ST0501-CS101208Page 1 of 2 George Marshall - RE: STOS -01 Deforest Road From: George Marshall To: Larry Guay Date: 12/8/2010 4:02 PM Subject: RE: ST05 -01 Deforest Road Attachments: 85210_0627.pdf; 55750_12_4_1990 02893_22.pdf Please see attached. Note: back in the day, Deforest road was the southern county line between Denton & Dallas county... George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972 - 304 -3562 > > > "Larry Guay" <lguay@wellscoinc.com> 12/8/2010 8:10 AM > > > George I am helping out in the engineering of Deforest Rd and I need to see if you can guide me to where I can get some road or ROW documents on MacArthur Blvd. I am looking for the ROW 200' to the north and south of Deforest Rd. I was not able to locate anything on the plats site. Thanks for your assistance. Larry Guay OSP Obligatory Planner Wellsco Inc. (Verizon) lguay@weliscoinc.com Cell 940 -231 -3606 From: George Marshall [ mailto:gmarshall @coppelltx.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 3:17 PM To: Larry Guay Subject: RE: ST05 -01 Deforest Road As promised, Atmos relocation plan. George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972 - 304 -3562 >>> "Larry Guay" <Iguay @wellscoinc.com> 11/3/2010 2:08 PM >>> thanks Larry Guay OSP Obligatory Planner file: / /C: \Documents and Settings \radloo \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4CFFAC05City... 10/28/2011 Page 2 of 2 Wellsco Inc. (Verizon) lguay@weliscoinc.com Cell 940 -231 -3606 From: George Marshall [ mailto:gmarshall @coppelltx.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:51 PM To: Larry Guay Subject: Re: ST05 -01 Deforest Road La rry, Please see the following link. The plats are located in the planning directory and the utility plans are in the engineering link. http://www.ci.coppell.tx.us/online-services/public-documents Thank You, George George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972 - 304 -3562 >>> "Larry Guay" <Iguay @wellscoinc.com> 11/3/2010 1:42 PM >>> George I meant to ask this in our meeting this morning but, If I need to pull some subdivision plats for easement information and ROW is there an online option or do I need to go by the engineering office and purchase them? Larry Guay OSP Obligatory Planner Wellsco Inc. (Verizon) lguay@weliscoinc.com Cell 940 - 231 -3606 file: / /C: \Documents and Settings \radloo \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4CFFAC05City... 10/28/2011 z C:==- O MaCARTHUR -cARTHUR BL IT 11-1 IIAT pt o WIARTHURIBOULEVARDa IAIES OF —PELL —1— .. ........ .. ... ..... ....... 000.v9 } a, I r i� I6 J J_ a O a 0 60 °51' 21 T 1616.14 R 5770.00 L )♦956.99 M_acARTHU N V 4' , �b 4x b, «�o . oa o�am p a d F }Y r V 9 i 9. & C.R.t 10 1\1 A N�•r� lv 9 iM[d the ecac Page one umou undo of N Deed Bert 198 . aedf tied] 2271 of fnrt Pngi andi Graff con nnh S1't i m 1d �p0 IN Tot P�� SO w r,G , �a,1� COWSENT AND SURORDINAT'0'4 .fens against rho Right -of -Way set forth '.ha grant at this ligho-OF ^WaY r17 alb eels t coin Deed of Trust dated Ap Pesteraoa, Trustee, recorded in Volume OR66 ls, Dallas County, Texas, aecuriag pay ciao data thorevith in the ."Sinai vii the Great" by Great payable to the order of Trust baring bran codified by Ned 7. 