Harrison Est-CS090417 (8/2/2011) Keith Marvin - Fwd: 149 South Holly Street drainagePage 1 From: Keith Marvin To:Birdsall, Per Date: 4/17/2009 5:14 PM Subject: Fwd: 149 South Holly Street drainage Attachments:PICT0024.JPG; PICT0025.JPG; PICT0026.JPG; PICT0027.JPG; PICT0028.JPG; PICT0 029.JPG; PICT0045.JPG; PICT0046.JPG; PICT0022.JPG; PICT0023.JPG Hey, we seem to have another unhappy customer on Holly. Can we look at this next week? Keith >>> Carol Dye 4/17/2009 3:51 PM >>> Keith, Here are some additional pictures from Mr. Dame. >>> "Guy Dame" <guy.dame@verizon.net> 4/17/2009 3:38 PM >>> Hi, I called the engineering office at 372-304-3686 about the street drainage at 149 South Holly. I was asked to send pictures this email. I may be contacted at the following numbers. Regards, Guy Dame 149 South Holly Coppell, TX 972-754-2974 Cell 972-393-0974 Home