ST0501-CS111208 (2) Page 1 of 2 George Marshall - RE: Deforest Road Project #ST-05-01 From:   <Robert.Corley@nokia.com> To:   <gmarshall@coppelltx.gov> Date:   12/8/2011 1:20 PM Subject:   RE: Deforest Road Project #ST-05-01   Hello, Thanks for you thoughts, discussion, and response. I look forward to the improvements upcoming. They should alleviate some major issues in the end and provide great benefit to the community :) Thank you, Robert From: ext George Marshall Sent: 12/8/2011 1:09 PM To: Corley Robert (Nokia-M/Dallas) Subject: RE: Deforest Road Project #ST-05-01 Mr. Corley,   We have discussed this issue amongst the staff here and have determined that at this point in time we will not pursue restricting parking on one side of Lake Forest.  We want people to detour to Allen Road due to it's width, allowing parking on both sides and two lanes of traffic.  We would like to see that traffic regulate itself as much as possible.  We may see those people that can park in their driveway but choose to park in the street, change their parking habits due to these exact concerns. At the same time, we will be closely monitoring the traffic and making adjustments as necessary.    While Deforest is a one-way street the only streets prior to Lake Forest are Prestwick, Inglenook and Stratford, which limits the number of potential vehicles entering Lake Forest.   Thank You, George     George Marshall, PE City of Coppell Engineering 972-304-3562 >>> <Robert.Corley@nokia.com> 12/2/2011 9:47 PM >>> Hello Mr. Marshall,   I received your letter yesterday regarding the upcoming Deforest road project.  I will not be able to attend the public meeting, so I wanted to send you an email instead. My concern has to do with the traffic on Lake Forest Drive.  As a constant user of Lake Forest Drive, I am constantly plagued with one-way traffic.  It is especially difficult to traverse this road when heading towards file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4EE0B99FCity...12/15/2011 Page 2 of 2 MacArthur from Lakeview Drive.  The issue is that the road is not wide enough to support owners parking on both sides of the street.  Often, I am forced to pull to the side while a steady stream of cars headed from MacArthur pass me.  My concern is that once the main way out of the area is Lake Forest, it will become even more difficult to get out and will cause more “traffic jams” and potential accidents. My suggestion is that cars should only be allowed to park on one side of Lake Forest during the construction project to ensure we can have two-way traffic and it will not get more congested than it is already. Should you wish to gather more information or have any questions, please let me know.   Thank you, Robert Corley 817-307-0722 file://C:\Documents and Settings\radloo\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4EE0B99FCity...12/15/2011