1984. recorded in Volume 84212.E Bdyotha 'exact, and haring Deen further rAd 4 ra promissory Noxe (Aeroto 1h de ed 1 the rvostepnt Crwp Wyable co rh order e 250 OCR Op chat ca irie co b22, gS074, P date therewith recorded f °th certain alias County. Sews, and Trilan 1984. exec a by 8l aft. r 4and April .te peters�n, Trustee, recorded 1n nl e s. Dallas County. Texas, acturing e°'by M. n-ccda of sad fro, the properc 'i° of Trust to Secure PeAorrance represent ng ire ;aitcsnt fee to the undersigned, era tetchy to tt., Right -Df -Gap. L1F::Nn 7 kc su;B' i t:V[ CQRP0mA r en VILt.IA:t���� l.'S!'ll• "LLY S FNIQA %I I nt5t 'Nj ,ttant�, s tiot:ur iabtic lr. ar.: fr.r trs Swie of ly a•,.pcared Oil l,c, T• any 'ta([�ecr a 4.rac�a".gedr v, eS to Ge thcrr ycta�• .1, :crat%V- liter °:. -+ r�.r tt;c Girt GSCS a ''= t^ PROJECT LOCATION p.CFOR4ST ROAD r ) d. nur�yu. - -__ [; no,,. flalnr, du hrtrubY comity that I prrµm•It . ylua from nn 'it ""su[vcY the landrsonullt the le let ln iu.w done nniv'lth thr11 el'�LatC Wfl ly yl.ced under my Pa and Regulattona of the city Plm'i I �'+l°nI- %/';tt °f I:nppull. DOUIFfy OF DAfr.Aa cared Ilothun D. later, tnr,wn ca au to ba 1ha DFF6RE HE, the un4etaigncd authority . a tleA.ury Ynlatr. fn and for nof!I f:rurnty on, State. on this day pbrsrmally a,P' to the fora•ufn trmtrr�eut anA ntYUUwL:dlri" v, Peres, vhote sate is aubsrrfbcd 6 8 ee chat he executed the apse for the Porgaan and cunnl4nruttn❑ therein exyresar` and in the capacity there atated. / la 0 I viva GIVEt1 O &DER Ny NAt1D AND SY.AL of b�l:lry 't1f15 ,,,,„[.�' Y Hutat pub Grate of 7exnU y l/c In end ;4"Z rt uFeyt;a` MacART STATE OF TEXAS: OWNYR'8 CERT -rCA COUNTY OF DALLAS: a/ y � WHEREAS, TBILAND INVESTMENT CROUP, f t H' mr tract la tea'. the B.B.B. d C.R.R. Survey Abstra 199Paci.n le. Abstract No. 1137, end cha Edward k y,2,4s�.,', cc He. in th. of Coppall, Dallas C.ancy, To.. +y. d brVn 2vra'orc particul y da -cril fall...: COMMENCING, at a l/2 -inch 1r *red E9 don a th na If Sandy Let (60 ft. R.O.N.), said i,a ,,,,�.999d����'`being t c of a 5.00 acre Conveyed by deed to A. Rn ¢OcDo..Id ' W. and McOonaltl L. rare. Volume 3824, Page 292, d''+°gA¢g�b,, card °'YY,"1 as Co. r, Se...; TNegce S 8' 30" E, along the north a f +'ySha y lake Ron for a dlstte. of 1n feet t. the True Point ofnBeg i gt'°°e, THENCE, N 01° 23' ' W, "1 R n ro line, .`.r a distance -f feat to an I'. ce K. N 0 39' 17" W, fo isre of 422,96 ft. t. an iron r.d s. eginnin f a circular c o rho Left; E alo a -d c c to the It having a central angle of 60" 11' 1 277 00 and e t length If¢161b.14 fc., far s. arc it. an rot for . Paint of tangency; E, 37' distance of 2038,15 ft, to on iron red e eginnin a C[rcel.r curve to he right; 8 surd .re to the right having a central angle of 29° 03' - P.,uft050 ^,00��6t..... d u tangent length of 220,26 ft., for an .rc lea 5 it to an iron rod set or the end of said curve to the right; S 51° 26' O]" W, a di.tancn of 16.30 ft. Lo an iron end not f n fcircular curve to [he right; CF., ng said ircular curve ro the right naving a beginni.. 