ST0501-CS111202 (2) Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Deforest Message Board From:   Per Birdsall To:   George Marshall;  Keith Marvin     Date:12/2/2011 10:04 AM     Subject:Deforest Message Board Attachments:   SolarTech Program Sheet.pdf   Keith & George   I have attached a message work up sheet for the display if the message below requires considerable modification otherwise just let me know the correction(s).  The only currently known location that will accommodate the board with a safe side clearance is on the west side of MacArthur on the lift station property. Let me know. Thanks, Per   DEFOREST ROAD CONST   PUBLIC MEETING   DEC 6 AT 6 PM TOWN CTR file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4ED8A2B1City...12/14/2011