ST0501-CS100823 Page 1 of 2 George Marshall - RE: ST05-01 Deforest Road From:   George Marshall To:   Kim Brawner     Date:8/23/2010 4:33 PM     Subject:RE: ST05-01 Deforest Road Attachments:   TR0801-SP100527.pdf   Please see attached the recently used pole/ mast arm on Riverchase. >>> "Kim Brawner" <kbrawner@lee-eng.com> 8/17/2010 3:41 PM >>> George, Dan and I have met to review the traffic signal comments.   Thank you for the specifications that you forwarded.  We will modify the technical specifications  to incorporate the City’s pay items. We do have a couple of questions that we need clarification on: 1.This traffic signal layout that we originally utilized to establish the sheet layouts was based on a       previously completed project: Sandy Lake Road – Phase 1 (North Coppell and Sandy Lake).   We met on March 26 in your office with our preliminary plans and on April 6 in the field, the modified layout sheets were not discussed at either meeting. 2.Because the project is at 95% review, making major modifications at this stage is difficult.  We have       reviewed the sample plan set and all of the information shown in the sample plan set is shown in our plans.  Actually, our plans sheets show more information than the sample plans set.  We can relocate design tables as shown in the Sandy Lake at Riverchase signal plans.  We would like to continue to utilize the existing legend and symbols since it would require major rework to match them with the sample plan set.  3.Can you forward a copy of the City of Coppell signal pole detail sheets?  We will incorporate the       revised detail sheets.  We have also read your technical specs for mast arm pole assembly (Page 6-6-13) and have a few questions.  The specifications say in accordance with the “American Association of State Highway and Transportations Officials”, but it does not specify which AASHTO version nor is there a design detail sheet.  The contractor and the pole manufacturer would not know which version of AASHTO specifications to use.  Does the City have an on-call contract with a pole manufacturer?  4.We also wanted to raise awareness of a possible issue.  Dan let us know that city has decided to       replace the existing ADA ramps on the west side of the intersection.  Dan is going to forward us the ADA ramp modifications that he has completed.  Hopefully, the signal layout can be modified without the addition of extra poles.  Additional poles (and design) may be necessary if we cannot accommodate the ADA ramps within the existing design.  Once we review the changes, we will know more. Kimberly Brawner, PE, PTOE Project Engineer file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4C72A2D1City...10/28/2011 Page 2 of 2 Lee Engineering, LLC 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1660 Dallas, TX  75234 Office:  972-248-3006 Cell:  972-310-0185 Fax:  972-248-3855   From: George Marshall [mailto:gmarshall@coppelltx.gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:01 PM To: Lowell DeGroot; Kim Brawner Subject: ST05-01 Deforest Road   Dan & Kim,   Please use the attached plans & specifications with regards to the traffic signal on Deforest.   If you have any questions, please call either me or Per.   Thank You, George   George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4C72A2D1City...10/28/2011