ST0501-ES 960912+� i 3 5' - , {• :. "6 4 t95 7 l' i : jA E A t i t 1 f '. "t S p {:''�i F 0 1.-i THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS 1 ?'3 [3'3 C> }+ THAT The City of Coppell COUNTY CLERK'S MEMO 09/12/96 198743 $13.00 PORTIONS OF THIS Geed Of Dallas County, Texas DOCUMENT NOT , in consideration of the sum of REPROOUC1,rjLF One Dollar ($1.00) W1hicN REC ORDE D and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Assoc. the free and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County. Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 LU�IL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the 'Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard (a 100 foot right-of-way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way), said point also being the northwest corner of Raintree Village, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; Thence S. 89 0 44'05" E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00 °34'48" E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89 °44'05" E., 1234.39 feet being 5.00 feet north of and parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00 °15'55" W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said south line of Deforest Road. THENCE N. 89 0 44'05" W., 1234.42 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the Point of Beginning and containing 6,172 square feet. of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE TEXAS, COUNTY OF 'c5/c BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day persona y appeared known to me to be the person_._ whose name - subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he.._ exe[ � nsideration therein express�e 1. GIVEN Y H.�2PAWL OF FFICE, This day of __ , A.D. 19In._ W COMMMION EXPIRES JuIY 15,1695 - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ' otary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ----- --- -------------------------------------------------------- ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF _ -._ - -- ... -- BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared. - - -- -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- ­­ _ known tome to be the person_.. whose name__ - -.. _ -- subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that _he..._ . exe same f APw. ses and onsideration therein e x ssed. or GIVEN YIY W.0W% tE*ML 01 OFFICE, This - - _ day of , A.D. 19. -• <••.•�+ Ju 14 1999 ....._.... -- - - - -- ...- �•--- ......_.. - --- - - -- -- - --- -- --- -- ---- -- --___:' __ Nota0 Pu c, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission i1xpires ----------------------------------- --- -- ..... - - - - - - - -- - - CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 f BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, COUNTY OF --- -- - - - - -- - - -- - -------- - - - - -- on this day personally appeared- --- - -- --------- ----- --- ---- ----------- - - -- -- ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- - - --- ------- -- - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -- - - -- -known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said ---I------------------------- ---- ----- - - - - - -- -------------- --------- ---- --- ---- -- --- - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ------------------------ day of ----- - -------- ----------- - ---- - ---- A.D. 19- - - - - -. (L.S.) --- ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ---- ---- ------ --- --- --- .......................... ....... Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ------------------------------------------------------------------- CLERK'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF _. - - ---- - -- - -- I, - --------- -- --------------------------------- - -- -.... - - .. County .. , Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated on the -.__ ....... _. day of ...--.....--_....--....... ..- _----- _- ..._-- _------- - -- --- A. D. 19- _ with its Certificate of Authentication, was filed for record in my office on the ........... . . . . .. ...day of.- ....... - .............. .---------- - _ - - -... - - -_, A. D. 19..__.. -, at- o'clock. ....M., and duly recorded this - -- ----- - ...day of- -_-- -- - - - - -- ----- ---------- - --- ----- -- - - -- ----------- .. -...A. D. 19.--- - - - - -, at- o'clock. M., in the - --------------- -- - . -- --- - - - - -- - ------ - - - - -- Records of said County, in Volume ------------- . , on pages -- -- - - - - - -- WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE COUNTY COURT of said County, at office in-. ..... _ --- .- ....._ __-- .. - - - -.. - ------ ---------- --- - -- -- -- - ---------- -- -- -- -- -------- -- ----- --- ------ - - - - -- - -- -, the day and year last above written. (L. S.) U2 ;,� �� U � : CS V� , PO /il/ T, OF CD�IHIENC /NG � o � w � � o 5� ' F � t 6' �0 c �ol i 5' WIDE WALL ^ I T \/ n r t% n n n C I I a � h c� m� 0 M Q CT C" �o 0 e . 0 -o o a � h c� m� 0 M Q CT C" �o 0 e . 0 �e IZECO 6LI96 F EILD 1 2 A I'l 10: 5 0 r' i L A t C 0 U NT Y i. , 9 A L L A S C i IU IN" TY ca ca cq LLj IQ THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas THAT The City of Coppell ®uNT�r c� F�g'S MEMO i _7 � �� <> C P ORTIONS OF THIS 49/12/96 198745 $13.00 of Dallas County, Texas- C NOT Deed REPRODUCIPLE ' in consideration of the sum of WFIEN RECORDED One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Hcxneowmers , the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Raintree Village an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and - being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of MacArthur Boulevard (a 100 foot right -of -way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way), said point also being the northwest corner of the above said Raintree Village; Thence S. 89'44'05" E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 1149.42 feet continuing along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 52 in Block " A " of the above said Raintree Village; THENCE S. 00 ° 15'55" W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of �F Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89'44 W., 1149.45 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for d corner; THENCE N. 00 ° 34'48" E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and CT containing 6,172 square feet of land. CO En And it is further agreed that the said Grantor , in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said C" V C.