ST0501-CS111129 Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Public meeting for Deforest Rd project From:   Rhonda Adloo<radloo@coppelltx.gov> (Rhonda Adloo) To:   tringo@coppellisd.com     Date:11/29/2011 2:00 PM     Subject:Public meeting for Deforest Rd project CC:   Carol Primeaux;  Deborah Gallet;  George Marshall;  Sharon Logan Attachments:   ST0501-CS111128.pdf   Ms. Ringo, The attachment to this email is a brief overview of a road reconstruction project that will affect traffic and bus routes in the northeast section of town beginning in January. The map shows how traffic will be routed during the course of construction.  I am sending it to as many organizations as possible so that we can be prepared when Deforest Road becomes a one-way street temporarily.  I mailed a hard copy of the letter and map to CISD's Transportation Dept. at the CMSW Service Center.   The public meeting planned for Dec. 8th is being held so the city's Engineering staff can disseminate details about the construction and the time periods involved, as well as answer questions from those who will be directly affected by the project.  Please forward this info to those in your organization who may have an interest and a need to plan ahead for the project's impact.   The Engineering Dept.'s contact for the project is George Marshall, P.E.  He can be reached at 972-304-3562 or at gmarshall@coppelltx.gov       Rhonda Adloo Engineering Department Administrative Technician 972/304-3682 radloo@coppelltx.gov   Consider the environment before printing this email.             file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4ED4E59BCity...12/14/2011