Tax 2011A-CS110509 (2) (8/18/2011) Keith Marvin - Re: Fwd: DRAFT Scope and FeePage 1 From: George Marshall To:Keith Marvin; Michael Garza CC:Ken Griffin Date: 5/9/2011 3:39 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: DRAFT Scope and Fee Attachments:draft_scope.doc I made some comments on the word doc. attached. >>> Keith Marvin 5/9/2011 12:09 PM >>> FYI... Please review and comment. Keith >>> "Raj Mehta" <RMehta@jqieng.com> 5/9/2011 10:29 AM >>> Keith: I have attached a draft Scope and Fee Structure. You'll note a few things: 1.The task breakdown on the fee doesn't mirror the task breakdown in the scope. It was easier to consider hours for the two roads independently. I combined task descriptions in the scope though. Hope this works for you. 2.I am assuming 2 construction projects. If combined into one, I feel the level of effort would be close to the same. Hoping to work out a lump sum that covers either case. 3.I looked at this fee using a preliminary sheet list as well. That was just for design, not accounting for survey. 4.I did a rough quantity take-off as well. I came up with $1.75-2.0 Million. Review and call to discuss. Thanks, Raj C. RAAJAN MEHTA, PE PRINCIPAL 2105 COMMERCE STREET, DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 972 392.7340 PHONE 972.603.6653 CELL RMEHTA@JQIENG.COMEMAIL JQENG.COM ZWEIG WHITE HOT FIRM (8/18/2011) Keith Marvin - Re: Fwd: DRAFT Scope and FeePage 2 2009, 2008, 2007 ZWEIG WHITE BEST FIRM 2009, 2008, 2007 The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access by any other person to this e-mail is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail. Any disclosure of this e-mail or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted in reliance on it is prohibited, and may be unlawful. Task 1 – General Requirements ENGINEER shall perform all general administrative duties associate with the project, including progress monitoring, scheduling, general correspondence, office administration and invoicing. These duties include maintaining day to day contact and liaison with the OWNER, ensuring the needs of the OWNER are met in a timely manner and ensuring that the work is executed in accordance with the work plan, budget and schedule. ENGINEER will attend one (1) Project Kickoff Meeting and will attend up to six (6) Project Progress Meetings during the design phase of the project. ENGINEER will prepare notes, minutes, memorandums and reports and provide copies of these documents as required by the OWNER as required for completion of tasks outlined this Scope of Work. Limits of Project The general limits of this project can be defined as follows: 1. Vanbebber Road – From north Right-of-Way boundary to south Right-of-Way boundary, from east intersection of Vanbebber Road and Denton Tap Road, to west intersection of Vanbebber Road and Heartz Road, approximately 1,300 linear feet. 2. Sandy Knoll Drive – From east Right-of-Way boundary to west Right-of-Way boundary, from south intersection of Sandy Knoll Drive and Sandy Lake Road to north intersection of Sandy Knoll Drive and Woodhurst Drive, approximately 2,000 linear feet. Task 2 – Survey ENGINEER will provide services of a State of Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor to provide boundary, right-of-way, and topography survey of Vanbebber Road, approximately 1,300 linear feet from Denton Tap Road to Heartz Road, and Sandy Knoll Drive, approximately 2,000 linear feet from Sandy Lake Road to Woodhurst Drive, for the design of road pavement, sidewalk, and utility reconstruction. Scope of Work includes the following: 1. Coordination with the City of Coppell to provide survey notification and/or right-of- entry letters to adjacent property owners. 2. Horizontal and vertical survey control will be based on the City of Coppell Geodetic Control Network. 3. As a minimum, provide a temporary benchmark every 1,000 feet. Temporary benchmarks will not be placed on curbs, sidewalks, or in pavements subject to reconstruction. 4. Research Dallas County Appraisal District records for property owner names and property addresses. 5. Research Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, for right-of-way lines, sidewalk easements along Vanbebber Road, and adjacent lot boundary or parcel boundary information. 6. Locate and measure property boundary monuments to verify the right-of-way location. 7. The topography survey will include the entire street right-of-way width. Cross sections will be measured every 50 feet from right-of-way line to right-of-way line, including all grade breaks and visible improvements inside the right-of-way and a minimum of 10 feet outside of the right-of-way. 8. The topography survey will extend 100 feet in all directions at every street intersection and at every alley intersection. 9. The topography survey will extend to either the front porch of finished floor elevations of the houses fronting the project streets. Obtain sufficient field information needed for the design of new sidewalks for compliance with the American Disabilities Act. 10. Map the location of improvements including, but not limited to the following: a. Curbs, curb gutters, sidewalks, driveways, driveway approaches, and pavements b. Esplanades or medians c. Curb inlets and/or storm drains with flowline elevations d. Storm drain manholes with flowline elevations and pipe sizes e. Water meters and water valves. Provide top of nut elevations of water valves. f. Fire hydrants g. Wastewater manholes with flowline elevations and pipe sizes h. Wastewater clean outs i. Irrigation control valves j. Gas meters and valves k. Light poles, power poles, and down guy wires l. Electric transformers and boxes m. Telephone pedestals and boxes n. Traffic signal control boxes