� l a rt 0 p m �C n 0 m y O v Q � � n O N O - AlndaQ ' ---- - -----------------------•---•----------------•--•--- -•--- ------------- ..-- ...._..Ag ('S "D •ssxa,L 'B3uno0 -- - - - - -- ---------- -- ----- ------ -- ------- -- - - - - -- --- -xaal0 6;uno0 - - - - ----- -------- - - - - -- ---- ------ , uaj4tam a wqe Isel asaB pun Aup aq; ' - - -- ------- ------ --- -- -- -- -- -- --- - - -- -- ...----------- ---------------------------- • - - - - -- ... . - - uc aatWo 3n'A4uno0 pins 3 11NE100 alll aO 'IVaS QNV QNVH AR S IRA •.... - -- --- - sa2nd uo ' - -- -- --- -- - --- -- awn o A ut `.f uno 0 p lus 3 l o s - ---------------------------------- -- ----- --- ----- ..... q� ut . IA[ x oo l a . - -- - -.. - -.. I 3 P aoaa - --- - - - - -- --- -- ___ _ a ' o- - 4n ------------------ - --- ------- -- ---........... - --- - --------- - - - -10 &sp- - -- - - sttp papaoaaa _ _ - Alnp pun I-jq ... - Kaola,o - - - - -In - 6I 'Q •V -------------- --------- ;o Avp ------------------ - aqj uo aaUjo Aux ut paoaaa ao3 palt3 sem 'uoglea13uag;nV 3o a3na8t3aa0 s ;t ql!m .6T . . I ----- - - - - - ---- ------ --- -.............. --------------- - - 3o Lisp - aqj uo pa ;up 2ut4tam ;o 3uautna4sut 2uto2aao; aq3 leq; Aj!vaa Agaaaq op 'dluno0 ptss ;o gano0 64uno0 aq; ;o 3jaal0 -------------------------------- -_ do Asunoo Sjuno0 I ` SVXHI 30 'HMS RHI RIV31AIZII213 S13111aZO - -- ---- ..... . . . ... ............................................. saaldxa uotsslwuio0 AI11 •suxay ;o a;saS a p ioj pun ut 'o SjujoN ............... -----------..---.........-----------------------•--•----- --..........- ........................ (s"D 6i *TV ' - - ----------- --- - - - - ;o Bsp ------------------------ slq,L `aoiaao 30 'IVaS aXV QNVH 2Lw uaciNfl NaAIO pa ;s3s utaaaq; Allosdsa aqj ut pun 'passaadxa utaaaq; uo13naaptsuoa pun sasodand aq1 ao; uotjeaodaoo Bons 3o 3os aqj se awes aqj palnaaxa aq 3sg3 pun 'uo13aaodaoa u ------------------ -- ------- - ---------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ptns aqj ;o Son aqj ssm awns ag3 jsg3 aw o; pa2palmou3las pus 3uawna3sut 2uto2aaoj aq; of pagtaasqns st awnu asogm aaa tB o P us uosaad aqj a q I aw °3 umou o ------------------- ---- ------- - - - - -- --- - - - --- ------------------ ------ ------- - ----- ---- ---- -- - -- - --- ---------------- �l -- ------- -- - ----- - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- ----- peasadds Alluuosaad Avp stq; uo ----- - - - - -- - do AINnoo '�S;taoq }nn pau2tsaapun aq3 'aIq Sg0,3ag sVxHs 30 �z�ss CHs sx wDaH IIAOmx3v KOIIVIIO 0 - ---------- -- - - - - -- sa.0 o �Ai snxa ;o a ;n ;S act; to3 pun ut ` tl gn,I n4 6688 tt /4rlr ..- --. •• •---- ------- --- -�1��� S3Hid NOI AW _. IV3N 'l � RLO �� � +; • �i„ AN gip• 6T Q - ;o �fep- g9. - �-j `a0I330 ,d0 'IVY •pay.adx utaaag3 uot3s.iaptsuoa pun sasodand aq; ao; atuss aq; palmaxa - aq 3sq; am oa pa2palmou'j{as pus '4uaLutulsut 2uto2aao3 a41 o; pagtaasqns awsu asogm uosaad aq} aq o} atu o3 umou3l - - . - - - -- - --- -- - . . ... ... - .- _ _ - paanadde Allnuosaad Aup sigl uo 'A3jaoq4ne pau2tsaapun aq; 'RW RHojag do XINfloo `s�x�s 30 HMS aHs sua�oaa�nAOUx�� .. ............ - - - -- -- .... -- -------------- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- . ^... .. ,��..,..,. co °o td � o 0 m � y w t �' � 0 Cy r � O lC O n � Fij d a m n 0 o (D ' 0 0 R. CD m C a m 0 � o o G o m H c 0 k O v Q � � n O N O - AlndaQ ' ---- - -----------------------•---•----------------•--•--- -•--- ------------- ..-- ...._..Ag ('S "D •ssxa,L 'B3uno0 -- - - - - -- ---------- -- ----- ------ -- ------- -- - - - - -- --- -xaal0 6;uno0 - - - - ----- -------- - - - - -- ---- ------ , uaj4tam a wqe Isel asaB pun Aup aq; ' - - -- ------- ------ --- -- -- -- -- -- --- - - -- -- ...----------- ---------------------------- • - - - - -- ... . - - uc aatWo 3n'A4uno0 pins 3 11NE100 alll aO 'IVaS QNV QNVH AR S IRA •.... - -- --- - sa2nd uo ' - -- -- --- -- - --- -- awn o A ut `.f uno 0 p lus 3 l o s - ---------------------------------- -- ----- --- ----- ..... q� ut . IA[ x oo l a . - -- - -.. - -.. I 3 P aoaa - --- - - - - -- --- -- ___ _ a ' o- - 4n ------------------ - --- ------- -- ---........... - --- - --------- - - - -10 &sp- - -- - - sttp papaoaaa _ _ - Alnp pun I-jq ... - Kaola,o - - - - -In - 6I 'Q •V -------------- --------- ;o Avp ------------------ - aqj uo aaUjo Aux ut paoaaa ao3 palt3 sem 'uoglea13uag;nV 3o a3na8t3aa0 s ;t ql!m .6T . . I ----- - - - - - ---- ------ --- -.............. --------------- - - 3o Lisp - aqj uo pa ;up 2ut4tam ;o 3uautna4sut 2uto2aao; aq3 leq; Aj!vaa Agaaaq op 'dluno0 ptss ;o gano0 64uno0 aq; ;o 3jaal0 -------------------------------- -_ do Asunoo Sjuno0 I ` SVXHI 30 'HMS RHI RIV31AIZII213 S13111aZO - -- ---- ..... . . . ... ............................................. saaldxa uotsslwuio0 AI11 •suxay ;o a;saS a p ioj pun ut 'o SjujoN ............... -----------..---.........-----------------------•--•----- --..........- ........................ (s"D 6i *TV ' - - ----------- --- - - - - ;o Bsp ------------------------ slq,L `aoiaao 30 'IVaS aXV QNVH 2Lw uaciNfl NaAIO pa ;s3s utaaaq; Allosdsa aqj ut pun 'passaadxa utaaaq; uo13naaptsuoa pun sasodand aq1 ao; uotjeaodaoo Bons 3o 3os aqj se awes aqj palnaaxa aq 3sg3 pun 'uo13aaodaoa u ------------------ -- ------- - ---------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ptns aqj ;o Son aqj ssm awns ag3 jsg3 aw o; pa2palmou3las pus 3uawna3sut 2uto2aaoj aq; of pagtaasqns st awnu asogm aaa tB o P us uosaad aqj a q I aw °3 umou o ------------------- ---- ------- - - - - -- --- - - - --- ------------------ ------ ------- - ----- ---- ---- -- - -- - --- ---------------- �l -- ------- -- - ----- - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- ----- peasadds Alluuosaad Avp stq; uo ----- - - - - -- - do AINnoo '�S;taoq }nn pau2tsaapun aq3 'aIq Sg0,3ag sVxHs 30 �z�ss CHs sx wDaH IIAOmx3v KOIIVIIO 0 - ---------- -- - - - - -- sa.0 o �Ai snxa ;o a ;n ;S act; to3 pun ut ` tl gn,I n4 6688 tt /4rlr ..