39' 57" W. a L-u— ..... .f 07° 01' 03" a .di— .ft and a tangent length of 57.12 ft., for an c longch of 105.10 ft. rod .ut nt n polo[ of compound curvature to the right; CE, .lung mid carve to the right having n be gi n.ing taogent bench 38' S4" W. en[fet .ogle of 19° a0' 11 ", red l u. of 150 -00 fu , ofc26.00 f[., far .n re length of 51.50 ft., to an ire �t Y pbinc of r .stern to •the ]efr; 4.i. of EN 3 et Ir CaQ MacARTHUR N 62° Si S 6237 N'S CEATIFICA79 THENCI bee rfirli Et., is the —.1 of a tract of lend attested In Iron bit act No. 199, the Patience Pile- Survey -aid Cook Survey, Abstract No. 300; in the City vas, mid being more particularly da- cribed a. ,ad found nn the North line of Sandy Lake Rend to an eing the niatta -F corner of - 5.00 acre tract hald by C, N. and Verd MCD...14... recorded in TNENC cords, Units- C aunty, Texas: ice S 89° 15' for ne Aid Sandy lake Read, fora d3steRde of Mac e4 .rag; TNENC ing :.old north Jtne, Cur a distance of 566.39 er, TNENC distance of 421.96 it. to an iron rad sec for r.aie 827,3 e to the letc; left hoeing a central angle of 60° 31' 71 ". a THEN[ the agent length of 1616.14 le.. for an arc length -c for a Point of tangency; THEN( -di' di s..... of 2031,15 ft. co an iron rod sec for of V .e I. the right; right having . entral angle of 29° 03' 20 ", a THEN( tarn, ant length of 220.26 ft., far a t length of tine end of raid curve to he rights THEM st e of 16.30 ft. to an iron rod at for the core, cne right; the rl gh7 I.rvi ng a Le ginni nC tangent, THEN[ r n, en trait angle of 07" 0]' 03 ", a radius of 866.24 THEN 1.12 ft., for a c length of 106.10 ft. to na ound curvature to the rlgbt; THEM right haling a begrnning tangent be -ring aI N car . of 19" 40' 11 ". r.diu. of 150.00 ft., and [.• o c length 1 51.50 ft., to an Iron rod THEN ....e wathc left; corn l r 1 20' 20 ". a EXECUTED this . ro" da o .,,8t/ YI 1986 rod ask for IN ,!LA; LU.. .Tl1EI CROUP LU8 _HOLD arc length NVLS ,INGS, INC, [ rod set forcholaa Di luseppa, res en STATE OF TEX C0UNTY OF DALLAS rod set for Before Me, th n signed thority. a Notary Public In at county and Slate, on th da sasilly appeared Nicholas SL DCC1, to r1a to he the poraon me to subscribed to the foregoing rod set for and acknowledged to me that he executed the sown for the conaideratian therein expressed and in the capacity there stated, red set for GIVEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL Or 0FF1Ci: THl day of ,1985 rod set for _ _ onry u c inIg a ill d n 0.R 7 nd for h !�!• W! ....c... : , Cr" a 41.9'.'.... 11.24 f­ .. k,t h7 and ca: •."gi1 '.T?'} ;", ard.,,i a.':, '!AG,ir thllr ?Gbl.'.'.a:e nn nod dr. h1lL1%:e; add L:Il.�'?S 111, 11 IAlnrnan and do 19pr`.,'w-nn,.': ..., +1 ;arc '.r .,u:�:rf ^.r �! •:�.n �:tla e"nncr ar. �.. �.n, aU.'ltan.un.,., Lr r, ,rf 'm4 an; lun' .Jta ,aar9 '!gr,r:::.wd ra : ..nd :a.i mrin:.^ar :cr,,la for 'All 1w•pan 'A �.ni;i e , , ?�{a'. q,pr',•-A :.;I. l A :9' 0 A' 204:' Y ggb.gfi` M ry00.Ory' 4 491,fi6r J_ f IfT y, ��rlrii�a�srrn _ •.. ...,.xirrwmr 2098.16' NO BLVD. rw� sose.lry• ng tangent s of 3D0.00 THENCE, N 89° 15' 30" N, along said north line, for a distance of " O ft. to an the POIHT OF BEGINNING M AININC, 617, 617 square feet or 14.1785 acres of land. