ST0501-CS100422 (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd ProjectPage 1 From: George Marshall To: Karen Johnson CC: Michael Garza Date: 4/22/2010 8:32 AM Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd Project Karen, I understand that this has been an issue. A while back, the city received a rough quote from the utilities to bury the lines and it was between 700,000 to 1,000,000. I also am aware of the idea to remove one of the sidewalks but in reality the sidewalk cost is roughly $50,000 for both north and south sidewalks. Due to the expense the City will not be paying for burying these lines. Due to the site conditions the franchise utility may have to bury some of the lines, but this will be at their cost. Thank You, George Marshall George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> 4/21/2010 5:43 PM >>> George - Thanks for the update. Can you tell me if consideration is being given to burying the current above ground utilities? This issue continues to be extremely important to the homeowners in our area. I'm not sure if you have access to any of our earlier emails, but in a nutshell, our feelings are that while the street is torn up for the sidewalk and related work, that would be the best time to relocate underground all the cables and wires that run along Deforest Road. This is particularly desirable since we understand all/most of the trees along the road will be taken down as part of the project. We understand project cost is a critical issue, and have suggested that a sidewalk on one side of the road, instead of both sides, would be sufficient if that would help to get the utilities underground. Again, thank you for your update and please let us know what the current views are on the above ground utilities. Karen Johnson ________________________________ From: George Marshall <gmarshall@coppelltx.gov> To: kmjohnson56@yahoo.com Cc: Michael Garza <MGARZA@coppelltx.gov> Sent: Wed, April 21, 2010 5:06:19 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd Project Karen, My name is George Marshall. I started with the City back in January. One of my first tasks has been to manage the Deforest Road reconstruction project. Mike is still here but he has quite a bit of work on his plate. (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd ProjectPage 2 At this point, the last set of city comments on the plans are with the design engineer. They should be resubmitting with a 95% set of plans. We have been working with the franchise utility (power, gas, telephone and cable) to have them put together a design to relocate their utilities. They have not yet submitted any design plans. The work you might be seeing now and in the future is the franchise utilities "pot-holing" the gas lines and locating their utilities for depth. We hope to see them start moving their utilities in the early summer and complete in the fall. Once that is finished and our portion of the plans are complete we will begin construction. Hopefully in the 4th quarter of this year. We plan to have another public meeting, it is not scheduled at this time. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank You, George George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Michael Garza 4/21/2010 4:52 PM >>> George, Do you want to respond to her, I was dealing with her after DiWanna left. thanks, Mike >>> On 4/21/2010 at 1:55 PM, in message <spgohk624hr846g1lcjeqie5.1271876117159@email.android.com>, Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> wrote: Mike - Any updates from your discussions with the utility companies? It looks like they have been out marking along Deforest Rd recently. Thanks for your time. Karen Johnson Michael Garza <mgarza@ci.coppell.tx.us> wrote: >Karen, >The alignment of the road is 100% complete, we still have some outstanding drainage issues we are working on and some Right of Way to acquire. Overall the plans are about 80%. We will be having a meeting with the utility companies in February to discuss possible options. As of right now the city is not planning on burying the overhead power lines, however this is something that we will discuss with the power company. As far as a public hearing we have not determined when we will be holding another one, but my guess is that it will be some time in the spring. I apologize for the delay, this has been a somewhat difficult design from the drainage standpoint. I would like to get the project to construction by the 3rd quarter of this year. > >If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience. > >thanks, >Mike > (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd ProjectPage 3 >Michael Garza >Engineering Dept. >City of Coppell >Office: 972-304-7019 >Fax: 972-304-3570 > > >Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail > > >>>> On 1/4/2010 at 1:42 PM, in message <571547.935.qm@web45811.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>, Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> wrote: > >Mike - > >As I got together with some of our neighbors during the holidays, the matter of the Deforest Road project came up in conversation. Could you provide a quick update as to the status of the design and any rough timing for another public hearing? Also, there is still a strong interest in the utility lines issue...can you comment on where the city is with considering the opportunity to bury the lines as part of this project? > >Thank you for your help. > >Karen Johnson >634 Deforest Court > > > > > > >----- Forwarded Message ---- >From: Michael Garza <mgarza@ci.coppell.tx.us> >To: Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> >Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 4:18:08 PM >Subject: Re: Deforest Rd Project > > >Karen, >Since DiWanna is no longer working for the City of Coppell, I will be taking over this project. I am in the process of getting caught up on the status of where she left off. I have scheduled a meeting with the design engineer for next week so that we can discuss the status. Currently we are about 65-75% complete with the design of the roadway. As soon as I get more details and time lines I will inform you. > >Thanks, >Mike > > >Michael Garza >Engineering Dept. >City of Coppell >Office: >Fax: 972-304-3570 > > >Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail > (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd ProjectPage 4 >>>> On 10/5/2009 at 12:43 PM, in message <659409.29073.qm@web45813.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>, Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> wrote: > >Michael - > >I am a Coppell resident at 634 Deforest Court and have been talking with DiWanna Baskin for about a year regarding the Deforest Road project. As you can see from the emails below, I am interested in an update on the project that I can share with my Deforest Court neighbors. > >Thanks for your time, > >Karen Johnson > >******************************************************************** >I'm walking 60 miles in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Won't you help me reach my fundraising goal? >http://www.the3day.org/goto/kmjohnson > > > > > >----- Forwarded Message ---- >From: DiWanna Baskins <DBASKINS@ci.coppell.tx.us> >To: Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> >Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 12:11:43 PM >Subject: Re: Deforest Rd Project (No longer here) > >I am no longer a member of the City of Coppell team. Please contact the main engineering number so that your request can be forwarded to the appropriate person. > >Thanks and have a great day! >>>> kmjohnson56 10/05/09 12:09 >>> > >Hello DiWanna - > >It's been a few months since I last stopped by your office for an update on the Deforest Rd project. At that time, you were thinking the planning would be far enough along for another public meeting this fall. The residents of our neighborhood continue to be very supportive of the project since it will bring sidewalk along Deforest Rd.....but they still are also strongly interested in putting the utilities underground. Can you give me an update on the current status of the project? > >Thanks for your time, > >Karen Johnson >634 Deforest Court > > > >******************************************************************** >I'm walking 60 miles in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Won't you help me reach my fundraising goal? > >http://www.the3day.org/goto/kmjohnson > > > > (10/27/2011) George Marshall - Re: Fwd: Re: Fw: Deforest Rd ProjectPage 5