- --. •• •---- ------- --- -�1��� S3Hid NOI AW _. IV3N 'l � RLO �� � +; • �i„ AN gip• 6T Q - ;o �fep- g9. - �-j `a0I330 ,d0 'IVY •pay.adx utaaag3 uot3s.iaptsuoa pun sasodand aq; ao; atuss aq; palmaxa - aq 3sq; am oa pa2palmou'j{as pus '4uaLutulsut 2uto2aao3 a41 o; pagtaasqns awsu asogm uosaad aq} aq o} atu o3 umou3l - - . - - - -- - --- -- - . . ... ... - .- _ _ - paanadde Allnuosaad Aup sigl uo 'A3jaoq4ne pau2tsaapun aq; 'RW RHojag do XINfloo `s�x�s 30 HMS aHs sua�oaa�nAOUx�� .. ............ - - - -- -- .... -- -------------- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- . ^... .. ,��..,..,. P J�E�i Q ►: Q hJ o 0 xv 3 �� rn �o z i ,A 2 'V A L �.0 Q T o -P It\ 0- cp GI 5' WIDE WALL MAIN TENANCE EASEMENT r. c� cn c� rn r• m . o. i V v 1 A M 1v 50 n " .LAS COO J T`�' 82C£0 6L196 dv w S'E�n N m � Nos �c C fp O C? u G Q% N _T E •j Q U 0 U 1 y T > k Q S]�(n�NCC q,.,. (Y A r X 11 1 T) 3is jF�d n2i n 1 1 l 513e !1 F• fi '� niFy4i '!'L1 I' f� (Y; { fF '�; 1 1 • - at , u.. at .e :Kz ra x a..�.M s x w., . .. i. : x ., s: x..,x z. � m. -.. o- , .. T HE ST OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas 1-7 C__3 <> C-30 o - 7 couNTY CLERK'S MEMO PORT of THI 09/12196 198746 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell DOCUMiEvT NOT Deed REPRODUCf'8i_E of Dallas County Texas WHEN RECORDED , in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners feceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners , the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) with the easement line of Lake Forest Drive (a 50 foot right -of -way), said -point also being the northwest corner of Lot 1 in Block " E " of Raintree Village, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; Thence S. 89 °44 E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00'15 E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 1175.00 feet, being 5.00 feet north of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00'15' 55" W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said south line of Deforest Road; THENCE N. 89'44'05" W., 1175.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the Point of Beginning and containing 5,875 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor , in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said 9 �i z m 0 7 m n O y O, ` J O It � n 7 O 7 N Ito C" �s t�ndaQ ' . - - - - -- -------------------------- ---- - ------- -- ----- ---•------- - - - - -- .....- •suxa,L 'SlunoO - - --------------- --- ------ ----- ---- -- - --- - - - - -- 31aa1O SlunoO C •ualltam aeoqu ;set aua,S pus Sup aql ' ------------------------------- ---- ---- ---------------- - - - - -- ----------------------- -------- - ul aalt3o lu 'SlunOD plus 3 LaflOO 1UMIOO aHZ do `IddS (INV QNVH AW SSdNZIM © -- - - - - -- -- .......---- sa2ud uo ,- .... ----- - auxn o ut S uno tss o s .1033 . - - -- I A .` l O P. 3 P g--- - - - - -- -- -- aq3 ut "N - -- - 313013,0 ------- --J13 . 61 Q • d------- --- -------- -- ------ --- - - -- ------ - - ----------- - - - -;o Sep..... _...Stqj Papa030a S p I•lq - _x30 - -Js 6T Q •d - -- --- - - - - -- -------- --- -- - - -- --jo Sgp------- - -- - -- --- - - -aql uo a3wo Sux ul p2030a and Palt3 sum uoijv3quaglnv 3o a1133t;tlaa0 sll ql!m - ..6T 'Q 'd ' - --- - ----- - - - --- -- - -- - - -- ------------ --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 3o Sup - agl uo palup tut ;tam ;o luauxnalsut 2uto2aao; aql 3eg3 S;t;aa3 Sgaaaq op 'SlunoD plus ;o pnoo SlunoO aql 3o 31aalO --- ----- - ------ - - - - -- - -- - do X,LNrloo SlunoO I i `SVXHI 30 J I VIS `3Hl HsVDidisHH3 SI NHH113 ------ -•- - -- -------•------------- --------- ------- ----------- - -•- saatdxd uotsstuxuxoO Sb1I •suxas, ;o alu aq; ao; pus ul 'atlgnd S.tulo �1 ........... -- ---------- - - - ..................................................... ........................- ...... Cs" ) ---- - - - - • ------- --- - - -- -- - - ;o Sep - stgs `aDIddO do'IVdS IINV QNVH 2LW HaGNfl NdAIO •paluas utaaag3 S41313da3 aql ut pus 'passaadxa utaaagl uoi3saaptsuo3 pus sasodand agl ao; uol313aodao3 Bans 3o las aqI su aw13s aq3 paln3axa aq 3agl pus 'uollaaodao3 e ptas aql 3o 3313 aql sum auxus aql Iagl aux 03 pa2palmou3jan pus luawnalsut 2uto2aao; agl of pagtaosgns st awuu asogm aa3 W o pug uosaad a ql a q l aux o o ----------------- ------------------------- - - - - -- ----- ----- ----- - - - --- ---- ----------------- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- --- - --- -- � umou x ----------- - - -- - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - - - --- ------------------------------------ -- --- ---- ------------ paasaddu Sllauosaad Sap stgl uo - - s�ss MHz do 2UNfloo 'S}taog}ne pau2tsaapun aq3 'dy11 dg sVxas 3 oddg x s i 9(la'I A,ONMJV xoisVHOaHOD 0 � - ---- ------------------------ -- -................. sa4du t •suxas, ;o alulS aql xo; puu ut ON 6661 `til AIn(' +'' bI ' 1 _ .................. ............................... ............... _. � S313I,03 NOISSIWWOO AW a+: 6T •Q•y -. ;o Ssp - ..stgL `HDIddO N'1AH11ti71 a� dAIO /6 a3s5zdxa uiaaa l uoiluaapisuo3 p uu sasodand a l ao atuus a l alnoaxa --- a r q r q q r q legl aw of pa2palmoux3s puu 'quawnalsul 2ulo2aao; aql of paglaasgns aw.au asogm - uosaad aql aq o3 aw of umoux - - -- -- - - -- -- -- ._. .- ------ _ - -- .. - - ....... . paauaddu Slluuosaad Sap slgl uo 'Sllaoglnu pau2isaapun agl 'dbll d2lOdda do AJNflOO 4 `S�X�Z 30 MVIS a HZ sx�r�oa��ns -- ------------------------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - -- --- - --- saaidx- q uocsslwwo7 SI�I „� .. 14 0 m x" O rn• ,p O 0 t7 0 hh O a � O O ¢ {f CD b t O ¢ I O o o ' d CD' ❑ m o to b H to O, ` J O It � n 7 O 7 N Ito C" �s t�ndaQ ' . - - - - -- -------------------------- ---- - ------- -- ----- ---•------- - - - - -- .....- •suxa,L 'SlunoO - - --------------- --- ------ ----- ---- -- - --- - - - - -- 31aa1O SlunoO C •ualltam aeoqu ;set aua,S pus Sup aql ' ------------------------------- ---- ---- ---------------- - - - - -- ----------------------- -------- - ul aalt3o lu 'SlunOD plus 3 LaflOO 1UMIOO aHZ do `IddS (INV QNVH AW SSdNZIM © -- - - - - -- -- .......---- sa2ud uo ,- .... ----- - auxn o ut S uno tss o s .1033 . - - -- I A .` l O P. 3 P g--- - - - - -- -- -- aq3 ut "N - -- - 313013,0 ------- --J13 . 61 Q • d------- --- -------- -- ------ --- - - -- ------ - - ----------- - - - -;o Sep..... _...Stqj Papa030a S p I•lq - _x30 - -Js 6T Q •d - -- --- - - - - -- -------- --- -- - - -- --jo Sgp------- - -- - -- --- - - -aql uo a3wo Sux ul p2030a and Palt3 sum uoijv3quaglnv 3o a1133t;tlaa0 sll ql!m - ..6T 'Q 'd ' - --- - ----- - - - --- -- - -- - - -- ------------ --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 3o Sup - agl uo palup tut ;tam ;o luauxnalsut 2uto2aao; aql 3eg3 S;t;aa3 Sgaaaq op 'SlunoD plus ;o pnoo SlunoO aql 3o 31aalO --- ----- - ------ - - - - -- - -- - do X,LNrloo SlunoO I i `SVXHI 30 J I VIS `3Hl HsVDidisHH3 SI NHH113 ------ -•- - -- -------•------------- --------- ------- ----------- - -•- saatdxd uotsstuxuxoO Sb1I •suxas, ;o alu aq; ao; pus ul 'atlgnd S.tulo �1 ........... -- ---------- - - - ..................................................... ........................- ...... Cs" ) ---- - - - - • ------- --- - - -- -- - - ;o Sep - stgs `aDIddO do'IVdS IINV QNVH 2LW HaGNfl NdAIO •paluas utaaag3 S41313da3 aql ut pus 'passaadxa utaaagl uoi3saaptsuo3 pus sasodand agl ao; uol313aodao3 Bans 3o las aqI su aw13s aq3 paln3axa aq 3agl pus 'uollaaodao3 e ptas aql 3o 3313 aql sum auxus aql Iagl aux 03 pa2palmou3jan pus luawnalsut 2uto2aao; agl of pagtaosgns st awuu asogm aa3 W o pug uosaad a ql a q l aux o o ----------------- ------------------------- - - - - -- ----- ----- ----- - - - --- ---- ----------------- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- --- - --- -- � umou x ----------- - - -- - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - - - --- ------------------------------------ -- --- ---- ------------ paasaddu Sllauosaad Sap stgl uo - - s�ss MHz do 2UNfloo 'S}taog}ne pau2tsaapun aq3 'dy11 dg sVxas 3 oddg x s i 9(la'I A,ONMJV xoisVHOaHOD 0 � - ---- ------------------------ -- -................. sa4du t •suxas, ;o alulS aql xo; puu ut ON 6661 `til AIn(' +'' bI ' 1 _ .................. ............................... ............... _. � S313I,03 NOISSIWWOO AW a+: 6T •Q•y -. ;o Ssp - ..stgL `HDIddO N'1AH11ti71 a� dAIO /6 a3s5zdxa uiaaa l uoiluaapisuo3 p uu sasodand a l ao atuus a l alnoaxa --- a r q r q q r q legl aw of pa2palmoux3s puu 'quawnalsul 2ulo2aao; aql of paglaasgns aw.au asogm - uosaad aql aq o3 aw of umoux - - -- -- - - -- -- -- ._. .- ------ _ - -- .. - - ....... . paauaddu Slluuosaad Sap slgl uo 'Sllaoglnu pau2isaapun agl 'dbll d2lOdda do AJNflOO 4 `S�X�Z 30 MVIS a HZ sx�r�oa��ns -- ------------------------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - -- --- - --- saaidx- q uocsslwwo7 SI�I „� .. 0 P 2 qkp. \'O 2 / �V. . ag, VVV 89�h o� 4y X 01 5 . 0 0 Z 0 m Z Z 0' O F rT io, O 0 o � O � O T �9 6' C'7 m C" 3 t:7 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT rilr v nc rno�ci i 0 ON Q0 t3'3 12 A 10: 50 C0u y K` lle Z£CCQ 6L196 S¢xaj'f4unco Sempa ` min Ai non �o yn A}H 9661 9 I dB •aw bq u00104 padwels se sexal 'Alunoo seped to spin0a] paweu aql l0 a8ed pue awnlon eql W papJe031 A1ap seM pue aw Aq uoaiaq padwPlS ewil pue alcp aql u0 pa;,l seen luewnilsul s;ql Alil,aa Agajaq SYilt/0 10 A 1 Nf100 SVX31 J0 31VIS rap lempal japun ajgeaoaoluaun pue plIP.hlll si a0el io :0]00 le asnc)aq AUadoid iLai paquosap 041 P asn io 'Ie;uaJ 'ales ay; $014sal gaiym UPAN 4uy ra ao�'nr nrr a���.zExnt??�9.,r n ti n n 2� nf7lrtsrlA' er n a�,a n j.�,T� t }}pp,, y s hR tt!rEd.k3:k. x a.AY ..v k. -i. T HE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas 1 — 7 C -30 09 CD s' THAT The City of Coppe COUNTY CLERK MEMO 09/12/% 198747 $13.00 y ppe Deed pORT10NS OF THIS of Dallas County, Texas - [kOT , in consideration of the sum of F_F'•� �pG�;1�LE One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Hameowners , the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 B. B. B. 8 S. R. R. 199 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the B.B.B & S.R.R Survey, Abstract No. 199 and the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) with the east line of Allen Road (a 60 foot right -of -way); Thence S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 15.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N. 00'15 E., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89'44 E., 267.00 feet, being 5.00 feet north of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00' 15' 55 a' W., 5.00 feet to a point for corner on the said south line of Deforest Road; THENCE N. 89'44 W., 267.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the Point of Beginning and containing 1,335 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said w .r a� K 0 m O 0 m w toll �I i . �lndaQ ' ----------------- --- --- ------ --- --------- ------- ....................... ...... ......Ag ('S - D suxay ' AlunoO - -- - - - - -- ------ -------- --------- -------- - -- --- --- -- - xaa1O SjunoO -- - - ---- ---- - ----- ------ ------ - - - - -- I ...... - 'ual ;tam anogs ;sul auaA pus Sup atll ' ---------- ...... ut aoUjo ;u IA4unoO plus 3 .I HfIOO X LN11OO dHy dO rl QNd (IXVH XW SSdNIIAA • - - -- - sa8ud uo ' ._..... --- aura o ut 'AlunOD Plus JO s aooa -- _ -- -- - -- - - - -- ---- -- --- --- --- .. I -- 6T ' • - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----- - - - - - ; p ----- -..... .q; P P aq; ut 'Ni......- xaota,o s -- -- - - -- - _ 0 6e - ... st pa p .10301 glnp put '•y11 Kaola,o- .... . is 6T • • ,....- -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - -;o Asp -- ----- --- --- - - - - -- aql uo aotWo Aux ut paooaa ao; PaIB sum 'uot;uot;uaq;nV 3o alsagt�taO s;t qv- '._ 6i . .� �....- - ------------------------------------------------------ 30 Lisp aql uo palup But ;tam ;o luamnalsut 2uto8aao; aql ;tq; A3llaaa &gazaq op 'SlunoO pass ;o lanoO 6lunoO aql ;o xaa1O AjunoO' -..- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - -'I _ d0 2UNIIOO ` sVXal 3 0 aIVIS ax HIVDidisHda --------------------------°......-- --•- -•-- •- ----- ...