQQQQQy c a W u ie'y U EoWl! o[� a�f �o g'FQ OE�u h_ "' io,.MS pc` THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 179 <> c3 C> c3 COUNTY OF Dallas ws 09/12/% 196748 $13.00 O THAT The City of Coppell r,\-t le .1\.\\S Deed r . o f Dallas County, Texas \-t in consideration of the sum of f', od, and other good and valuable consideration one Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners the free i Association , p and uninterrupted use liberty and privilege of the passage in, , along upon and across the following ?. 4 described property, owned by Grantor -4 Patience Piles Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the C.R.R. Survey, Abstract No., 199 and the-.P_atience Piles Survey, No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Villages of Phase III A, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded 91156, Page 1165 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas more particularly described as follows: is B.B.B. & Abstract Coppell, in Volume and being COMMENCING at a point of intersection to the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right-of-way) with the east line of Allen Road (a 60 foot right-of-way); Thence S. 89'44 E., 62.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the northeast corner of Lot 46 in Block "All of the above said For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, I employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee as aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness hand this the day of A.D. 19 MY 96 Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Ass iation .K" 96179 V117 Villages of Coppell, Phase III A; THENCE S. 89'44'05" E., 182.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00*15 W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89*44 W., 182.00 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE N. 00*15'55 E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 910 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, I employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee as aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. Witness hand this the day of A.D. 19 MY 96 Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Ass iation .K" 96179 V117 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared. .__ . _. �M --- _�D00A - known to me to be the person _. whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he__ executed the same for the purpose and on side ration therein expressed. GIVEN U HANffW OF FILE, This oL A.D. 19 Y MY COANtM861DNf0(Nilld July is, Ina _....... ota Pu . -.. . R J..�.. ......... _.......__......... •.R!.�" Nblic, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ..... ........................ _._ . _.__ _......._..- --.... ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, l J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF _. _.. on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person_ _ whose name __ subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he ....... executed the same for the purposes and consideration therei pre d. GIVEN UND , „ • � � 0 Ci E Thi _ day of A.D. 19_ • v (L.S.) '�' hra KATNYL.PIEAL ¢ My COMMISSION EXPIRES .: ......................._.... �.... '''. ; fi July 14, 1999 Notary tP.b nd f or the State of exas. My Comm on s ...................... __ ... ..__._ _ THE STATE OF TEXAS BEFORE. ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF. - -- - - - on this day personally appeared . -----•- ------- ----- ------ ---- - -- -- _ ------ --- -- - .... - - ---- - ...._ _..... --- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------ - - -- ------- - ----- - -- -- ----------- -- -- - -------- .- _known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said -------- - -------- .... ........... --- - -- - ------- -- ----- ----- ------------------------- -- - -- - - ------------------------- ---- ------ --- --- -- ----- -- - - -- --- a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This _ ----------------- . -.day of ___.._..____- __.___.___.._ - ---- A.D. 19._.__. (L.S.) Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. MyCommission Expires ................................................ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, County COUNTY OF _ ..: . ........... ............... Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the day of __._.. ................. ... ..................._..._._..... A. D. 19 with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the ....................day of ... ...._........__.. ......... __ _ A. D. 19- _. , at _ ., o'clock M., and duly recorded this __ ._.._ day of ................_ _ . ...... .._ _.. ----------- .......- ........... A. D. 19 ......... , at__. _ o'clock M., in the . ....... ...... _. __ ....... ........ .......................... .......... . ............ Records of said County, in Volume ...... _ ..._ , on pages..__.___ __.... WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in__ ....... . .......... __......-_........... . ............................. ..._._._....., the day and year last above written. County Clerk _...__ _ ............. .............. _ County, Texas. (L. S.) ......................... - ...... __ , Deputy. co c C7 ce) O l� W w W y r o x �.. E" P d d d b a E 0 W W Oo W v G U Pw •c N 0 O 0.i R'. a. `e U W U W m z z b r l� W w -R 3 f'O /NT OFBt 60' Q O w Z W J J Q DEFOREST ROAD G 5. B9 44 '05' E /82.00 ' _TZ7 /82.00' _ !U EXIST. 15 ALLEY h. o� NO V 46 45 44 43 0 � BLOC K "A" 4 R 42 40 39 BRENTWOOD DRIVE VILLAGES OF COPPELL — PHASE VOLUME 911 6 , PG. 1165 A M M O Q\ r— CD m 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT CIT Y OF COPPEL L B.B. B. & C. R.R. SURVEY ABST. 199 PATIENCE PILES SURVEY , ABST. 1 137 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC Scale 1 " =60' Dete -96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 Job No. `.35 f 7 I A 1 n7 i_ n c Cl n n A i i A c T C Y A C 7 l 9 a A M60 6LI96 FILED 96 SEP 12 AM 10: 50 COUNTY LLFRK DALLAS COUNTY _ 1 4 1 79 11 J E _ g,i �. c� o U «E OED P o V ��✓// v inw 2 gvo 0 U v�VJ�w A .: �• .• -� . •.....,... • ............. ..... .r,i , ,'ii i r s ii`ii r t , �ii� � � F� it a i ,r ,3 ii`if' `''Q _:,QAQAA4'QQAQ" :,. R . w ." �AQQAAQ' �:! 1r, nnn, n' n�' �'° At..: wP.",' �?hdr�In •�adnb�va6ti�lba} " ^' ' THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF vallas Y CLERK'S MEMO 1 7909 1 {7►: .. co(M pOR110NS Of THIS 09/12/% 196719 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell ppC11mEtIi Nor Deed o f Dallas County, Texas' REPRCDLIf,IRt E EEGORDED in consideration of the sum of 'r v HEtj and other good and valuable consideration - >' ° " g One Dollar ($1.00) + '` <a Lakes of Coppell Homeowners recei t of which is hereby acknowled ed, do by in hand paid by p g ld Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Haulers the free ! ' ;.° Association 5 and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the .° -- Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 a + !« WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Raintree Village an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in 6> Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.) and the Villages of Coppell, Phase IV B, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91216, Page 2925 of the D.R.D.C.T. =.4 and also being part of Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A, an addition to fr '.t the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91156, Page 1148 of the D.R.D.C.T. and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of Lake Forest Drive (a 50 foot right of way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way); Thence S. 89'44'05" E., 100.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block " E " of the above said : -a Raintree Village; THENCE S. 89'44'05" E., 982.50 feet continuing along the said south <a line of Deforest Road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 36 in Block "B" of the above said Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A; THENCE S. 00'15'55" .W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 8944' 05" W. 982.50 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and rk running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for t', corner; - THENCE N. 00'15'55" E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 4,912 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. . <r For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall -fP °._ in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said premises for the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said screening wall or' any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee as aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. k' Witness my hand this the day of A.D. 19 96 Lakes of Coppell ' Homeowners As ation o tycee9HINnrmRI® roles: re arrm RTM H t 9H HHIM !rrei mMAt"W"11115H11 et*.ITerF1IFlT55Wff 0 We'" ifflFIC' 'B'TC 0 0 CG.V'_G.i70 d_B60tn 7 - a 96179 03341 ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 COUNTY OF J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared C) A.) known to me to be the person .. whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that be_ exe gqgjg 49" l2urgges •n onsideration therein expressed. n/ __ GIVEN IY H&W&V WL O OFFICE, This oZ day of A.D. 19 9D f I,, l ahfiNlBAION (I%iMIE6 - 'i y h1Y r�y J* 16,1006 ........ ... ..... e1 ! r .................. lar Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ..... ......................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF on this day personally appeared.. _ ........... ...... .. .....__.- ...