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY 71199E PR SENTBt THAT the THILAND INVESLNFAT GROUP, acting by and through YLUS1; done hereby adopt this as MacArthur Boulevard 614,84 ft. plat addition to the City of Coppell, Tiexas, and do her icac$�,n^ rod set for use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon y enhance strips shown on this plot for the mutual use ca.. garbage collection agencies and all public still des It -Mo. Any public utility shall lore the rIs o"a end 1'I rod set for or part of any buildings, fences, tree., she. imp verve which to any way endanger or intorfere wit constru -0 efficiency of its respective systems on of these as a at 12' 27 ", a public utility shall at all times have the r hts of mgrs nd r c length of from and upon the said easement a ips o the purpose f reconstructing, inspecting, patroll of ytl This p apps to all platting ordinances, rules lets eso, ons of rod act for Coppell. Texas; 20' 20 ". a EXECUTED this . ro" da o .,,8t/ YI 1986 rod ask for IN ,!LA; LU.. .Tl1EI CROUP LU8 _HOLD arc length NVLS ,INGS, INC, [ rod set forcholaa Di luseppa, res en STATE OF TEX C0UNTY OF DALLAS rod set for Before Me, th n signed thority. a Notary Public In at county and Slate, on th da sasilly appeared Nicholas SL DCC1, to r1a to he the poraon me to subscribed to the foregoing rod set for and acknowledged to me that he executed the sown for the conaideratian therein expressed and in the capacity there stated, red set for GIVEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL Or 0FF1Ci: THl day of ,1985 rod set for _ _ onry u c inIg a ill d n 0.R 7 nd for h !�!• W! ....c... : , Cr" a 41.9'.'.... 11.24 f­ .. k,t h7 and ca: •."gi1 '.T?'} ;", ard.,,i a.':, '!AG,ir thllr ?Gbl.'.'.a:e nn nod dr. h1lL1%:e; add L:Il.�'?S 111, 11 IAlnrnan and do 19pr`.,'w-nn,.': ..., +1 ;arc '.r .,u:�:rf ^.r �! •:�.n �:tla e"nncr ar. �.. �.n, aU.'ltan.un.,., Lr r, ,rf 'm4 an; lun' .Jta ,aar9 '!gr,r:::.wd ra : ..nd :a.i mrin:.^ar :cr,,la for 'All 1w•pan 'A �.ni;i e , , ?�{a'. q,pr',•-A :.;I. l A :9' 0 A' 204:' Y ggb.gfi` M ry00.Ory' 4 491,fi6r J_ f IfT y, ��rlrii�a�srrn _ •.. ...,.xirrwmr 1'l) 0 1) qi) I, . ' 01? N4 0 01,141 " vp 11 WOO 0 to, 40 4-A 00 to 411 Q 01. 9 AWlyaAr 00 .00 00B tl '6. 11, 0, .. - Jo A" If f, / I _I4J1(jjjj,," 1 / , I IV, it 11"d Mj'wl. 1 41,111,1 lit 1,11 3, A31,4,11) lu jrA.; 'JAW UNIFIF Ali 0 t 1 11441, 'i'lio "1 Hit, 11liv Iffivil All lyrillififf I' AA Ott vw 4 ar , I., $-I It I P"I I I It f I Oil Will, A 1-1 i-4zi t.w"w" utyl .... ...... . .14 Vt.. 1 I'M EIMM5 •RP.COfa APPttDYAL° it n Planning and Zoning Comeission City of Coppell. Tema APPTO'ed and ayeoxted City of Coppell. Teras oats The undersigned, the City Secretary of the Cit tertiffea that the foregoing final plat of SUbdivi8lo o Addition to t Ci y of Coppell on the _ day th of _� action, then and there aetepted the d t eaataeMD. public places, and eater and and upon said plat, and said Council fu er am acceptance thereof by signing his name a reinal Mitoses my hand ehis �t- STATE OF TOMS COUNTY or DMM I btroby ce" that this h7* meld rots flNd on the deb end thtro pimped hereon try mt end wn duly y, Carded N the v*- end page oI the ma"d mo,* Of DWRI C *, texts a romped lroteon by me. OCT 55 1985 COONIY WK Dan Cwmty. Tap t„ INAL PLAT OF bi N� CA «� BOULEVARD ,,Ka COPPELL ADDITION � air wa. 17a PCi.