ST0501-CS110506 Page 1 of 2 George Marshall - RE: Deforest Road Schedule - Estates of Cambridge Manor From:   "Robinson, Douglas O." <Douglas.Robinson@as.willscot.com> To:   "George Marshall" <gmarshall@coppelltx.gov> Date:   5/6/2011 3:10 PM Subject:   RE: Deforest Road Schedule - Estates of Cambridge Manor   Thanks George, I’ll paraphrase the issues and note we’ll provide a scheduling update as soon as information is known.   The following is my personal opinion, no comment or action is required… I presume the Lakes of Coppell is a PD and was approved for a Wood Fence of a particular height along Deforest.  The City of Coppell’s street improvements should not yield a benefit to The Lakes beyond the relocation or replacement of the current improvements (fence).  As I see it, the only option would be for The Lakes to contribute the cost differential between the value of fence replacement and the design and installation of a masonry wall.  Further if the new retaining wall needed to be re- engineered to carry the gravity load of the masonry, this design and supplemental construction should also be at their expense. Observation - Does the HOA installed and maintained fencing extend to the side-yards of the homes at the corners of Deforest and Lake Forest Drive, and Deforest and Allen Drive, and the back yard fences of homes on Brentwood that abut Deforest?   Sorry for rambling, I’m on the Coppell Board of Adjustment and a State Code Board, and I’m amazed when people don’t address such issues sooner in the process.   Doug     Douglas Robinson Region Project Manager | Central Region Office | Williams Scotsman - an ALGECO SCOTSMAN Company 4590 Carey Street | Ft. Worth, TX 76119 office: 817-457-5300 x45401 | fax: 817-457-4999 dorobins@willscot.com | willscot.com Our V3 guarantee means on-time delivery for single wide mobile offices and storage containers or you’ll get one month FREE rent.   Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail    *Six months minimum lease term, up to $500. See full program details at www.willscot.com/ClaimForm From: George Marshall [mailto:gmarshall@coppelltx.gov] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 11:08 AM To: Robinson, Douglas O. Subject: Re: Deforest Road Schedule - Estates of Cambridge Manor   Mr. Robinson,   I'm sure you are starting to think I am a broken record as far as the time line goes.  Today, I don't have a good idea as far as the beginning of construction.  The issue at hand is that the Lakes of Coppell HOA has requested that the City build  a masonry screen wall along the south side of Deforest.  This is an interesting and complicated issue because it is the Lakes of Coppell HOA that originally built and currently maintains the existing wood fence.  The City is looking into some items with our attorney and will get back with the HOA soon.  Once this issue is resolved, we can re-look at the project schedule (If file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4DC40F56City...10/31/2011 Page 2 of 2 plan changes are necessary or if we can go out to bid).   As far as Utility relocations go, Time Warner & Verizon are still working.  I'm not sure if you were aware but at the north west corner of the intersection of Deforest & MacArthur the crew working for Verizon managed to bore into the side of our 30" wastewater force main out of the lift station.  They are finishing up the repair and should be complete sometime next week.  I am being told both crews should be complete within the next month or so.   I appreciate your help with communication.  I truly thought this project would have moved faster.   Thank You, George   George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> "Robinson, Douglas O." <Douglas.Robinson@as.willscot.com> 5/6/2011 9:37 AM >>> George,   Thanks for providing updates to Rick Rothwell or myself over the past year+ for Deforest scheduling updates.  We are sharing the updates within our HOA and with other HOA’s on Deforest.   What are some good talking points for utility and contractor status and, as we get closer to physical construction and lane closure, what is you best (realistic) estimate for the start of construction.   We hope that our periodic communications are helping spread the word and limit the repetitive public requests to your office; at least this is our intent. Thank you for your continued efforts and any info you can provide.   Doug Robinson 609 Castle Creek Dr. Douglas Robinson Region Project Manager | Central Region Office | Williams Scotsman - an ALGECO SCOTSMAN Company 4590 Carey Street | Ft. Worth, TX 76119 office: 817-457-5300 x45401 | fax: 817-457-4999 dorobins@willscot.com | willscot.com Our V3 guarantee means on-time delivery for single wide mobile offices and storage containers or you’ll get one month FREE rent.   Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail    *Six months minimum lease term, up to $500. See full program details at www.willscot.com/ClaimForm   file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4DC40F56City...10/31/2011