ST0501-BD111109 (2)ADDENDUM NO. 1 CITY OF COPPELL DEFOREST ROAD RECONSTRUCTION — PROJECT NO. ST 05 -01 BID NO. 1011 -01 OCTOBER 17, 2011 To: All Plan Holders of Record This addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Contract Documents and Specifications as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form and on the outer envelope of the Bid Proposal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject the Bidder to disqualification. This addendum consists of 3 pages and 2 attachments. Bidders are directed to revise and /or incorporate into the bid the following items: Comments and information 1. The secondary bonus (pg 1 -13 Construction Specifications) associated with construction from Allen Road to Windsor Estates will be paid when construction of two way traffic is restored on the new concrete street between Allen Road and Windsor Estates. One -lane traffic utilizing a traffic signal does not constitute two -way traffic. If the contractor does not restrict traffic to 1 -lane, 2 -way direction outside of daily flagging operations then the City will pay the full bonus. The contractor may request payment of this bonus on the following monthly invoice. 2. Any cut in the existing street shall have an approved riding surface of 2- inches of asphalt within 5 calendar days of opening to traffic. Within the 5 days, flex base material may be used as a riding surface. No separate payment for flex base material. In the event rain is either forecasted or has occurred, the contractor shall replace the flex base material with an asphalt riding surface. 3. Any utility work within MacArthur Blvd. shall have an asphalt riding surface immediately upon construction of the utility or steel plating if finished concrete is poured within 3 days. 4. Pay items 233 & 234 for 2 -inch temporary asphalt are a "Plans Quantity Measurement ". (pg 5 -13 Construction Specifications) 5. The Contractor shall cut and plug and abandon in place the existing storm sewer along the landscape walls of 603 Prestwick Ct, Lot 1, Block A, in lieu of removal and will be paid for cut and plug instead of removal. (plans sheet 29 of 79 from Sta 0 +80, 28.9' LT to Sta 1 +92, 26.4' LT). Additional cut and plug has been provided in the revised bid schedule a. All existing storm sewer to be abandoned in place shall be grouted in place with flowable fill. See specification below for flowable fill. A new pay Item 255 has been provided with quantity for the 18" storm sewer under Macarthur Blvd. and Deforest Road Reconstruction Addendum No. 1 Pagel of 3 the portion of storm sewer near landscape walls of 603 Prestwick Ct, Lot 1, Block A. Flowable Fill Specification This specification identifies the basic requirements for furnishing and placing flowable fill in all abandoned storm sewer mains Prior to the installation of flowable fill, the contractor shall compute the theoretical volume of the plenum for the pipe reach being filled and deliver these calculations to the cit o�ppell representative This item shall include, but not limited to, the flowable fill which shall consist of 200 psi slurry and be pumped from the upstream end to the downstream end of each pipe section. This Payment shall be per cubic foot of material placed. The price shall be full compensations for flowable fill, pumping, placing and furnishing all labor, equipment, tools, materials and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Mix Designs (Maximum Density) The mixes fall into the categories of "very flowable" and "less flowable ". The Contractor shall use a "very flowable" material for filling the void space in pipes for this particular project * One cubic yard of very flowable fill will be mixed to contain more than 27 cubic feet due to the additional water. Above values are based on specific gravities — cement, 3.15: fly ash, 2.27; sand, 2.64; and water, 1.00. Anticipated unconfined compressive strength is 80 psi at 28 days and 150 psi at 56 days. 6. The contractor is not responsible for cleaning and CCTV of existing storm sewers at time of connection or break -in. 7. Pay Item #252 - Mow strip between spread footing retaining walls shall be 4 -inch thick concrete with 2 - #3 bars running longitudinal with #3 bars spaced every 24- inches. 8. Construction within MacArthur Blvd. requires arrow boards for traffic control. 9. City of Coppell allows 5 '/2 sack minimum cement concrete mix design for machine paving. Hand pours will require additional cement per NCTCOG Item 303.5.6.2. 10. Form liner for retaining walls shall have a seamless transition between forms. (5 -11 & 5 -12 Construction Specifications) Deforest Road Reconstruction Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 3 Mix 1 Mix 2 Less Flowable Very Flowable Weights Volume Weights Volume Min. 50 lbs Cement .25 Min. 50 lbs Cement .25 Min. 600 lbs Fly Ash 4.24 Min. 600 lbs Fly Ash 4.24 SSD 2500 lbs Sand 15.17 SSD 2500 lbs Sand 15.17 55 Gal 458 lbs Water 7.34 65 Gal 541 lbs Water 8.68 Total Cubic Feet 27.00 *Total Cubic Feet 28.34 * One cubic yard of very flowable fill will be mixed to contain more than 27 cubic feet due to the additional water. Above values are based on specific gravities — cement, 3.15: fly ash, 2.27; sand, 2.64; and water, 1.00. Anticipated unconfined compressive strength is 80 psi at 28 days and 150 psi at 56 days. 6. The contractor is not responsible for cleaning and CCTV of existing storm sewers at time of connection or break -in. 7. Pay Item #252 - Mow strip between spread footing retaining walls shall be 4 -inch thick concrete with 2 - #3 bars running longitudinal with #3 bars spaced every 24- inches. 8. Construction within MacArthur Blvd. requires arrow boards for traffic control. 9. City of Coppell allows 5 '/2 sack minimum cement concrete mix design for machine paving. Hand pours will require additional cement per NCTCOG Item 303.5.6.2. 10. Form liner for retaining walls shall have a seamless transition between forms. (5 -11 & 5 -12 Construction Specifications) Deforest Road Reconstruction Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 3 11. Pay Items #250 -251 No substitute allowed for truncated dome pavers for barrier free ramps unless mockup provided and approved by the City. 12. At the southern median nose of MacArthur Blvd at Deforest Road the storm sewer manhole elevations were verified not to be in conflict with the pavement. (sheet 15 of 79) 13. Traffic Signal Cabinet shall be Naztec 70006 - Coppell and not "LWSVL ". (sheet 37 of 79) Attachments: 1. Revised Bid Proposal (Sheet 17 through 37) 2. TXDOT PR -1 rail detail End of Addendum No. 1 % %V%T % w E 4 �� dl�'.. . .......... . . .. .............. LOWEL,L D De O T fir., 93862 ONAL Deforest Road Reconstruction Addendum No. 1 Page 3 of 3