$ GD.II. D. C. T. OWNFNa �` TRI[ANO IM VEST "ENT GROUP s10o t.t.J, FWV, eWTe too, \'O \ aAtlAS, ttrAy tst10 d.5li \iI aI ENCINEeR: NATHAN a. YAItR CONSOi TrNO t"GINReAS. Imc. 9t00 N, CENTRAL txvwv. pSut Tt tea awttwi. TEXAS Iittl'PS1.4vot 4ctSf rc it; And tot the State o/ `'thinly. t t� Jr. of swiLELT •A OMIOr leItterela '''''V uo u tntc a fego, •RP.COfa APPttDYAL° it n Planning and Zoning Comeission City of Coppell. Tema APPTO'ed and ayeoxted City of Coppell. Teras oats The undersigned, the City Secretary of the Cit tertiffea that the foregoing final plat of SUbdivi8lo o Addition to t Ci y of Coppell on the _ day th of _� action, then and there aetepted the d t eaataeMD. public places, and eater and and upon said plat, and said Council fu er am acceptance thereof by signing his name a reinal Mitoses my hand ehis �t- STATE OF TOMS COUNTY or DMM I btroby ce" that this h7* meld rots flNd on the deb end thtro pimped hereon try mt end wn duly y, Carded N the v*- end page oI the ma"d mo,* Of DWRI C *, texts a romped lroteon by me. OCT 55 1985 COONIY WK Dan Cwmty. Tap t„ INAL PLAT OF bi N� CA «� BOULEVARD ,,Ka COPPELL ADDITION � air wa. 17a PCi.$ GD.II. D. C. T. OWNFNa �` TRI[ANO IM VEST "ENT GROUP s10o t.t.J, FWV, eWTe too, \'O \ aAtlAS, ttrAy tst10 d.5li \iI aI ENCINEeR: NATHAN a. YAItR CONSOi TrNO t"GINReAS. Imc. 9t00 N, CENTRAL txvwv. pSut Tt tea awttwi. TEXAS Iittl'PS1.4vot Denton DETAILS REPORT Current datetime: 12/8/2010 3:56:01 PM � * *Note: report is Sorted in Ascending Order by Recorded Date, Document Number 1 � Type Desc. 55750 DEDICATION OF STREET Grantor KIMBREL STEVE , KIMBREL WANDA J (Volume /Cabinet 11169 References Book/Vlm/Paae RP/02893/22 172 Instr. Date 11/09/1990 Grantee COPPELL CITY Description Book/Vol/Pag File Date RP/02893/22 12/04/1990 Consideration Block Descri[)tion DEDICATION OF STREET 2T491767-MOK M-10 I 4 6 N N ctz cm a& Con) rn N 4 3 - --&.r .111r-�z M 'Ul �r'r1ff'1ffrW --- W r - T + 'h'rm- RM PROPIM'AY RECORDS 4141m Nfm !7i #jq*0 mb 1� . &WSG MUM wbeevatow vvt� tot Clow of Umv so" Corr iUtess !"rte As Tu■& MR, 4 1 * v i d -1 A6 # E r M r Xt 16A � •(Iral'tt.es#i y 4re+ tl�� asttiIm i + tea ' at " 10 or Ir" sitaated fft the city of tIL, Tom I 067mn 0 ) + a i■kmlofpal 00 ration ane poittiva). sWbdivision of tha B#ate at 'roxas+ D4114:4 ClAmtyl 74rxamr ae.arik.a by motas ard haurW* $a.cript tin in ZKh lb it up' and lX1rC11or dUgiMsd in the jp1at AtUG#r" aGrGtO 40 ibit 'iR`e bath asdhfbitv bqtrxjr itta-c'hod naroto arri inearpormtod 1h■cidiM bp reference for all PC w■ mb4 'L&r+d') s and, 4 dad L1�a bw Uw IAA ILO V rar the Parp" a 0 t cc n0 t ruct L tbmr or an aztem1cwm of Wr ftUlovardi GA4,, Grantors are vU l l grant, ooffvwy frld dedicAtO the land to Grdmtoa for much purpOsul x kr~ alit Um:n 17 Owee sp"Val Thmit 0-rantorms, gar and In ccmutdoiration o t Tien 001 Zara (019) arA other good &nd vwLuabla acmaiderationa, the rwm1VL. -Ot Whiff Is ` i hors AOMNMI 0, have* fnt ,, convay "e se presents do twvetq grOnt COM61F d 1 191r-aft "m a x a nd 41 a" r1 in ait, w JLm attsebod beret.* ar4 mod* a part h*reof for all purposomm- To NAVEAM TO MLD tM ZMM URtO C# fto WWOOREMS 4@L i sumcmadors armd smai # to wArx nt tO Or d*CWMI 400L ■ * Ii j 1 4 9022Z 0333 0 a i I I . F i a iM M VOL2893 FS0023 &M &LMuIL&r tho urA imto G rentse j its guccea sols and a nn #qnw , and .agginSt qvary party WhMWCMV4klr 3L aV llY c1wJLmLrq or vm claim the S -or sny ps zir. the o f, by . thrvnh or wid a r 42 ranto m bit Wit 4thaiwiSia The grent, cznV4Y&nc& Mr4 &bdic-Gtt*n Ot th'& 1And 10 %&d* bY a ram tor r U Criint ea to h+►rni rnA tea h* Id tfi0 L&Rd f Or Publia wa• fov a for stri* t, swo at' aor utiiity vu rposas. c.ranrn -a lmo g1rOhnt tG ra r-S nM thO temporary construction Sage"nto 610va das nt p wA sawr eqjse�r& -descr i motes and bounds doom t :Wfi OF$ EXhibit WCE *ttftChOd her "o 4knd irvrther depLctsd on the plat att &ch N4r&tO RD ib:Lt i 2&% w 4a id Zxhihit& mcm &yA w Sm erg I rat harem by 1r M fG tOV! S11 PUtWdG4n Said twagarary Constructi-on asi *sent slxoU termixLite upon xatica of StJ%ur bmi#v G-XtAPRIai1 &rA Its acaept&RCig by GrAnt"11 "14 SICV9 44""nt Bull torninata Upon Gr4hnt4boz *megtamce futu" Elit of the Slo" aaresant •re&w MM this day a f MMMrW...