ST8503-CS 880914 COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ' September 14, 1988 ,,,.~.,~ ~0: Russe~~le, City Engineer FROH: Steve Goram, Director of Public ~o RE: Intersection of Bethol School & Hoore - Complaints Received Attached are 3 complaints received this afternoon by residents of Bethel School Road regarding the above referenced interesection. According to the residents a number of traffic accidents have occured at this intersection and citizens are requesting a signal or stop signs. These complaints are being forwarded to your office for review as it will require Engineering analysis. If further information is needed, please advise. SGG/sm ~COMPLAINT FORM TYPE OF COMPLAINT: OCM PWD C I T I ZENJ DEPT. REPLY TO: DUE DATE: (NOTIFY SEC. TO UPDATE) ACTION TAKEN OR REASON DENIED: COMPLETION DATE COMMENTS: .COMPLAINT FORM YYPE OF COMPLAINT: OCM PWD CITI ZEN b// DEPT. NAME: ~~'-_' ~~__~Z~/~~~_~ .... ~.~o~, ~~_:_Z~~ ....... ¢ ~___~ ~~.__~~z%~_~ .............. REPLY TO: DUE DATE: (NOTIFY SEC. TO UPDATE) ACTION TAKEN OR REASON DENIED: COMPLETION DATE COMMENTS: ~COMPLAINT FORM TYPE OF COMPLAINT: PWD CITIZEN j DEPT. NAME: ADDRESS ~..o~: __~_!_~_~77__!~_ REPLY TO: DUE DATE: (NOTIFY SEC. TO UPDATE) ACTION TAKEN OR REASON DENIED: COMPLETION DATE COMMENTS: