ST8803-CS 881104MEMORANDUM DATE: November 4, 1988 TO: Metroplex Mayors Association FROM: Jack Harvard, Chairman ~ RE: The Naming of aH190 Our understanding is that the Highway Commission will insist upon consensus prior to the naming of SH190. As you know there has been a request to consider the possibility of naming it the Eisenhower Freeway. A significant degree of support has also developed for calling it Sam Rayburn Freeway. In addition, the names of Bush and Bentsen have built some support In response to the need for a regional consensus, I would respectfully request that members of the Metroplex Mayors Association encourage your Councils to delay endorsement of any given designation at this time. Rather than having each affected city and county endorse a different designation, I believe we will best be served by reaching a consensus, and then urging full support for that consensus designation. I will be in touch with you in the near future to discuss how we should best proceed. Thanks for your cooperation.