&I MYS = fl4rLdeL, C). A Syl lfarmft J* KimbrGi nos Y. Al1iT1 C#rCollto11r TeMMAL 90222 03,311 '75006 a k . 0 I la r E i t t i i S 0 4 11m.2e93 P0024 f f � i � F a �■ in .1 ■ Ar i s s ILI 6-p pow ' nub % i to the vim l -n oxet i in vltn� WherowE offla-Lol seat tho day Yrit te wa my eve= la-MiM ifs t -0 GMd Y*&-r i3M thjM �WtLIEIOAU firSt **W* PWAVY ru a ■: a a■ 91)222 0335 f } -ado d" J T 3 q M i J a I I i r i ON ri i f f -1 } Iii =_*i a I w t VOL2893 P80025 0 e ■ice & wMld 01 kW& $MwWd ki uUl W+ A6 TFWatCI � Abstrad ft t10 In me cul offi K . no 11-0 i C *v T isia4 irrd bw1V i p#it 49 wfrtcts I ilrw # V cA9X iftrw 19 ttsltet on " to 1,Fw CRy 41 Copp ib% a s raeorded InVaMM 110iv Fs4S 7MOOW ROM" Of Ys AN rid OP*+q MQ* UMEFECLNO A1M O&WM A CarfW 01 laW TO It to 68M =I.W 4fhV a fI#' 1 toed M04 Nwjht1gt"1�40 V a1 0 *Icm M!I1 R9"rUm nCe'8outh I I'4W7.r WO $4 136•UU 4% rI p1d NOt1t r�l�l- �i•rrw� � �1�fM . be a sp*` iaR rod la1wd* 10 Vie PO[iT OR UGINMHO; 9oik#z or4142! W694 57.* 1 VwNke�k� � saki sea Fjvhi.w1 6wsY 4+i 1m"A 40 41 pail a/ B Inn tw� i Tf4El+ic E South W SV3r Eaak 2LTS 1gqpl to a 519' Iran cvd :69t; VHI!NC! HaM 90'3W4iF We V% 13Z4 111 AIWrQ 1M W9 -11 Vdy laIh ik" *i akriilld Sri 1. tP a 51E' Lro+f j ad kKod In tM ptc*ofld WOO 119 h" 1�waY oil UitA+Vw 19m1 *wd { 1 fff ftl* vNENi:f a4 mm o0''Zra,7F 0r1. 34.7O liil ikM " N!d W*idft rah* to ■-i Ir iha11 fed W 04 1ho b" M a cm* 14 iho Wk haT109 a cgaulj sMU M jr4aWp *,r�lo� *I W 1� � QisUnci 01 36�i fi�'1. srrd a #rOr0 �o el 0� 1i �W 1�I�F*2I# THEMCF. i•1d ors an sm th o1 IMIT %at to a rIs` rod set: TH"Ce H09+k agr2i1h3r F.sA 7 M too 51 to a 1�v fay+ :oa lowde mid r,aa b.rrV Ur. Nar0MrN catr�r or t @ 1� Try �; f �I91+TL� HOrl11 ��'S�'� E��4 L4.7� LAi110 ■ i�i' 10 On #� il� � propas�d''i�1 �p�E�'i � �e+�rLtitx Ba+dl�+r�.fd. M■id rod b*lrq at 11w b�q�e++yer� �# i OW" �C � �1�.: 5�� � ��rrr� fit* OR 25' is M a mdUm *I 165C.#4 No% a chwd "1s8ps if 4M1 a W4 soo i W'iwd �i�4A4 Q� t4N1� ■ YHE1t" sum "Id '# a+n FM INGtk 014146. IA &N4 A" 00 WWI" a a r. p eftw ftc1.Ywd so *a POW OF aeawNlwO OM d r F IL y f i ftt a w 90222 0336 i F lk a i 7 0 ■ ■ ■ 1 i t IR t i T j t 0 I a VM2893 P0026 W, IF 91 q , I i 10" w I" In Mae"* &A C&Aft TwM% 0" Mft a P" w IN" I D"S a I*w M ftw" WON www"MM ■MMiMM a ■ qw Mir No MM " b.i* i4,> of T" 13 rr"MM MW1A oral -sr ■04 ill &,%a" N e w � e■w #� � ft /��i�■il�1 �I w�► � 6 �/'■�3 1 it Aaftm �MA� �# ��ir� if o �� t b0ow 91 n'F4rw. s looms a 4h" no ve� 7 !` 1~ a** rrum= am ■iY Mk1T fta* mom M 6NO d knik �� or kuL �MI� ■'v�ll�'Af� � ■ �� k�A !!i � r 0 F J -16r f F— it . -or ■ i i b � 90222 17Mpilavot!] ! ■ % R i M 0 i di- 60 F 9 J 0 i ■ t i i i j io ti f F i 7 I i F r a a I 1 T i _ t■ _ i iwvt f - - + $CEO r ■ r � � 7 i F i ■ i f 7 di i 1 ■ am Mori } i T 1 r &M f ■ 9;rm, R MAP 4 � .p�i� .� i * t �4 i ■F- P. zzzol ■ ft 1p 5 3 dri Mb Agi S��l� i _ I i 1 or ME.