-•-- ......... saatdxd uotsstuttuoO AN •ssxaj, ;o a ;s ;g aq; ao; pus ut 'oggnd Aas;oN ---- - - - -6T • ---------- - -- - -- - - 30 .fsp - stgy `d0IddO dO 'IddS QNv QNtlH XW HdQNfI NdAIO •palsls utaaagl dltasdw aql ut put `passaadxa utaaag3 uotlsaaptsuoo pus sasodand aql aoj uotlsaodaoo Bons ;o los aql su amus aql palnaaxa aq ;gql pus 'uotluaodaoa s - - -- --------- ------- — - - - ---------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------- --------- ------- ----- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------- Plus aql ;o las aql sum amus aql lagl am of pa2palmou3lau put luamnalsu 2mo2aao; aql of pagtaosqns st - atuuu asogm aao qt o P K us uosaad a q; a q o ; am o ; umou - ----- - - - --- - ------------------------------ ----- ---- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- --- -- -------- -- - -- - -- -- -------------------------------- ---- ---- ----------------- -- - - -- -- ----------------- -- --- - - -- ----------------------------------- --- - --- ---------------- paauadds Alluuosaad Sup stq; uo ( - - - - - - -- - -- -- do AJINfIOO `Altaoglne pau2tsaapun aql `dy�T dHOddfi { su WDaHznnoNx3V uoisVxodxoo `sVxas ao MVIS axs ----- - - - - - -- -- -................ -------- - - - - -- saat d u , , woD AN xa ;o a ;u;g aq; ao; pus ut qnd u ;oN a ++fib .......... . .. .. '61 �tlnp -- ... ... ... ...................... E S 1 ISSI WW00 AW ; • I MUM � • p Iqy `dz)ldao NdAIO G� --gi •Qd o Su • a a xa tax) uo� uaa isuoa us sasodand a ao atuus a a noaxa - --- P q; ; P. P q; � q; P ; q ;uq; aw of pa2palmouX3u put 'luawnalsut 2uto8aao3 aq; o; pagtaosqns awuu asogm - uosaad aql aq of am of umou3l - - - -- -- ---- -- - -- - - -- -- . ----- -- - ---- - - -- -- .... .- .. - - --- -- pamaddu AIluuosaad .Sup stq; uo 'Altaoglns paa2tsaapun aql 'dIgi dHO3dg dO A,LNIIOO `SVXal d0 aIVIS a HZ sx�r�oadzmoNxav � CD O x = � ° w �7 I m J d9 O M 0 O o (D CD n i '� 0 ► J. Cr' CD tis 7J 0 O 0 Q d R a a �; o d (D z d z CD o c C x CD k �« I a toll �I i . �lndaQ ' ----------------- --- --- ------ --- --------- ------- ....................... ...... ......Ag ('S - D suxay ' AlunoO - -- - - - - -- ------ -------- --------- -------- - -- --- --- -- - xaa1O SjunoO -- - - ---- ---- - ----- ------ ------ - - - - -- I ...... - 'ual ;tam anogs ;sul auaA pus Sup atll ' ---------- ...... ut aoUjo ;u IA4unoO plus 3 .I HfIOO X LN11OO dHy dO rl QNd (IXVH XW SSdNIIAA • - - -- - sa8ud uo ' ._..... --- aura o ut 'AlunOD Plus JO s aooa -- _ -- -- - -- - - - -- ---- -- --- --- --- .. I -- 6T ' • - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- ----- - - - - - ; p ----- -..... .q; P P aq; ut 'Ni......- xaota,o s -- -- - - -- - _ 0 6e - ... st pa p .10301 glnp put '•y11 Kaola,o- .... . is 6T • • ,....- -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - -;o Asp -- ----- --- --- - - - - -- aql uo aotWo Aux ut paooaa ao; PaIB sum 'uot;uot;uaq;nV 3o alsagt�taO s;t qv- '._ 6i . .� �....- - ------------------------------------------------------ 30 Lisp aql uo palup But ;tam ;o luamnalsut 2uto8aao; aql ;tq; A3llaaa &gazaq op 'SlunoO pass ;o lanoO 6lunoO aql ;o xaa1O AjunoO' -..- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - -'I _ d0 2UNIIOO ` sVXal 3 0 aIVIS ax HIVDidisHda --------------------------°......-- --•- -•-- •- ----- ...-•-- ......... saatdxd uotsstuttuoO AN •ssxaj, ;o a ;s ;g aq; ao; pus ut 'oggnd Aas;oN ---- - - - -6T • ---------- - -- - -- - - 30 .fsp - stgy `d0IddO dO 'IddS QNv QNtlH XW HdQNfI NdAIO •palsls utaaagl dltasdw aql ut put `passaadxa utaaag3 uotlsaaptsuoo pus sasodand aql aoj uotlsaodaoo Bons ;o los aql su amus aql palnaaxa aq ;gql pus 'uotluaodaoa s - - -- --------- ------- — - - - ---------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------- --------- ------- ----- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------- Plus aql ;o las aql sum amus aql lagl am of pa2palmou3lau put luamnalsu 2mo2aao; aql of pagtaosqns st - atuuu asogm aao qt o P K us uosaad a q; a q o ; am o ; umou - ----- - - - --- - ------------------------------ ----- ---- -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- --- -- -------- -- - -- - -- -- -------------------------------- ---- ---- ----------------- -- - - -- -- ----------------- -- --- - - -- ----------------------------------- --- - --- ---------------- paauadds Alluuosaad Sup stq; uo ( - - - - - - -- - -- -- do AJINfIOO `Altaoglne pau2tsaapun aql `dy�T dHOddfi { su WDaHznnoNx3V uoisVxodxoo `sVxas ao MVIS axs ----- - - - - - -- -- -................ -------- - - - - -- saat d u , , woD AN xa ;o a ;u;g aq; ao; pus ut qnd u ;oN a ++fib .......... . .. .. '61 �tlnp -- ... ... ... ...................... E S 1 ISSI WW00 AW ; • I MUM � • p Iqy `dz)ldao NdAIO G� --gi •Qd o Su • a a xa tax) uo� uaa isuoa us sasodand a ao atuus a a noaxa - --- P q; ; P. P q; � q; P ; q ;uq; aw of pa2palmouX3u put 'luawnalsut 2uto8aao3 aq; o; pagtaosqns awuu asogm - uosaad aql aq of am of umou3l - - - -- -- ---- -- - -- - - -- -- . ----- -- - ---- - - -- -- .... .- .. - - --- -- pamaddu AIluuosaad .Sup stq; uo 'Altaoglns paa2tsaapun aql 'dIgi dHO3dg dO A,LNIIOO `SVXal d0 aIVIS a HZ sx�r�oadzmoNxav BRENTWOOD VILLAGES OF COPP EL L — PHASE VOLUME 9 1 1 6, PG. 1 165 3 h h C") m C7 CD 19 F 5' WIDE WALL KA A I KIT FNAMrP FAS FMFNT W h ° o h � � a h � _ DEFOREST BRENTWOOD VILLAGES OF COPP EL L — PHASE VOLUME 9 1 1 6, PG. 1 165 3 h h C") m C7 CD 19 F 5' WIDE WALL KA A I KIT FNAMrP FAS FMFNT �e' or 0 c 9ECC0 6LI96 � E c y`m Q�E 5 -�F aim Z ca O= cO 3 f w l�c� v W y a`� L - r m —_� cE Odd l.l,r�Gy llAS.r U oM'�ir nfc ~a4°,n��� m e F¢ 0 + r t'p y a � 3N1. Sti, v, THE STATE OF TEXAS9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dal'-as IL ?9 <:by <:b 0 ��;s MEM 09/12/96 198748 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell ��E �N�S Deed VNS� S (3F of Dallas County, Texas to ��ro Er�l , in consideration of the sum of Q (1�I e i�i� RED :'�Gd One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration ��� in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners , the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the B.B.B. & C.R.R. Survey, Abstract No.. 199 and the Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Villages of Coppell, Phase III A, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91156, Page 1165 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection to the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) with the east line of Allen Road (a 60 foot right -of -way); Thence S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 62.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the northeast corner of Lot 46 in Block " A " of the above said Villages of Coppell, Phase III A; THENCE S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 182.