ST0501-CS110407 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Fwd: Deforest Lift Station Update From:   Glenn Hollowell To:   Albert Samaniego;  Ernest Powell;  George Marshall;  Jeffrey Graham;  Ke...     Date:4/7/2011 8:53 AM     Subject:Fwd: Deforest Lift Station Update CC:   Leslie Henderson Attachments:   Deforest Lift Station Update   Good Morning All,   We did not have any problems last night with the lift station. It functioned normally even though it was pumping through the old force main. I do not remember whose idea it was to tie the old force main into the new station but it sure was a life saver yesterday. Sandy Lake lift station did not have any problems handling the additional load from Deforest either.   The contractor was back on-site this morning at daylight ready to go to work. They were assembling their trench box when I left there a few minutes ago. They should start their excavation work within the hour.   A representative from the pipe fusion company will be on-site this afternoon at 1 p.m. to discuss the various repair options. We will probably need to see the damage to the pipe in order to decide on the best option.   I would also like to echo Ted's thank you  from last night. We really appreciate everyone's help with the emergency, especially everyone who helped turn the 30" valve. That could have been a very bad situation had there only been a couple of people there to do that job.   Thanks again,   Glenn file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D9D7B6CCit...10/31/2011