ST8803-CS 880914WINSTEAD MCGUIRE SECHREST & MINICK 5400 Renaissance Tower (214) 742-17~ 1201 Elm St~t Telex 73-0051 ~11~, Te~ 752z0 A ~fessional Co.ration Tel~opier t214~ 74%5390 DALL~ HOUS~N AUSTIN Attorneys & Cou~lom Di~t DiM: 745-5232 September 14, 1988 [ .... Honorable Alan Ratliff ~ t 6~88 City Manager '~:' City of Coppell . .._-.-.~~ P. O. Box 478 ..- Coppell, Texas 75019 ~ RE: S.H. 161/S.H. 190 Connector Freeway Dear Alan: After months of persistence and hard work, on Tuesday, August 30, 1988, the Texas State Highway and Public Transporta- tion Department approved our request and the above connector freeway was approved. Attached for your information is a copy of the Minute Order signed by the Highway Department. It would not have been possible without your leadership and commitment to this project. It was indeed my pleasure to have had the opportunity to work with you and numerous other fine citizens in this endeavor, and I look forward to working with you in the/~uture. ~ ~{vid A. De'an [ DAD:jjm Enclosure 131:D090888a.30 STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DALLAS County NINUTE ORDER Page ! of 4 Pages District No. DALLAS (18) WHEREAS, in DALLAS COUNTY on new location from the intersection of State Highway 161 and Interstate Highway 635 northeasterly to the intersection of State Highway 190 and Interstate Highway 35E, a distance of approximately 5.1 miles, local officials have requested the construction of an urban freeway; and WHEREAS, local officials and developers have offered to provide approximately eighty percent of the acres of right of way required for thisv."'~+v~, approximately _1,300,000 cubic yards of acceptable fill material, and preliminary engineering to include route studies, environmental reports, public meetings ano schematics; and WHEREAS, the City of Carrollton, the City of Farmers Branch, the City of Dallas and the Farmers Branch-Carrollton Flood Control District have indicated a willingness to dedicate public property for the freeway alignment; and WHEREAS, the construction of this freeway will provide a link between two interstate highways and relieve traffic on these highways; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the Engineer-Director is hereby directed to tender the following proposal to Dallas County and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Irving: Provided Dallas County and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Irving will: STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DALLAS County MINUTE ORDER Page g of 4 Pages Dtstrtct No. DALLAS (18) 1. Provide approximately eighty percent of the acres of right of way required for this project clear of obstructions and free of cost to the State with acquisition procedures to be in accordance with policies of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation and with ~pplicable Federal and State laws governing the acquisition policies for acquiring real property. 2. Provide preliminary engineering to include route studies, environmental reports, public meetings and schematics in accordance with State Department of Highways and Public Transportation policies and procedures. 3. Provide up to approximately 1,300,000 cubic yards of acceptable fill material to be supplied by the Farmers Branch-Carrollton Flood Control District. The-State Department of Highways and Public Transportation will: 1. Designate a State Highway. 2. Designate this State Highway a controlled access facility. 3. Provide the remaining acres of right of way clear of obstructions with acquisition procedures to be in accordance with policies of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation and with applicable Federal and State laws governing the acquisition policies for acquiring real property, i STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHgAYS AND PUBLIC TILRNSPORTAT]ON DALLAS County #]NUTE ORDER Page 3 of A Pages Oistrict No. DALLAS (18) 4. Provide one hundred percent of the cost of utility adjustments as may be required in accordance with policies of the State Department of Highways and Public )ransportation. 5. Provide for relocation assistance as may be determined to be eligible under the Relocation Assistance Program. 6. Maintain that portion of the work which is its responsibility in accordance with present maintenance agreements. Upon acceptance of the provisions of this Order by Dallas County and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Irving, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a STATE HIGHWAY be and is hereby designated from the intersection of State Highway 161 and Interstate Highway 635 northeasterly to the intersection of State Highway 190 and Interstate Highway 35E; and that this State Highway be and is hereby designated a CONTROLLED ACCESS FACILITY for development, maintenance, and operation in accordance with the provisions of H. B. 17g, 5$th Legislature; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Engineer-Director is hereby authorized to add this project to the §-Year Development Schedule and to proceed in the most feasible and economical manner with project development to include any necessary agreements. STATE DEPARTlqENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DALLAS County MINUTE ORDER Page 4 of 4. Pages District No. DALLAS {18} IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in planning the design of this state highway consideration be given to possible future extensions of new freeway or tollway facilities south of Interstate Highway 63§. This Order should not be considered as authorization for right of way acquisition funding or construction funding; however after the County and Cities have fulfilled their responsibilities, authorization of right of way funding and construction funding ~ll! be considered based on the availability of funds and statewide priorities. This Order shall become operative upon acceptance by Dallas County and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Irving; and if not accepted within gO days of the date hereof, the action herein contained shall be automatically canceled. Submitted by ? Examir~and recpmme~ded ~~~ ~~J m ~.eputy~U'i re~to~ - (Title) Administrative Assistant Approved Eng~nee~ir~ctor-' Minute Number Date Passed