ST0501-SP110329 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Re: Laptop for Naztec From:    Rick Moore To:   George Marshall Date:   3/29/2011 1:11 PM Subject:    Re: Laptop for Naztec   We use a model very similar to this for the police cars and the vendor said we should expect at least 5 years.  Considering what this one will be used for I would think it would be about the same. >>> George Marshall 3/29/2011 1:06 PM >>> Ok, Will do.  Is 5 years a typical replacement schedule?   George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> Rick Moore 3/29/2011 1:05 PM >>> GM, James may have already spoken to you.  The config on the Panasonic laptop they are proposing will work fine.   One thing to consider.  It won't last forever so please be sure to have Leslie (or someone) add a replacement to the 5 year plan when it is updated next year.   Rick file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D91DA87City...10/31/2011