� i 9 N 13 fl 0 (YRI JL143VY fl 31DII li4JL =1 %j r 0 V43 i I I i E I k I I I! FA AL 4eii #t =�iia�i� i ■ � i r ML 0 i .T r J a o � * .IN -16 MIF i i J ■ L -F E va ir Ell E. i *� d F _ L _ i ■ m dq p� -M _ ■ ■ � 1 ■ ■ � i. r ■ ` ■ f ;w -ram - �zao�a �5ez�� i _ L r i 1i i it IL i ■ � i r ML 0 i .T r J a o � * .IN -16 MIF i i J ■ L -F E va ir Ell E. i *� d F _ L _ i ■ m dq p� -M _ ■ ■ � 1 ■ ■ � i. r ■ ` ■ f ;w -ram - �zao�a �5ez�� i _ L r i 1i i VOL2893 M0028 Y • t 0 t I r or i i ■ 7 ■ r s i soon im boo *I %w oftow w *A wo AbA" 0% *M k I DO; bW TOMM6 ow IN" 0 "144 Tmdft I wo a 4d now so d C # ow In il'*irw 1 iil. ft* 1716 Ouf*! 41 #0 #ml�� &46 d04" at ho�� 4�1C'1l14 �l ■ i/r bm Rd ! +VM4 %4ft on M ON 1'eM11j wan w64 iii Ud ■1■W *a ow1M1 10 4 60 ter 8E0INKM; . TViffliC! E6001 i1r'41raW !OEL IGM ft*l N 41 J4V VM f" ■R ow bik*mdow of 1% 116" mm ow Sam Now ilseArOw to R id 11w 240*6 TKRW;a Midst W*r#r amo. 1j" 4K "1/ mw go* 1'411w*wrp 41 mo4kow � le a qr km 4od awrl, v4Y red biq go C1 i Gww * IP4 �1� N � �a� �t3� ■ n�ls d i��� ■� 41L er �r�� �I #�14�� �1 � ilr0� 1rr�i 1 �' �'4�' : T1'1E1+10E I" Ism mow. W s" "1d Mini L14 —� P 01 Ui.M 1 10 a O/Or Inw+ tai THEliCt HoM W fY&r uM,. VAD bK a■rvv *a llWh io qf ahns;W Tel *. M*q fm brpU+n� d ■ cum W ft fry a omm Mqu 10 w On i', i now 14 i0%Oi.Q4 t *K & owd 41miin" 91 171.17 km■� w+d r &KW M SOrL% 24'% "A - THEKE along said cum an ■ry 1,71031 kot 0 M. imtmcot Hkoth Tr I 4w to WL LOG 10K loom M�Mwwt a ourve WON rwo � U." OU A of V 21r i W■ 0 r�-�1ws 196LOO f Ao]b C 4W O- i 8 4� TFIF.ME o1orq sold ew�rr k+ on rptm # 1%-. 7i#EKS 24s" 43W W44L iPA0 " If 1}W wm�q *10 0� he OM a MOM angle *142"W&3'. i nd*n W 1q7Loo t&4 t tbowd dNt■me *I omw Wm4 *M it Ow d of TH EKM & OOU C06'.Z -an wS Ismoth " kHrLm IL mEXC:E V y Ji mot' W,1111111111111111., t.,� 11"14 11" �rr�q ct s ow" is on rte, wows orarw ■ngft aw Q1rorf I ; � a�11o?9,� �rC ■ d,or�i �Isisnm of 1�0.t2 1�, � o �+� � SOLAh C4*QY" E26% or THENCE mletV Bald c�rer on ■ro 1mr,dh 14 1M311m o no m[T OP SWM W � *.3$IP monls ( fimq o4 krmL mm 4w k" _ • m 4N : A J i� 4 9 *r _ 9x222 0339 w t or t i ■ 7 ■ r s i soon im boo *I %w oftow w *A wo AbA" 0% *M k I DO; bW TOMM6 ow IN" 0 "144 Tmdft I wo a 4d now so d C # ow In il'*irw 1 iil. ft* 1716 Ouf*! 41 #0 #ml�� &46 d04" at ho�� 4�1C'1l14 �l ■ i/r bm Rd ! +VM4 %4ft on M ON 1'eM11j wan w64 iii Ud ■1■W *a ow1M1 10 4 60 ter 8E0INKM; . TViffliC! E6001 i1r'41raW !OEL IGM ft*l N 41 J4V VM f" ■R ow bik*mdow of 1% 116" mm ow Sam Now ilseArOw to R id 11w 240*6 TKRW;a Midst W*r#r amo. 1j" 4K "1/ mw go* 1'411w*wrp 41 mo4kow � le a qr km 4od awrl, v4Y red biq go C1 i Gww * IP4 �1� N � �a� �t3� ■ n�ls d i��� ■� 41L er �r�� �I #�14�� �1 � ilr0� 1rr�i 1 �' �'4�' : T1'1E1+10E I" Ism mow. W s" "1d Mini L14 —� P 01 Ui.M 1 10 a O/Or Inw+ tai THEliCt HoM W fY&r uM,. VAD bK a■rvv *a llWh io qf ahns;W Tel *. M*q fm brpU+n� d ■ cum W ft fry a omm Mqu 10 w On i', i now 14 i0%Oi.Q4 t *K & owd 41miin" 91 171.17 km■� w+d r &KW M SOrL% 24'% "A - THEKE along said cum an ■ry 1,71031 kot 0 M. imtmcot Hkoth Tr I 4w to WL LOG 10K loom M�Mwwt a ourve WON rwo � U." OU A of V 21r i W■ 0 r�-�1ws 196LOO f Ao]b C 4W O- i 8 4� TFIF.ME o1orq sold ew�rr k+ on rptm # 1%-. 