Untitled (6) -� 1 WATER Issued 67-4ei ' mm --�I / Finished: � Employee: (ree n i/ Grid asap: Name: v >v L -s T 4 4 Address: / /5 >v &= sr P :5 Phone Number: (HM) OW): Check for zcuruy :est: Meter Leak: Check water pressure: initial =ete reiocadoa iasFe^_zoas Re - 1. Haektlow lam 2 -.RePait 3. Maintenance 4. Q Back low [am. A. Main Line A. Pump A. Lioe Locate Bkrlow Cert. Dace B. Valves B. Water Tower B. Line Locate Re -Ce = Dace C. Service Line C. Samples C. Tap D. Hydrants D. Equipment D Excavation E. Safety 5. Reason for failure: A. Electrolysis B. New Consuucdon C Poor Installation D. Other 6. List of safety equipment *site itapplicablm A. Barricades B. Cones C. Tape D. Lights E. Other Request for Services: L ow P-s 7. If Mere Service Leak: Classify: • City: Customer A. Waxer Lou (z ate): GPM e s Fire plu flushing / Total Gallons > 8. Was Water Metereck Yes No C. Was Cuscocer Notified: Verbally Doodmocker - VehicietEquipmeeat Used 3. if `•t:::r Osage C'.:: tit 4 Miles Hrs Equipment A. Meer = 4` O6 o Y Reading q L 3. New Meter ? j. '7 / 3 8 4 d Reading f® C. Old Meter Size type: /°>i a 2- a D New Meter Siz.:Type /14J E. Type of work performed or findings: it e/=/47 9. if ma'._'.;: a or deep rent: repair, describe type of pipe or service line and condition l t . La: `•!r ::7:a.s "2 e - .-O O #6-7 l s : w ^:!e ; e :'cr-ning this .:quest. Dtd y.c .:c: .c Y:s .. :c 13. Ws::: L nlicies mere: rs;.ection: or fail 14. I{o-w .:1:y trips to A ask' /t S:,: r:Ir: /