1215 WATER r Is auad Finished 7L- lJ Employe., /"j -�t Grid map Name: , Address: /G C ?hone Number: (82I) : (WX): Time for Water locate Check for: Acwncy we:_ Maur Leak Mack water pressure: Initial mater relocation inscrectiott Ra-reed 1.Backflow Inez. 2. a 3.Maintenance d.Other Backflow Insp. A.Main Line A.Pumps A -Line Locate B.valves B.Water Tower e.Inspection • Bkflow Cerr.Date C.Service Line C.Samples C.Tap D.Hydrants D.Equipment D.Excavation Re -Cert. Date E.Safety E. Reason ft: failure: A. Electrolysis 8. New construction C. Poor installation. D. Other n. List of safety equipment at site if applicable: A. 3arricades 3. Cones C. Tape D. Lights E. Other Request for Serviceman:, . Meter /Service Leak: Classify - City: Customer: A.Mater Lass ! mua:: G ?M ?ire plug flushing 'Total Gallons 3.Was Water Metered: Yes No :.Was Customer Notified: verbally DOORENOCOMK Vehicle/Equipment Used 3.If Meter Change 1, Out: /� �7 // 4g' / �/ Unit # Miles Ere Equip 4 A.Old Meter, 6 effi / �/ i" Reading L/ /// 7 Z t , G/ 7 I 3. New Neter# 2 ! G 7 � & Z Reading y e r/ /27/4"4f4/ ' X =Id Meter Si:.e /'1yge : .....D: ��New Meter Size/Type ����� .. E.Type of work performed or findings: 9 77 ■ � / /9 9.If mainline or deep service repair, describe type of pipe or service line and condition: 1G.4anhours: 9/y Crew members: P LL.List Materials Used: 12.If you had an accident /incident while performing this request. Did you report it7 yes ar no 12.Water Utilities meter inspection: pass or fail .. 14.How many trips to do task? , Signature