ST8803-CS 880606CLIVE RUNNELLI. C~A~ ~ ~N R B~L~. ~. C~l~ R MA~. v~ ~ RI~RD J L~N~Y, JR. ~Y C. ITOK~, ~. ~Y~ I. W~ ROBERT L ~L[IN$ RIC~RD ~. BIBCHO~F I I 'lO" P~U C. Gm ~ITHIRMAN ~'~" TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORI~ ~ ROBERT ~ DE~ ~ BOB NEEDY ~ N ~UN$ ~ AG~ OF ~l ITATE OF ~ ~Y ~B~iq ~ 3~e 6, lg88 Mr. David Deem ~&00 Renaissance ~over 1201El~ Street Dallas, TX 75270 Desr David: A proposal has been made to constzqJct a htshvay to connect SH 161 to SH 190 at IE-35E. The connector project is approximately 5.0 m~es ~n i~S~A ~nd ~ht rou~e ienera~7 co,no,des vi~h ~he no=the~ portions of the E~ rou~e of the proposed Trinet7 Tu~p~ke. Subsequen~ to out recen~ ~etins with ~ov) we have reviewed the ~pact that such cons~ction wou~d have on the potentiil for the Trinity Tu~p~ke and have discussud tho feas~b~l~7 ~mpl~cat~ons v~th the Authorit~*s ens~neers. A~ p;o~ect~ons o~ traffic ~n the rH-35E cOFF~doT reveal an u;sen~ need plannin~ additional capacity for future grovth. ~t is imperative therefore ~ha~ the total E~ Fork rou~e be considered ~n pl~ninA of h~hvay facilities relievini the IH-35E corridor. ~e proposed Trinity Tumpike accomplishes th=t ~oal. Coust~c~ion of the proposed 5H 151 coa~ctor rill hl~ a positive affect on i~asibility oi th~ ultate ~.. Trinity Turnpika. ~e proposed SH 161 freevay co. et:or, hov~vef, ~ke provision for dirict future extension to tha ~ Fork route s~uth of ,IH'635. It ts balleved tha~ ii the pro~ss~-~l connector ire~eay const~cted it rill ~ccalerata develop~nt in the area, ~nd if provisions for extension to th~ E~ ~ork to th~ eovth ar~ not ~de at this t~, the oppor~unity for the addittonil traffic capicity in the I~-~ corridor ~ lost ~d the ~ [ork rout~ of the Trinit~ lu~pi~e rill be Jeopardized. ~s Texas Tu~pike luthority ~dorsas the ~ndeavors of tbs sponsors cI the SH 161 co~ctor fr~eeay. ~e do, however, raquest thit ~ny pro~r~ pres~t~d to the stats hi~heay c~ission take into consideration the Au~hority*s concems. ~e ~sal that closa coop~ration bstve~n our a~cy and the sponsors is in the loni-tem ~st interest and b~efit to the overall transportation system o~ the north T~as ores. It is our position that th~ SH 1~1 freavay connector, tncludini provisions ~or iutur~ ext~sion so~h to 'thi'l~'Fort roui'i]'-~st b~ plsce/ on m~ ~d -- ~ B6/06.'1988 12:26 ~ 'S TOR~PIKE AUTHO~'ITY ~ 528 482~, P.O~ Mr. David Dean June 6, 1988 Page 2 all planning docunmnts in an effor~ to ~nsure total coordin&~ton vith all affected agencies. As always, our staff ~ill be 81ad to ~ork with you in anyway ~e can facilitate the best transportation system possible for ~his r~gion. ~s~ re~rds, ~ecutive Director ch Board of Directors, Taxes Tu~pike Authority SDHPT District 18, Arnold Oliver NCTC~, ~rdon Judge Lee Jackson, Dallas Co~y Cliff ~ehaley, City of Dallas Jack ~orley, Hetropoli~an Tr~spor~a~lon Coalition Chaises, Dallas City Council, Transportation Comities (Jerry Bar, os) City ~nage~ o~ Carrollton, Mike City Manager of Famers Bra~ch, Richard Escalanta City Manager of Pi~o, Tom Nuehien~ck City H~agar of I~ina, Jack D. Huff~n