ST0501-CS101213 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - ST05-01 Deforest Road From:   George Marshall To:   richard.brewster@oncor.com Date:   12/13/2010 12:07 PM Subject:   ST05-01 Deforest Road   Richard,   It has come to my attention that a contractor went onto 854 Cheshire Dr (alley off Deforest) and used the homeowner's water on Thursday 12/9/10.  The only contractor performing any work in the area is Oncor's pole relocation & underground work.  I visited the location and talked with Ronnie Free (sp?) with Oncor. He talked with the Infrastrux foreman.  Infrastrux was working in that area but indicated they only pumped water out of the hole.    The point I would like to make here is that if a contractor needs water they need to obtain a construction meter from our public works department and connect it to a Fire Hydrant or bring their own water.    Thank You, George     George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D060C8FCity...10/28/2011 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Re: Deforest Road From:   George Marshall To:   Helen-Eve Liebman Date:   12/13/2010 12:55 PM Subject:   Re: Deforest Road   Mrs. Liebman,   It was a pleasure talking with you earlier today.  I have sent a message to the contractor regarding this issue.  We will continue to monitor their work.  If you need anything further please don't hesitate to contact me.   Thank You, George   George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Helen-Eve Liebman <Hliebman@cityofallen.org> 12/13/2010 10:26 AM >>> Hello Ken, I hope this email finds you well.  I know we both will be looking forward to watching the Aggies play in the Cotton Bowl this year. I accessed the current construction projects on the City website and was hoping to find the Project Manager at the City for the Deforest Road project but I was unable to find the contact name. Perhaps you can forward my concern on to the appropriate PM. Last Thursday our gate to our driveway was open and it seems the contractor was using our water for the project in the alley. There was a considerable amount of sand and debris at our gate and in the alley.  There is a large hole next to the utility pole now and it has water in it.  They have provided the required safety fence. We would prefer being asked to use our water and not leaving such a mess in the future. Thanks.   Helen-Eve Liebman, AICP Senior Planner CITY OF ALLEN 305 Century Parkway Allen, Texas 75013 214-509-4172 hliebman@cityofallen.org   file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D0617C4City...10/28/2011