ST0501-CS111203 (12/14/2011) George Marshall - Deforest Road Public MeetingPage 1 From: Ken Griffin To: kmjohnson56@yahoo.com CC: George Marshall, Glenn Hollowell, Per Birdsall Date: 12/3/2011 10:09 PM Subject: Deforest Road Public Meeting Ms. Johnson The correct date for the meeting is Thursday the 8th. I've alerted my staff to correct the sign. Sorry for confusion, Ken Griffin, P. E. Director of Engineering and Public Works Page 1 of 1 George Marshall - Deforest Rd Project Public meeting From:   Karen Johnson <kmjohnson56@yahoo.com> To:   George Marshall <gmarshall@coppelltx.gov> Date:   12/3/2011 7:09 PM Subject:   Deforest Rd Project Public meeting   Hello George,   Quick question....is the date of the public meeting Thursday 12/8 as indicated in the notification I received in the mail last week or is it Tuesday 12/6 as shown on the BIG flashing sign at the intersection of MacArthur and Deforest Road?   Thanks,   Karen Johnson Deforest Court file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4EDA73E5City...12/14/2011