ST0501-CS101101 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - ST05-01 Deforest Road From:   George Marshall To:   richard.brewster@oncor.com     Date:11/1/2010 12:05 PM     Subject:ST05-01 Deforest Road CC:   turner1898@gmail.com   Richard,   On 824 Deforest, there is a Power pole to the north, within the property.  The homeowner, Mr. Turner, has indicated that this pole is no longer being used. Can you please look into this.   Thank You, George   George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4CCEACFCCit...10/28/2011 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - RE: ST05-01 Deforest Road From:   George Marshall To:   Dan DeGroot     Date:11/1/2010 12:25 PM     Subject:RE: ST05-01 Deforest Road   thank you! >>> "DeGroot, Dan" <dan.degroot@burgessniple.com> 11/1/2010 12:09 PM >>> I think those could be saved   From: George Marshall [mailto:gmarshall@coppelltx.gov] Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 12:01 PM To: DeGroot, Dan Cc: turner1898@gmail.com Subject: ST05-01 Deforest Road   Dan,   On 824 Deforest, there are 2 trees shown to be removed. Can you please mark these trees to be saved. Unless there is a major problem in the field, I would like to save them.   Thank You, George     George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 Note: These electronic documents are provided by Burgess & Niple (B&N) as a convenience to our clients. The official document is available as a manually signed, initialed, or sealed hard copy. If there is a discrepancy between electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies shall prevail. It is our professional opinion that this electronic information provides information current as of the date of its release. Any use of this information is at the sole risk and liability of the user. The user is responsible for updating information to reflect any changes in the information following the preparation date of this transmittal. The delivery of this information in electronic format is for the benefit of the owner for whom the services have been performed. Nothing in the transfer should be construed to provide any right to third parties to rely on the information provided, or that the use of this information implies the review and approval of Burgess & Niple. file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4CCEB1A4Cit...10/28/2011