ST8503-CS 880405 REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE P..o~E~ T~L ~Cl4ooc [~o~c) SPEC,ALREPORT.O. - ' ~o,,.~c,o. ~ ~cll d~s4, (o I h~. CROSS REFERENCE TO '~ DAILY REPORT ~0. I~STRUCTIONS Wh~.~v~ a.y corr~cti~ cha,~ is m~ i, field co,~tr~ctio, ~ich i~ ~t variance with the ipecificatio~t and drawJngt at originally i~u~d. i com~l~lt ~l~il~d rt~ort ~11 ~ fJl~. li~ti~g Iht following ittm~. ~ that ~Kifi~lionl Or drawingl stori~ dali ctn ~ coffered. I. Idt~lJfy Iht problem: I~dicit~ ~y origi~ll~ i~Kitied construction was not used. ]. T~J Solution: D~cri~. in detail, th~ r~ommended chan~ or chants that ~re m~e. as ap~licabl~. ~. I.dicit~ wh~th~r thi~ i~ a~ i~olated ca~ or a ~naral condition which could ~ improved by changing future specifications or drawing. 4~ Submit lketch~ Il REFERENCE DATA SPECIFICATION SECTIQN No, PAGE No. PARAGRAPH No. DESCRIPTION 3. IS THE PROBLEM AN ISOLATED CASE OR GENERAL? I~("~'~'i'-~'' ~')