ST8503-CS 881228 (2) TO: Linda Grau Assistant City Secretary RE: Your Memo': Detour of Bethel Road (Harris Road) Linda, as of this date I am. :unaware of any decision to close the intersection of Denton Tap & Bethel and detour traffic do~ Bethel School Road. ~thel School Road is 20 feet' wide and the right-of-way is 25 feet ~hich leaves only 2~ feet ~ .on either side of the pavement. This ~road was sealcoated in 1982. (if memory serves me correctly) and is primarily used by residents of the Hunterwood and winddance Quadroplex. ur Street Forem~'"'¥er Birdsall has advised me that both the stop ign and the stop ahead sign are visi.ble from approximately 50 yards rom the point in which a Vehicle~ mu'St come to a stop. The stop sign was installed at the reco~endation of our City Engineer at the time wimdd~nce Quadroplex and improvements to Harris Road took place · It is staff's opinion from''fi~id-obServati°ns that the primary cause of sudden stops and/or .the problems. that were mentioned was excessive speed by the motorists. T~e current speed on this' road is 30 mph and it may be possible to "ask the: City Engineer to review this situation to determine whether the 30 mph speed limit is appropriate for this road. Staff .advised that there are additional curve war~i~g signs within this stretch of .road on Bethel Schoolmate0 The improvements to De~t0n .'Tap i's .a Capital Imp~vement ~roject · · · ted b our Consulting~ Engineer through our inhouse ~and is adm[n[stra. ~ Y ~ ~- ~wardin~ your ~emorandum to Russell En ineering Deparcmen[. ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ '--~"r doncern as it relates g hat he may De appr[se~ ~ ~~Yla~n p~ds~l~ detour subsequent to the closure of Betmel Roae 5 , .