ST0501-CS110411 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Force Main Damage From:   Glenn Hollowell To:   Ernest Powell;  George Marshall;  Jeffrey Graham;  Jose Garza;  Ken Grif...     Date:4/11/2011 1:46 PM     Subject:Force Main Damage Attachments:9-27-10 027.jpg; 9-27-10 017.jpg; 9-27-10 018.jpg; 9-27-10 019.jpg; 9-27-10 020.jpg; 9-27-     10 021.jpg; 9-27-10 022.jpg; 9-27-10 025.jpg; 9-27-10 026.jpg   Good Afternoon,   Attached are some pictures of the damage to the force main that were taken on Saturday. The worst part of the damage was to the very bottom of the pipe. Pictures 17 through 22 were taken from the west side of the pipe facing east. Pictures 25 through 27 were taken from the east side looking west. The pipe looks like a bear tried to claw his way into the pipe. Instead of one big hole, the damage actually created a bunch of very small holes. file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4DA30651City...10/31/2011