o. Traffic signs and utility signs p. Mailboxes q. Privacy walls and retaining walls with height and type of material identified r. Fences with height and type of material identified s. Trees with their sizes and types identified t. Shrubs and landscape areas 11. Provide finished floor elevations of the houses at the following addresses to verify new grading design at the intersection of Sandy Knoll Drive and Shadowcrest Lane: a. 401 Sandy Knoll Drive b. 468 Shadowcrest Lane c. 469 Shadowcrest Lane d. 505 Shadowcrest Lane 2 12. Submit underground utility lines location request to Texas 811. Map the locations of paint marks and/or pin flags left by utility locators. Get City Utility locates as well. 13. Perform an as-built survey of the newly constructed roads, sidewalks, pavements, curb inlets with flowline elevations, storm manholes with flowline elevations, wastewater manholes with flowline elevations, water valves, and water meters. Task 3 – Detailed Design ENGINEER will prepare detailed design drawings, specifications and bid documents for the reconstruction of road pavement, sidewalk, and water, sewer and storm sewer at Vanbebber Road, from Denton Tap Road to Heartz Road, and Sandy Knoll Drive, from Sandy Lake Road to Woodhurst Drive, for the design. Scope of Work includes the following: 1. Preparation of detailed plans and specifications, incorporating the OWNERS most current design standards and details. Design plans will be prepared using AutoCadd Version XX. Digital files of all design plans will be delivered to the OWNER at the completion of the project. 2. Plan reviews will be conducted at the 60%, 90% and 100% design stages. Comments from OWNER will be addressed and incorporated into each subsequent review set and into the final signed and sealed bid documents. 3. Each set for OWNER review will be submitted in hardcopy format. Review plans will be bound 11x17 Why not full size? and specifications and bid documents will be delivered bound 8 ½ x 11. XX complete hardcopies of each review set will be delivered to the OWNER. 4. Design shall include the following: a. Pavement removal and reconstruction within the limits of the project. b. Water pipeline removal and reconstruction including service connections up to the meter, hydrants, flushing connections, etc., within the limits of the project. c. Sanitary sewer pipeline removal and reconstruction including all manholes, lateral connections and service connections up to the right-of-way and within the limits of the project. d. Removal and replacement of sidewalks and design of additional sidewalks as agreed upon by the OWNER and ENGINEER, within the limits of the project. e. Removal and replacement of drive approached and drives up to the right-of- way or to a point as determined by the ENGINEER and approved by the OWNER. f. On and off-site drainage analysis and evaluation of existing storm water conveyance capacity, both surface and storm sewer, for each roadway segment included in this scope of work. g. Removal and replacement (Why are we replacing storm?) of storm sewer system and extension/expansion of the storm sewer system within the limits of the project. 3 Formatted: Highlight h. Preparation of traffic control plans and specifications. 5. ENGINEER shall prepares XX sets of bidding documents that each consist of one set of bound full size 24 x 36 inch engineering drawings, one set of bound bidding documents that include standard bid tab, bid forms, etc., and technical specifications. PDF needed of plans & specs to upload to Bidsync 6. At OWNERS discretion, the plans for Vanbebber Road and Sandy Knoll Drive may Deleted: Lake be combined into a single set of construction documents or will be divided into two separate construction projects. Task 4 – Bidding Assistance ENGINEER shall assist the OWNER during the construction phase and provide the following services: 1. Attend up to two (2) pre-bid meetings, one meeting for each potential construction project. 2. Respond in writing to all Contractor submitted questions, requests for clarification, and requests for information (RFIs). 3. Publish all bid addenda including revisions to bid documents, specifications and engineering plans. 4. Review all bid tabulations and assist the OWNER in recommendation of award to qualified contractor. 5. Combine all written addenda into a conformed set of plans and specifications for use by the Contractor during construction. Task 5 - Construction Phase Services ENGINEER shall assist the OWNER during the construction phase and provide the following services: 1. Attend pre-construction coordination meeting. Attend up to two (2) pre-construction meetings, one meeting for each potential construction project. 2. Attend up to twelve (12) construction progress meetings to coordinate portions of the work related to the ENGINEER’s design. 3. Attend up to six (6) site visits to observe construction of portions of the work related to the ENGINEER’s design. 4. Perform review of submittals for work related to the ENGINEER’s design. 5. Review equipment Operation and Maintenance manuals. 6. Provide written responses to RFI submittals for work related to the ENGINEER’s 4 Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5" + Tab after: 0.75" + Indent at: 0.75", Tabs: Not at 2.9" design. 7. Provide review and written responses for COs, CMRs and PCMs. (Just for my own edification, what is a CMR & PCM?) 8. Attend one (1) walk-through to perform substantial completion review and generate a written punch list of items for Contractor to complete. 9. Attend one (1) final walk-through to review the completed punch list. 10. Provide full-size hardcopy, electronic PDF and CADD formatted Record Documents that reflect the As-Built conditions. 5