ST8503-CS 881115 GINN, INC. CONSUI TING ENGINEERS November 15, 1988 Mr. Mike Albert, President Ed Bell Construction Co P.O. Box 540787 Dallas, TX 75220-0777 Re: Bethel School Road Improvements Dear Mr. Albert: The City Council voted for final acceptance of the above referenced project and authorized final payment at the November 8, 1988 council meeting. The one year warranty period shall become effective as of that date. It was indeed, our pleasure to work with your firm on this project. The professionalism and courtesy of your people, along with their willingness and commitment, were instrumental in providing a quality project completed on time and within budget. Please convey our appreciation to Bud Baker, Mike Robbins and others involved in the project for "a job well done". We hope to have the opportunity of working on future projects with your firm. Sincerely, Gabe Favre cc: Alan Ratliff Russell Doyle, P.E. Steve Goram Mayor and Council H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Walter Ellison Randy Fleming 17103 I'rcston Road · Suite 100 · I~1~ 1114 · I)alla,z. Tcxa,s 7524,q ~' Phone 214/24,q-d900