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE S. 00'15 W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89'44 W., 182.00 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE N. 00 ° 15 1 55" E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 910 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said 40 C W co a z 13 z 0 P O m O O I 0 n n N UI - AjndaQ ' ---- --_ ---------------------------------- ............... ................-- ------- -_-- Cs •, I/ sexay 'S4unop - - -- -- -- -------------------------------- ------ -- -- 31aalD ,S4unop - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- ------- --- - -- - -- - ------ - -. •ua44um aeoge 4sel aeaA pus Ssp aq; ' ------ -- --- -- - ---- ----- ----- --------- ------ - - -- -- - - --- -- --- - ------- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- --- - - ui aoll;o In IS4unop pies 3o Lafloo 7,yAif100 dH,L d0 'IddS (INV (IXVH JAW SSaNI AA -- ---- - sa2sd uo '- -- - ------ --- -- autn o ut 'S uno p lus o s aoaa - --- ----- -- ------ ---- -- -- - - -- - --- ---- .. .----- - - ---- - I A 3 p P. 3 P ?I- - - - - -- - - ---- a14l ut I.Iq __ ..- - - 3laola,o - 4s ------ - - - - • • - ------ ------------- ------ -- -- -- - - - -- --------- -- - -3o Sup --- sites papaoaaa S p I• - xoola o.... - Is 6T • •` - -- - - --- - - - - -- 30 Sup... - ag; uo aat)3o Am ut paoaaa ao; PaIS sem 'uoi4eai;uag4nV 3o a ; ' s4l igl!m ` -- - 61 •Q •V ,.. -------- .- ----- ... ..................... - - - -- - 3o Ssp - ..... aq4 uo pa4'8p 2u14tam ;0 4uaucna4sui 2uio2aao; ago ;u144 Aj!liaa Sgaaaq op 'S4unop pyes ;o ;anop S4unop x144 ;o 311al0 - - - - - -- - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- . do 'UNfloo 44unop < - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- ---- ----- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - <I `svx 30 RZVZS II HS RIVOIALLIM SIMIlarIJ .............. .................................................... saaidxd uoissimmop SAT •sexay ;o a4e4g aq4 io; pue ui 'ollgnd lagoN .......... -- .................................. - ............................................. (•S•'I) ---- - - - -6 • ------------------------- -- ---- - - - - ;o Sup ------------------------ stgy 'd0Idd0 30 WaS (INV UNVH AW laa(I Qfl NaAIO •pa4e4s ulaaag4 S4tosd '8o aq; ut pus 'passaadxa uiaaag4 uoi;saaptsuoa pus sasodand ag; ioj uot4uaodaoo Bons 30 4os aq; ss auiss aq; pa4naaxa aq 4uq; pus 'uo14eaodaoo e -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------- --- --- ---- -- -- ----- -- ---- --- - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- pt '8S ag ;0 4as a14; s '8m a u113s ay; 4'814; aui o; pa2palmou3lae pus 4uatuna ;sui 2uio2aao; ag; o; pagiaosgns si aut '8u asogm aao U1 o pun uosaad a 143 aq o4 aut � � umou ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - ----- ---------- ---- ------- --- - - - - -- ------- ------ ---- ---- -- - - --- -------- --- ---- - ----- -- --- ---------------- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - --- -- ---------------------------------------- -- ------- - - - - - -- -- - paa'8addu Slluuosaad Sup stg4 uo 'S;lao144nu pau2isa9pun a144 'gLII d2IOdag I - 30 A,LNf100 1 `SVXas -------- 3o HMS ails ------ ----------------- ------ - - - - -- -- ------- - - - - -- ----- •---- -• - - -- sa.ti � ao u,uioo AW l ilt saxa Io a ;e ;S ag; ao; par uT qnd Cte4oN S3a 6WL R AJ + �Inp -q! .......... ....... .. .... :..:.. . -• - - -• IdX3 NOISSIWW00 AW . �' IV (•S•'I) ;0 Sup _ .. - ig,L `aDmao C[Nfl NIdAIJ •p - aad iaaag4 uo14eaapisuoa pus sasodand aq; ao; anus aq; pa;naaxa -- aq 4sg4 aw o4 pa2palmou3los pun '4uautna4sui 2uio2aao; aq4 o; pagiaosgns auisu asogm uosaad aq4 aq o4 aut o4 umouil - - -- - --- ---- - - - ... _... . -_.. _.- -.. - ---- - - ... - - -- -- -- ... ...-- - -- .. paasadds Slleuosaad Avp sig4 uo 'S4taog4ns pau2isaapun ag ;'dyll d2Io3dg do Ay11noD `SVXHZ 30 HZVZS HHZ ZI�I�IAI�Q�'IASOt1x�� ..--------------------- ------------------ --- ................. ------ ga.trdx-S nnregniITIinI� ICTAT w W n m o � o r K OR �' d 11 0 o� m o 0 a CD ,b a 0 �+ C d G m o m n H c O O I 0 n n N UI - AjndaQ ' ---- --_ ---------------------------------- ............... ................-- ------- -_-- Cs •, I/ sexay 'S4unop - - -- -- -- -------------------------------- ------ -- -- 31aalD ,S4unop - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- ------- --- - -- - -- - ------ - -. •ua44um aeoge 4sel aeaA pus Ssp aq; ' ------ -- --- -- - ---- ----- ----- --------- ------ - - -- -- - - --- -- --- - ------- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- --- - - ui aoll;o In IS4unop pies 3o Lafloo 7,yAif100 dH,L d0 'IddS (INV (IXVH JAW SSaNI AA -- ---- - sa2sd uo '- -- - ------ --- -- autn o ut 'S uno p lus o s aoaa - --- ----- -- ------ ---- -- -- - - -- - --- ---- .. .----- - - ---- - I A 3 p P. 3 P ?I- - - - - -- - - ---- a14l ut I.Iq __ ..- - - 3laola,o - 4s ------ - - - - • • - ------ ------------- ------ -- -- -- - - - -- --------- -- - -3o Sup --- sites papaoaaa S p I• - xoola o.... - Is 6T • •` - -- - - --- - - - - -- 30 Sup... - ag; uo aat)3o Am ut paoaaa ao; PaIS sem 'uoi4eai;uag4nV 3o a ; ' s4l igl!m ` -- - 61 •Q •V ,.. -------- .- ----- ... ..................... - - - -- - 3o Ssp - ..... aq4 uo pa4'8p 2u14tam ;0 4uaucna4sui 2uio2aao; ago ;u144 Aj!liaa Sgaaaq op 'S4unop pyes ;o ;anop S4unop x144 ;o 311al0 - - - - - -- - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- . do 'UNfloo 44unop < - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- ---- ----- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - <I `svx 30 RZVZS II HS RIVOIALLIM SIMIlarIJ .............. .................................................... saaidxd uoissimmop SAT •sexay ;o a4e4g aq4 io; pue ui 'ollgnd lagoN .......... -- .................................. - ............................................. (•S•'I) ---- - - - -6 • ------------------------- -- ---- - - - - ;o Sup ------------------------ stgy 'd0Idd0 30 WaS (INV UNVH AW laa(I Qfl NaAIO •pa4e4s ulaaag4 S4tosd '8o aq; ut pus 'passaadxa uiaaag4 uoi;saaptsuoa pus sasodand ag; ioj uot4uaodaoo Bons 30 4os aq; ss auiss aq; pa4naaxa aq 4uq; pus 'uo14eaodaoo e -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------- --- --- ---- -- -- ----- -- ---- --- - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- pt '8S ag ;0 4as a14; s '8m a u113s ay; 4'814; aui o; pa2palmou3lae pus 4uatuna ;sui 2uio2aao; ag; o; pagiaosgns si aut '8u asogm aao U1 o pun uosaad a 143 aq o4 aut � � umou ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - ----- ---------- ---- ------- --- - - - - -- ------- ------ ---- ---- -- - - --- -------- --- ---- - ----- -- --- ---------------- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - --- -- ---------------------------------------- -- ------- - - - - - -- -- - paa'8addu Slluuosaad Sup stg4 uo 'S;lao144nu pau2isa9pun a144 'gLII d2IOdag I - 30 A,LNf100 1 `SVXas -------- 3o HMS ails ------ ----------------- ------ - - - - -- -- ------- - - - - -- ----- •---- -• - - -- sa.ti � ao u,uioo AW l ilt saxa Io a ;e ;S ag; ao; par uT qnd Cte4oN S3a 6WL R AJ + �Inp -q! .......... ....... .. .... :..:.. . -• - - -• IdX3 NOISSIWW00 AW . �' IV (•S•'I) ;0 Sup _ .. - ig,L `aDmao C[Nfl NIdAIJ •p - aad iaaag4 uo14eaapisuoa pus sasodand aq; ao; anus aq; pa;naaxa -- aq 4sg4 aw o4 pa2palmou3los pun '4uautna4sui 2uio2aao; aq4 o; pagiaosgns auisu asogm uosaad aq4 aq o4 aut o4 umouil - - -- - --- ---- - - - ... _... . -_.. _.- -.. - ---- - - ... - - -- -- -- ... ...-- - -- .. paasadds Slleuosaad Avp sig4 uo 'S4taog4ns pau2isaapun ag ;'dyll d2Io3dg do Ay11noD `SVXHZ 30 HZVZS HHZ ZI�I�IAI�Q�'IASOt1x�� ..--------------------- ------------------ --- ................. ------ ga.trdx-S nnregniITIinI� ICTAT h O � r. BLOCK "A" Z Q J -� BRENTWOOD DRIVE VILLAGES OF CO PP EL L — PHASE VOLUME 9 1 1 6 PG. 1 1 65 h� 0 � - v 46 h 45 44 43 42 40 39 FA ..J T Ct? Cif 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT DEFOREST ROAD PD /NT OF BEG /NN /NG 1 EXIST. 15' ALLEY V W Q �o FA ..J T Ct? Cif 5' WIDE WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT t�LD { E 1 2 rt i �i3' 5 Q �.�t) J�` � AF MCO 6L196 l e77.1,4v Ef E A C-1 N N p = 7 p C �0 2 0 CQ z c m U 1 a o C d C � 6• V T � T�S� o � � a a�i'• tvaf/��aac described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Raintree Village an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.) and the Villages of Coppell, Phase IV B, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91216, Page 2925 of the D.R.D.C.T. and also being part of Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91156, Page 1148 of the D.R.D.C.T. and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of Lake Forest Drive (a 50 foot right of way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) ; Thence S. 89 °44' 05" E. , 100.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block " E " of the above said Raintree Village; THENCE S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 982.50 feet continuing along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 36 in Block "B" of the above said Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A; THENCE S. 00 ° 15 1 55" :W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89'44 W. 982.50 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE N. 00 ° 15 1 55" E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 4,912 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said '. s��a�i f � e• P r S r 'r E ' k 3x t n is t( i A vt�. _ �iF�ta`t � a €�4,,�a_� §f, a, x�Sr �a �at�t �2 +� xn i � , "A ", d �' n -�a n ` 1 ! a lW' M +n s i., tP n°f^ - THE STATE OF TEXAS, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Dallas r i IL3csC3 its.' COUNTY POPTIoNs 09/12/96 198749 $13.00 THAT The City of Coppell " Deed DO Deed Dallas County, Texas of ou g ,D in consideration of the sum of wHLN , , and other good and valuable consideration One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid by Lakes of Coppell Homeowners receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by Association these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to Lakes of Coppell Homeowners , the free Association and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following described property, owned by Grantor , Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137 in Dallas County, Texas and being part of Raintree Village an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 86132, Page 2311 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.) and the Villages of Coppell, Phase IV B, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91216, Page 2925 of the D.R.D.C.T. and also being part of Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91156, Page 1148 of the D.R.D.C.T. and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the east line of Lake Forest Drive (a 50 foot right of way) with the south line of Deforest Road (a 40 foot right -of -way) ; Thence S. 89 °44' 05" E. , 100.00 feet along the said south line of Deforest Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block " E " of the above said Raintree Village; THENCE S. 89 ° 44 1 05" E., 982.50 feet continuing along the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 36 in Block "B" of the above said Villages of Coppell, Phase IV A; THENCE S. 00 ° 15 1 55" :W., 5.00 feet leaving the said south line of Deforest Road to a point for corner; THENCE N. 89'44 W. 982.50 feet, being 5.00 feet south of and running parallel to the said south line of Deforest Road, to a point for corner; THENCE N. 00 ° 15 1 55" E., 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 4,912 square feet of land. And it is further agreed that the said Grantor in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining a screening wall in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along upon and across said 0 H � � n O � 'S;nda(I - -- ------------------------------------------------ --------------- --_...- ..._.. -Aa I'S "D 60 •suxaL 'S;unoO ------------------------------------- - -- ---- ---- 3j.1910 Ajuno0 .._._............ ........ ------- - - - - - - ._ - CC:) 'uaj ;um anoqu ;sulauaX put Sup aq; - --- -- - ut aalgo ;t 'S ;unOD pits 3 LHf100 XJNf100 aHZ aO `IVaS (INV GNVH XZII SSaKII& ..... - - - -- sa8ud uo ' - - awn o S o s - -- -- --- -- - - - -- - ----- ....... .. ----- --- - - -- - -- I A ut 1 uno 0 p lus 3 P aoaa 'II - - -- - - - - - - - - ag3 ut 1 -W - xaola,o ....... 