ST8803-CS 880706 FILE COPY July 6, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Ratliff, City Manager VIA: Russell Doyle, City Engine~ FROM: Shohre Daneshmand, Civil Engineer ~ RE: Proposed S.H. 161/190 Connector Freeway - Resolution As per your request, I have reviewed and researched the above referenced subject, and would like to provide you with the following comments per my findings: - On June 7, 1988, the Regional Transportation Council, NCTCOG, after a lengthy discussion, adopted a resolution in support of said connector freeway. It is my understanding that this proposal is not shown on the Mobility 2000 Map, since the affected local governments supported a westerly connection of S.H. 190 to S.H. 121, at one time. - I have reviewed several resolutions from cities such as Carrollton, Lewisville and Farmers Branch, which basically indicate they are in favor of such an outer loop connection around Dallas County. - Attached to the correspondence from Mr. Kincade, with Winstead McGuire-Sechrist and Mtnick, dated June 24, 1988, you will find copies of a typical resolution for the City of Coppell, and a fact sheet on this project. It is my understanding from this letter that other cities and entities, such as Garland, Richardson, Farmers Branch/Carrollton Flood Control District, and The DFW International Airport Board are also on record as supporting this project. - Attached please find a copy of a letter from the Texas Turn- pike Authority (TTA), dated June 6, 1988, to Mr. Dearn which indicates that TTA supports the project as long as there is a provision made for a future southern connection point with the proposed "Elm Fork Toll Road". Please note that we provide our support to TTA with their request. - I have informed Mr. Griffin, Deputy Director with TTA, of the upcoming Council meeting on July 12, 1988, to answer any questions concerning the "Elm Fork Route". Mr. Griffin has indicated that he plans to attend that July 12 City Council meeting. - After a detailed review of all resolutions that have been provided to me, I have prepared a resolution for the City of Coppell, to be considered by the City Council for adoption. Please note that on July 15, 1988, the Highway and Public Transportation Commission will be asked to consider approval of the 161/190 connector freeway. Staff has reviewed the subject and recommends the endorsement and adoption of this resolution. SD/lsg MEMO.161/190 MEMO1