ST8503-CS 880715 03 Preston Road ~Suite 100, LB-118 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 WE ARE SENDING YOU A~~ttached r-I Under separate cover via /] ~"/f~--J/ .the following iJ~ems: [] Shop drawinss ~ Prints ~ Plans ~ Samples ~ Specifications ~ Copy of letter ~ Change order ~ ~t~z /~ m COPI ES DATE NO. DESCRI PTION THESE ARE ,RANSMI.ED as check~ below: :: B For ~pprov~l U ~pprov~ ~s submitted U Resubmit copie~ for approval your use U Approved as not~ U S~il ~pi~ f~r distribution ~ ~s reque~t~ B Relurned for ~rr~ti~.~ ~ ~t.r._ correct~ pri.t~ a For review and comment ~ /~'~tZ /:"~>'~: ~ & ~ FOR BIDS DUE 19__ ~ PRINTS RETURNED A~ER LOAN TO US ,x/ :" . .. o/z ? 7~j:..~. c_ ,,.-'~<' ~'- >~,/ T'/./ coPY To_ .~'//Z:,~'~ ,.':, Y,.,, , D"V/~ ..... '- - SIGNED: PI~OO41~T?40-3 ~lnc, G~len, ~ 014~1 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. TELEX 820~5g, 0 ~ '""" TELEPHONE 12141 §§6-1475 DALLAS. TEXAS 75354'0787 JUL 2 819 Mr. Gabe Favre Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Rd. Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 RE: Additional Riprap Bethel School Road - Coppell Our Project 796 Dear Sir: As discussed by phone we propose to construct the additional riprap called for in Field Change Number 12 for the lump sum price $635.00. We respectfully request to use reinforcing steel bars grouted with epoxy rather than the expansion bolts shown on your drawing to the the new riprap to the existing. Very truly 'yours, ED BELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY H. W. Baker Vice-President HWB/gh AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "~ , '~