ST8803-CS 880530 Carrollton to seek funding for SH 190 connector road By RUDY KLANCNIK News Staff Writer Carrollton Mayor Milburn Gravley will join a contingent to Austin in the middle of July which will seek funding approval from the State Highway Commis- sion on a connector road between State Highway 190 and SH 161.. Carroltton As the council agreed, there is no doubt of the need for the con- nector road, but city manager Mike Eastland explained there were plenty of provisions to go along with this agreement. Eastland said that the council agreed on the plan with the fol- lowing stipulations: the open space along the roadway would be preserved as well as possible, a tollway in the future would still not be ruled out of the works, a bypass roadway to SH i 21 would be put in place along with provi- sions for land fill help in the future. The land fill provision might be the most important of the four. A Carrollton planning study stated that the original ! 3-15 year land fill will be cut to 8-9 years by the connector road being built. Eastland has been working with the city of Farmers Branch to get some help. "We've set a tentative agree- ment with Farmers Branch to share their land fill area," said Eastland. "All the.items mentioned are important to everyone and really affect just about everyone," he added. Eastland admitted that con- nector road being installed would also accelerate plans to search for a new land fill area in Carrollton. "The process for a search starts in 1992, but this roadway being put in should move that upf' he Said. Eastland said the overall need for a efficient road in that area was the predominant issue in this plan. "This roadway makes the most sense," said Eastland. "lt offers the least amount of impact and was really our best and most logical alternative." Eastland said he feels when the items mentioned above can be hammered out, the citizens of Carrollton will be the big winners. "If we can get these major items resolved with the general plan, the council will be totally behind what is done. When they present the project to the com- mission, a minute order will be requested for funding," said East- land. I