ST0501-CS110926 (10/28/2011) George Marshall - Re: Deforest BidPage 1 From: Christa Christian To: George Marshall Date: 9/26/2011 1:22 PM Subject: Re: Deforest Bid Everything looks good on the dates. The new bid # will be Q-1011-01 and I will look to place the ad this week. Thanks, Christa >>> George Marshall 9/26/2011 1:11 PM >>> Christa, We are looking at bidding Deforest Road. We were trying to bid it back in April but something came up. The bid # then was Q-0411-01. If we want to award the bid in November it looks like our schedule would be as follows: Add due to you 9-27-11 and due to the paper on the 28th. Add first run 9-30 & plans and specs ready at engineer's office Add 2nd run 10-7 Prebid 10-13-11 @ 10am Bid open 10-20-11 @ 10am This schedule would allow a week to make a decision before the agenda request is due for the November meeting. Thank You, George George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562