4E - - - ---- - - -6T U *V ------------------------------------- - - - - - - -- - --- .... --------------- ;o Sap - ---- .... ....s111; papaoaaa Slnp puu ,. -_ .- ....xoola,o.. ....... - - - , -- - - • . V - - -- --- -- - - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - -;o Sap- --- - - - -- - -- - - - agl uo 9;)Ujo Sw ut paoaaa ao3 Paig sum 'uot;gat;uaq;nd 3o a;tagt; .1a0 sat tPPA ` - 61 'Q 'd ` ------------------ --- -- ------- ------- ------ - - - - -- - ;o Slep - - ...... aq; uo pa ;up Sul ;tam ;o ;uawna;sut 2uto8aaoj a11; ;leq; Slt ;aaa Sgaaatl op 'S;unoO plus ;o 4ano0 S;unoO aq; 3o 311al0 - ----- -- - --- --- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- 30 XIMIO0 Sjuno0 - - - --- - --- -- ---- -- - - ----- -- --- - - ---- --- - - ------ --- -- - --- -- - - -1T 1 ' SVx.HZ dO 'RIMS HH1 RIV31AID19D S,312Ia'Ia -- --------.._._.------------ .. .. .. .... ...... ................. saatdxa uolsstuzuto0 AW •suxa,L }o a;ujs alp ao; put: ul `atlgnd Siu;oN _ ..... .. .-------------......----------------- --- .....-- ----...........------ ............................... CS''I ) ---- - - - -61 •Q•d ------------------ -- - - -- - ;o Sap st11L `�0I330 30 'IVES (INV aNVH xw aaaNf1 XaAI0 •pa ;s ;s ulaaaq; S;taledsa aq; ut pus 'passaadxa maaaq; um aiaplsuoa pule sasodand aq; ao; not ; le - - ------------------ aodaoa Bans 3o ;ale aq; su quits 0113 pa;naaxa aq 3aq; pus 'uot;ta e -- ------------------- ------ ---------- ----- --- - - - - --- ----- --------- --------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------------------------------- -- ---------------------- - - ---- -------------------------------------- plus aq; 3o ;as aq; sum quits aq; ;sq; aw o; pa2palmou3jau put 4uawna4sut 3uto2aao3 aq; o3 pagtaasgns st auiuu asogm jaolyo uosaad aiq4 aq ol aui o4 umou ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -- ---- --- - - - - -- - - -- ----- ---- - -- - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- -- ---- - -- --- -------------------------------------- ---------- ------- - -- peasaddu Slluuosaad Sup stq; uo 'S;taog;ns pau2tsaapun aq; 'aW Hdodaa 1Nawf)aar1nAouxav uolsvilodaoa do XINaOD SvxaL 30 �s�ss �xs -- - -- ---------- sa.ttdxa u9--,) 0 Ajq •suxa,L ;o a ;u ;S aq; ao; puu r qnd - . �. - 666t `bt Alnr � gT Q f _ 3o up _ sig L ;30Ld.d0 30 IV �S 4! pass£adxa utaaag; uop u.taptsuoa pu " • ad 4uq; aw of pa2palnLou3jat puu 1 juawna3sut 2uio2aao; aq; of pagtaasgns awuu asogm uosaad ag; aq o; aw o; umoux - -. -- - --- ...- -- - ._ ... ..... ..... - _..- _._ ..... - _ - - -- -- . . - - - - - -- pamaddu Slluuosaad Sup stq; uo 'S;taoq ;nu pau2tsaapun aq; 'aw azioaaa do X1Kf1o3 sVx111 30 511Vss aHs iKax9aaj&o"jv o m �� c m Cp N O O O It R+ a O �i OQ ►� M 0 ID G A CD O a (D rys b d n CD CD a ' FS a 0 H � � n O � 'S;nda(I - -- ------------------------------------------------ --------------- --_...- ..._.. -Aa I'S "D 60 •suxaL 'S;unoO ------------------------------------- - -- ---- ---- 3j.1910 Ajuno0 .._._............ ........ ------- - - - - - - ._ - CC:) 'uaj ;um anoqu ;sulauaX put Sup aq; - --- -- - ut aalgo ;t 'S ;unOD pits 3 LHf100 XJNf100 aHZ aO `IVaS (INV GNVH XZII SSaKII& ..... - - - -- sa8ud uo ' - - awn o S o s - -- -- --- -- - - - -- - ----- ....... .. ----- --- - - -- - -- I A ut 1 uno 0 p lus 3 P aoaa 'II - - -- - - - - - - - - ag3 ut 1 -W - xaola,o ....... 4E - - - ---- - - -6T U *V ------------------------------------- - - - - - - -- - --- .... --------------- ;o Sap - ---- .... ....s111; papaoaaa Slnp puu ,. -_ .- ....xoola,o.. ....... - - - , -- - - • . V - - -- --- -- - - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - -;o Sap- --- - - - -- - -- - - - agl uo 9;)Ujo Sw ut paoaaa ao3 Paig sum 'uot;gat;uaq;nd 3o a;tagt; .1a0 sat tPPA ` - 61 'Q 'd ` ------------------ --- -- ------- ------- ------ - - - - -- - ;o Slep - - ...... aq; uo pa ;up Sul ;tam ;o ;uawna;sut 2uto8aaoj a11; ;leq; Slt ;aaa Sgaaatl op 'S;unoO plus ;o 4ano0 S;unoO aq; 3o 311al0 - ----- -- - --- --- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- 30 XIMIO0 Sjuno0 - - - --- - --- -- ---- -- - - ----- -- --- - - ---- --- - - ------ --- -- - --- -- - - -1T 1 ' SVx.HZ dO 'RIMS HH1 RIV31AID19D S,312Ia'Ia -- --------.._._.------------ .. .. .. .... ...... ................. saatdxa uolsstuzuto0 AW •suxa,L }o a;ujs alp ao; put: ul `atlgnd Siu;oN _ ..... .. .-------------......----------------- --- .....-- ----...........------ ............................... CS''I ) ---- - - - -61 •Q•d ------------------ -- - - -- - ;o Sap st11L `�0I330 30 'IVES (INV aNVH xw aaaNf1 XaAI0 •pa ;s ;s ulaaaq; S;taledsa aq; ut pus 'passaadxa maaaq; um aiaplsuoa pule sasodand aq; ao; not ; le - - ------------------ aodaoa Bans 3o ;ale aq; su quits 0113 pa;naaxa aq 3aq; pus 'uot;ta e -- ------------------- ------ ---------- ----- --- - - - - --- ----- --------- --------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------------------------------- -- ---------------------- - - ---- -------------------------------------- plus aq; 3o ;as aq; sum quits aq; ;sq; aw o; pa2palmou3jau put 4uawna4sut 3uto2aao3 aq; o3 pagtaasgns st auiuu asogm jaolyo uosaad aiq4 aq ol aui o4 umou ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -- ---- --- - - - - -- - - -- ----- ---- - -- - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- -- ---- - -- --- -------------------------------------- ---------- ------- - -- peasaddu Slluuosaad Sup stq; uo 'S;taog;ns pau2tsaapun aq; 'aW Hdodaa 1Nawf)aar1nAouxav uolsvilodaoa do XINaOD SvxaL 30 �s�ss �xs -- - -- ---------- sa.ttdxa u9--,) 0 Ajq •suxa,L ;o a ;u ;S aq; ao; puu r qnd - . �. - 666t `bt Alnr � gT Q f _ 3o up _ sig L ;30Ld.d0 30 IV �S 4! pass£adxa utaaag; uop u.taptsuoa pu " • ad 4uq; aw of pa2palnLou3jat puu 1 juawna3sut 2uio2aao; aq; of pagtaasgns awuu asogm uosaad ag; aq o; aw o; umoux - -. -- - --- ...- -- - ._ ... ..... ..... - _..- _._ ..... - _ - - -- -- . . - - - - - -- pamaddu Slluuosaad Sup stq; uo 'S;taoq ;nu pau2tsaapun aq; 'aw azioaaa do X1Kf1o3 sVx111 30 511Vss aHs iKax9aaj&o"jv - - p �MEP 0 010 vP���� � 5 E, a o_ Z y 0 L V/ V L 0 O T �9 i � O -O s -o ti v� F 5' WIDE MAINTENANCE WALL EASEMENT .'o / p y 6LI96 FLED 1 2 coj P, tA nLL- 177, � �r_2 L 1 117f 7 1 7x 0 LL O U C13 LLJ C,- 12: CD