7i#EKS 24s" 43W W44L iPA0 " If 1}W wm�q *10 0� he OM a MOM angle *142"W&3'. i nd*n W 1q7Loo t&4 t tbowd dNt■me *I omw Wm4 *M it Ow d of TH EKM & OOU C06'.Z -an wS Ismoth " kHrLm IL mEXC:E V y Ji mot' W,1111111111111111., t.,� 11"14 11" �rr�q ct s ow" is on rte, wows orarw ■ngft aw Q1rorf I ; � a�11o?9,� �rC ■ d,or�i �Isisnm of 1�0.t2 1�, � o �+� � SOLAh C4*QY" E26% or THENCE mletV Bald c�rer on ■ro 1mr,dh 14 1M311m o no m[T OP SWM W � *.3$IP monls ( fimq o4 krmL mm 4w k" _ • m 4N : A J i� 4 9 *r _ 9x222 0339 w t i f i ■ ff 0 1 I t i f i ■ ff 0 1 I 0 T i 0 r VOL2893 P90029 a ± - * �y -* ■ - # � IL Ar 1hU* S tNCt Cd IsM ltd In W. A.. T*PbM # p # "44 mom 1202 M CLIP 91 coppw& C*Mr*y,,1T*" ips ba LIg 0 W CA Tr*M I WW 3 4A Orl*k 8 KW 9 01 036 WX 0 di rimed ktVWkww 1116v* FOOD 17406W s *F uW i d �bMM i - vonk4"" ik AWL *am at •� �- � 40 0 �0' { J � �1�1N G i RP rol" OF REO y r� i l + A ' ` ` N� i I L � is :+ a Bob ' N I* f r i ,d9 M m e uay Mw wW M VA boo is = iq V# aaw 14 Me 14 M ha a+ r I# � - �� & IF of M r 4 no ra a 7MKIE SiM laId cnrn an ara kM+h *I 11"s look; IN 4 15 - N oft a,,* 231 ii gal%IL99 t@01toaw ot a ewye I* ft 10 It ha a c angle, T of 02 a--SV4e a to4be ot tq? Lw look a -chwd beorkq 94 14 Vft W "I r W not m,e dd dIttv 9� OF 40" 9441 L: ' � ■* T - a IN WEA an W6 %h 0i ftq� Fee a F a- I 0114.14 flop THERCIE Own "Id am in 14021h 01 4f 1401, I.i ■ ■ i Ili i EHCES Djdh yjV 14Vr WoA Log 9 "1 �gth e bog ol a 10 So left 1w it C6 niml 0MIS M *I NWM Zrisw woo a cjwd diftfind e &1171,13 lad + * t -1 + 1111 EL. 1 4p or It AMP ftw" skm wa T 1"Lh 4)4 171.31 IsMi ■ I-a Is - a THENCE Ha4h @92,9r4jr FjLv% 14LAt tool to Lho b"UD@Mrw of I cum 10 am dr:.�:hin*4 c*4V91' ■ rr i ■ IF - * i i' ■ ew THENC9m kme aaWurre an we th CA 13 Id? S1 ■ ra 1E! tca Hadh 74V lew ESSI 4c* I to to Lhe beakw4v to 9 1.19Ml 1m VMS a t er" am to �; • 431 or c3r , , al ra4lin at I Im9a W4* s chud bwAnq sF SerAh IV31"1 r EA M AM 6d - ! T # l TH!EKCg S" Said rWft an we SwqM 01 114L 047 left; L } r�' . raw TIREKC cwvs am i + ■ -P i FENCE eowm 6 "Ir 1" W000 L06 go ON W,4rw" 04 a vwK so The dov, 0 c l one ar fi IE "M� cum on "a I" J* Mffr M7 IMQWM a SW .;9T � 1 ! ■ ■■VE tV• i a .W r■ d - I ■ - ■ i or E r I i r a r i MEMbir l f 1 i j -6. & WIL a 1 or i * 4 - i F it IL g r ■ - i F di 0 or Dolt" trao i i Dow IN Cft Ot PA�ft �f, - �Q�ilE1�CC� M � � �1� if ■■i� Try yr i� �� � � �� 1� 1� i�w� � M� 110&0$100 4d *�� soma dew wak is= � D��! I�a�d.1� tlr lA�t�i` � ��t1+ltl1�: qw-M 4M i *raw W014:11s" Wd bp it Ph* TH M NW& ar s saw Ma we I&W ka 4o 0 per: TwKM "um w j17jr w*K i�-�0 iN11a obA r wT cw ar.G# %0 09 irr+d. m+a+ W iSI. ,. - Ib 9 kp it - T IL 90222 f do oa�.r 0 Is F 7 y ■ IL 91 dr i ■ i ik a "Owp a, oll:i. y � jo do r Poo ; � woe r i t 11 V.q -Not ua zi hwoG x 14:-ta 1 L -j je CL ant a 3%tZ 902 22 -W s VOL2893 PSIYI)3 1 I J ■ m I ■ ■ ■ ■ i i ■ i ■ ti J r t 7 - + m i + 4^ M2893 lir PSO 0 3 C.3 . jr �. ca J a W� PCMI + copr FRtfjl AT, ir t oa FILED F } 0311n, ar ff■ Ln MI y am op I COWM 9F utt" 1 NMI 19 it W" ft M 41 00 EV■ mod be"" JUL ad rKgg *t oks lt.1poiml rVg§D# ice! in " 14 *1" el idt Ar .1 MJK4 A o s li �- bw*" aw&pa I mol % s a a 0 a }* t a r gr ' a 4 Ar L liov *7 ■ EL M* i_ i EL LDM -Nn mar LAIN jp W 16 7 f f ' EL Ni t do 16 r� ■� -OF d4l. i t'ILED :rOR RWGE�D do , .IA IBY ■ Torol ` x �Emp-itr - eDJRY ()FAyt*!W DAY OF t)EPuTY 11.P.19 mlD ip-19 1% 14ARILYN IN a 1L08INSOtE. CWnlf CLMK DtMS4N COUN'l'IfI TPMS it IM 40 R& k Jl v (mn c.n a".r cwn cm 0 0 i i