__........._______. known to me to be the person__ .whose name _ - subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he....._ consideration there' eexp ssed. This da A.D. 19._ O GI _ R f�f( S SEA 1 i July 14, 1999 i nd OF OFFICE, G.J of _ .. _ /} .... .... .......... f .....1G. LLB. ........., ..................... . W F °f ' Nota Publi n and for the State of Texas. F My Co Sion Expires ._- .................... CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS Ga BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, A COUNTY OF_ __- _ --- - ----- --- ------ ---- - -_ on this day personally appeared -- -------- - -- - - ----- --- -- ---- --------------------- - -- - - -- ------ -- ---- ---- ---- - - - -- -------------------------- ---------- - - --- known to me to be the person and officer - - _ --- --- --- --- --- ------ - - ---- ---- - - - --- -- - -- --- -- whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said - °- - --- ---- - ..._ ..... ........-- ---- -- --- -- ----._.... - -- ---- ------ ---- -- --• --- ----- ----------- - ___ - ---- ----- -- -- - --- --- ------ ---- --- -- - - - °--- --- -- ---- ------ ... _ a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein d expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ----------- _____._..day of_ --- - ------- _ ...... .--- ---------- A.D. 19___,. a (L.S.) _.................................................. _ ..................... ............................ Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires .......... .............................. ............. .... ........ . CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS L......._ ...............__._.. _.. .. ........ County O COUNTY OF_ _ ..._.._.... .................. .... Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the day of _.._.._ ................... ..............._........_...._, A. D. 19. with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the ............. ...... .day of....._., _....... .......... ___ _ __ .., A. D. 19- - ._ , at..____ o'clock M., and duly recorded this__ _ day of ........................ .__---.._..- ............ ............ ......... A. D. 19 ... ....... at._. ._ o'clock M., in the CV ... ........ .... ............................... ..... Records of said County, in Volume............. , on pages WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in .. C'7 .... -............ ...... .............__,._...-`... ......:_................._..__. the day and year last above written. Cr7 O .......... _.._I .... ....... _ . County Clerk .... _ ........................... . .. . . -.. -..... County, Texas. CYN (L. S.) By._ __._.. _...__ .....................°°--- --.._.............__..... -___. , Deputy. r— �.0 C" A w a O V q v 0 d PA i 0 U Oo a , y l 0 Q �r G4 v .d d 5 3 T v E E v c a -d � o 7 0 y F W cx v c. E� c y T . G N O U O O m W F °f F v W Ga A w a O V q v 0 d PA i 0 U Oo a , y l 0 Q �r G4 v .d d 5 3 T v E E v c a -d � o 7 0 y F W cx v c. E� c y T . G N O U m � °f F v .� Ga A U d a O a x O W � O o y a d V Q T A w a O V q v 0 d PA i 0 U Oo a , y l 0 Q �r G4 v .d d 5 3 T v E E v c a -d � o 7 0 y F W cx v c. E� c y T . G N O U P ME, 0 \ 0 il J o05 t✓ d CITY OF COPPELL PATIENCE PILES SURVEY ASST. 1 137 / GOQQ� DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS J \\, Q �g 6 QG R pPO P DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. s cale I" 10O, 19-96 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 Job No. 95-066 (214) 931 -0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 5' WIDE WALL M AINTENAN CE EASEMENT fi+CCO 6LI96 FILED 9.; SEI' 12 AM 10.50 E A RL. C. U L U - , ; CUUt{ I Y CLF ;tri DALLAS COUNTY J l T C 2 _ O �- � i'gaN�woz 0 Q U 0 Q m Ln o rr, O LO m LO Ld y Z w W J 7 U 0° a Z Kf, A0, J o w W QWJN a LL o LjJ z LL Q = (n 3 J 1. , � s ti yk� �'- Z Y � � g W 'ilk ;, `_ Y EE c _ o W , �,- :. �a A t- ti F° ! a ' p ` _ ._ i cl U 0 m o r z0 O Ln Q X � w U0 o \ < U] m z — z N m o(� UX ����W Z W W +I >. EL 0 LLI < Oz> � -3 U U O 0 X 0 J O o a so LLJ QW0 +I LL LL 0 0 a _ �oQ w u7 U 'o I W W • Q , W 0 Q o X ❑ ❑ W / L 3 W w 0 a U EK < x x W / oN Q <t w ' LLI U N O EL 00 O X Q W N Q 0 J W +I z �QD O U-) U� C) 0 J W - - - - - - - - U CL z CL W < Z L W o O 0 Q +I n W z Q O O O O O Z W Q D Q U 0 Q r m Z 0 U J J � Q ❑ I Ln J z ,— c� J U O z V) Q Q 0 LL Q m 0 � F- � _ a/ [] Z W W L] 0 J 0 �a> W 4� M Q J L7 3 ❑ a ? � a z W W ° W❑ 0 o LL Wv � m 0 aN J U w, 0 0 I L f i Z LL w wz J a a U o ?ice U Z O 0 Q U i o O -0 I A I O O U E W _ 0 0 O In I 7C) CY) C 0 O L O p O I U O LL. -0 L _ I U D I 03 W C�E. A � CO 0° m mm c � Q >> LO 0�0�7ga = 00 O 00 a_ O W 2 Lo LO 7 X O W ee I n U W ee 0� W W m I a W °° Q 00 I O W 00 a 0 � I I I P a a 00 I z .. i - Z_ U m °l I w Q w = - I W 0 - O 0 W Q ° = I W °. 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