ST0501-CS100305 (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Deforest Road and Allen RoadPage 1 From: "kristi miller" <kgmiller5@yahoo.com> To: "George Marshall" <gmarshall@coppelltx.gov> Date: 3/5/2010 3:01 PM Subject: Re: Deforest Road and Allen Road Thank you for your quick response, however I do disagree with you on "stop signs are not used for speed control", because if there was a stop sign at that intersection of Deforest and Allen it would get people to SLOW down and come to a stop before turning onto Allen. People are not even slowing down to turn onto our street and its a safety issue. I'm not sure who else I could contact due to the speeding down Deforest, maybe a police officer could come monitor it and get the point across to slow down. Like I said in the previous email, I'm very concern with new/wider road the speeding will only increase and become more of an issue. I do appreciate your response and I hope we can solve the situation before something bad happens. Thanks, ------Original Message------ From: George Marshall To: Ken Griffin To: Keith Marvin To: Michael Garza To: Kristi Miller Subject: Re: Deforest Road and Allen Road Sent: Mar 4, 2010 1:04 PM Mrs. Miller, I am writing in response to your email to streets, see below. The City of Coppell adopted the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for rules on the installation of everything from signs to traffic lights. Stop signs are not used for speed control, they are used for intersection control. The TMUTCD provides warrants that must be met before a stop sign can be installed. The installation of an unwarranted stop sign creates a legal liability of the city if an accident occurs because of the unwarranted stop sign. Once the reconstruction of Deforest is complete, a stop sign warrant study will be preformed. Only if the stop signs are warranted, will they be installed. Thank You, George Marshall George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Kristi Miller <kgmiller5@yahoo.com> 3/3/2010 7:56 AM >>> HI, I would like to request a stop sign at Deforest Road and Allen Road. I live on the corner of the street and the speeding down Deforest has become out of control. People are traveling at high rates of speed all hours of the day/evening and turning onto Allen Road without even slowing down. There are several construction trucks ( due to building of new homes) that are also travel WAY too fast down the street as well. I would like something done to help slow down the cars before something bad happens. I am also worried that when Deforest Road is done with the new construction of a wider road and sidewalks that the speed will increase. Please take my thoughts and concerns into consideration!! Thanks,Kristi Miller (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Deforest Road and Allen RoadPage 2 Kris