WA9903-CN 991129TRANSMITTAL OF ADDENDUM INSTRUCTIONS: Acl~owledge receipt of Addenda in Proposal, on outer envelope of bid AND WITH THE BELOXV FAXED TO (214) 361-0204 upon receipt. FORM Addendum Acknowledgment FAX to (214)361-0204 I Acka~owledge the receipt of Addendum No. City of: Prqj ect Name: Coppell Addition of Pump Number 4 at the Village Parkway Pump Station By Facsimile Transmission on this date: November 29, 1999 Contractor's Signature Company Name E-NlailAddress: "PLEASE SIGN & ~FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO SJ&F" (as verification that you received this Fax) (214) 361-0204 Total Number of Fax Pages: I I" CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Addition of Pump Number 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station ADDENDUM NO. 1 November 29, 1999 Plans and specifications for the Addition of Pump Number 4 to the Village Parkway Pump Station project, for the City of Coppell, Texas, on which bids are to be received until 2:00 p.m., Friday, December 3, 1999 are hereby modified as follows: 1) Refer to Sheet C5 of the construction plans, Existing Pipe and Fitting Legend. Under the General Description column for Item 14, concrete pipe support, change the word "Proposed" to "Existing" and strike the words "See Detail". This is an existing concrete pipe support. 2) Refer to Sheet E3 of the construction plans. a) Revise the power supply to the proposed soft start motor control from 2400v to 4160v. b) Revise the horsepower rating of the motor from 700HP to 600HP 3) Refer to Sheet E4 of the construction plans, Elevation of Existing Imtr. Panel. The level indicator and recorder for the Elevated Storage Tank (LIP-l), is to be removed and replaced with a Chessell Model 392 dual pen chart recorder, or equal. The new chart recorder shall indicate and record the level of Elevated Storage Tanks 1 and 2. This work is included in the instrumentation proposal from I & C Sales, Inc. and shall be incorporated into the appropriate lump sum bid item. 4) Refer to SC.33 of Section 4, Special Conditions of the Specifications a) Section SC.33.C.2)f),Bearings, second paragraph, page 4-19. Revise 300,000 hours to 100,000 hours. b) c) Section SC.33.F) Painting. Add the following clause to the end of the tirst sentence of this section: "... in accordance with NSF - 61 suitable for potable water." Section SC.33.G) Balance, last sentence. Change all references in this sentence of 2 mils to 3 mils. d) e) Section SC33.H) Shop Acceptance Test -Pump. Strike the last sentence of this section in its entirety. Section SC.33 I) Motor Test -Testing Strike Paragraph 4) concerning witnessing of the motor test in its entirety. 5 ) Refer to SC.34. INSTRL~vlENTATION, of Section 4, Special Conditions of the Specifications. a) The Proposal to the Successful Bidder from I & C Sales, Inc. is attached to this Addendure Number 1 and is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications. The scope of services to be provided by I & C Sales, Inc. is identified in the proposal and shall be included in the appropriate lump sum bid item. This scope is in addition to the work outlined in paragraph D of this subsection. b) Fill the blank in the 3rd paragraph of SC.36.A. Scope~ with the amount of $33,800.00 6) Bidders shall ac'knowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1 in the space provided in the Proposal, on the outer envelope of their bid, and by faxin~ back the "Transmittal of Addendure Acknowledgment Sheet" to Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.L.P. at (214) 361-0204. SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS INIOV p,2 "Proposal to Successful Bidder" ADDITION OF PUMP NO.4 AT THE VILLAGE PARKWAY PUMP STATION PROJECT NO. WA99-03 BID NO. Q-119902 I&C 1, Sales scope of work is as tollows: I & C Sales will supply and integrate panel material required for the addition of the Pump 4 to the Instrumentation Panel. This will include the local Annuciator (as denoted on "Construction Plans Pg.E-4. Note HOA, pilot lights. and pushbuttons (as denoted on "Construction Plans PgE-4, Note 2 and Detail 01"); and relays, terminal strips, and power supply (as denoted on "Consf~ruction Plans Pg.E-4"). This does not include the Local Control Panel denoted on the s~me page. I & C Sales will supply and install a new 7' Chessell 392 chad recorder to incorporate the new EST ]evel onto pin 2. I & C Sales wilt supply, pull, and terminate all conduit and wire specified for connections between the MCC and the instrument panel. This will include communications w~re for the Multilens 369 to the MOSCAD RTU. 1 & C Sales will supply, pull. and terminate all low voltage wire specified for connections between the new MCC, the Local Pump Conlml Panel, and the Space Heater I RTD Motor J-Box. This will include low voltage wires for termination of the Valve limit switch to the Local Control Panel. This does not include any High or Medium Voltage wires, conduit runs from the MCC to pump or valve, or supplyingfinstalling the limit switch on the valve. I & C Sales will supply and install all MOSCAD communications equipment at the Village Pkwy RTU for communications to the Multilens 369, supplied and installed by the Contractor- I & C Sales will re-terminate the existing wires to the new Transit Time Flow Meter supplied and installed by the Contractor. M~ P9 9H Ol:,gF Jason MoMxel 972-245-G450 po3 7. I & C Sales will perform all necessary programming in the MOSCAD system, HMI software (WonderWare), and Report Package to incorporate Pump 4 and the Transit Time Flow Meter into the existing SCADA. LUMP SUM PRICING: TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE = $33,800.00 Invoicing shall be progressive and include payment for material and sen/ices provided. Payment terms to be net thirty (30) days. Sales tax is not includeO in pricing if applicable, Warranty shall be for a period of two (2) years from system acceptance and shall include cost to repair or replace returned damaged products which are found to be detective due to a manufacturing defect and/or improper workmanship. As to all goods sold, no implied statutory warranty of merchantability or of fitness for padicular purpose shall apply. I & C Sates shall only be liable for repair/replacement of defective products end/or work provided by I & C Sales and ~n no event shall I & C Sates be liable for consequenljal, incidental, or liquidated damages that may occur as a result of improper workmanship from another cenlractor other than I & C Sales. I & C Seles shall not be responsible for any equipment failure or mallunction resulting from uncontrollable outside sources including but not limited to rightning, vandalism, etc., For any questions regarding this proposal please contact David Smith wi~h I & C Sales, inc. at 972-245-4350.